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Messages - Roman

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clrmame Discussion / Re: support empty directories
« on: 07 October 2023, 08:52 »
Do you have an example dat?

clrmame Discussion / Re: [REBUILDER] multiple INPUT sources
« on: 04 October 2023, 16:45 »
Only one is currently supported ( optionally recursive ).

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME SL: Fujitsu FM Towns CD-ROMs
« on: 04 October 2023, 15:06 »
Your file/folder structure should look like:

<rompath>/aressh4.zip (holding a-iv-systemdisk_new.hdm)
<rompath>/aressh4o.zip (holding a-iv-systemdisk_old.hdm)
<rompath>/aressh4/aiv - a ressha de ikou 4 (japan).chd

any other aressh4* folder/file is obsolete

For that test I've used a rebuilt archive, not the one you had in your archive. The problem is based on an archive file index / order problem.

When a rename operation fails (and in that case, 2 renames fail since the right name already exists in the archive), it moves the not renamed ones to backup (so they can be picked up later on again). So it made a backup of file 5 and 6 for example. So far so good. Unfortunately, it directly removed the files, so it copied 5 to backup, removed 5, copied 6, removed 6 without having the indexes refreshed in between. So when it removed 5, copying 6 was simply the wrong file.
In my case the archive order was simply the other way around. It copied 6, removed 6, copied 5, removed 5, so it always picked the correct ones. To understand this: The backup copy is index based, the removal is filename based at that point...
So it only happens when more than 1 file failed during rename (where the right name files also exists in the archive)

The fix is pretty simple, do the removal of all of the backup'ed files after the copy....

clrmame Discussion / Re: Download 404?
« on: 26 September 2023, 20:23 »
Maybe refresh your browser cache....(e.g. by loading the page via CRTL-F5) the links work fine here.

nice finding......it actually backup'ed the wrong file (when there were more than 1 in the queue....in a failed rename...blablabla...) Thank god the new scanner won't have such special things....

clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 4.047a released
« on: 26 September 2023, 15:22 »
fixed: pick wrong file for backup during a failed rename where multiple files are involved

Tiny one...but might become useful for next MAME......

Found and fixed....was an index problem when a backup is done when a rename failed (since the new name already exists).

New version later today....

Thanks a lot for finding that one

Guess what, while I can't repeat it on one machine, I did the test on another this morning and there I can repeat it. Hmm...Maybe some kind of order/timing problem...I will do further checks.

ok I've tried it again with the released version....and I can't repeat it at all.
Simply running a full fix scan twice ends up with a good set, nothing's lost.

Hmm....actually it works for me fine now.

By the way, scanner's fix missing automatically looks in your backup path for matching files which were removed in a previous unneeded case.

So I run a full fix scan, it reports missing rom: hipoly\1.11d and missing rom: hipoly\2.4a
Pretty normal for now, since they were moved to backup. Another scan will show them up as fixable and cmpro wants to readd them fine.
So nothing is lost.

Today I don't get the unpack file problem which may be the cause of the reported issue (an unpack to backup failed but the file was removed).
I will look into that again but for now I cannot repeat it. The unpack might have failed because for whatever reason the backup file already exists (however cmpro uses a new file name then....weird...)...as I said...I will double check that.

Update: Hmm...ok..one thing...yesterday I've tested it with the released exe and today with a debug version. Same code basis but updated visual studio (and of course debug mode)...maybe that's the difference....Will check when I'm done with real life work...

Well, yes, interesting. It all happens since one of the rename step fails ("Unpack failed on file -> E:\Temp\test3\trackfld.zip\hyprolymb\3.a4") and you/cmpro continues with fixing the unneeded fixes...
I will have a closer look at it tomorrow.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Alive and kicking
« on: 20 September 2023, 06:40 »
First version will be a standalone Scanner, so call it Scanner ;-). Later on I will merge both standalones (rebuilder and scanner) and will think about some kind of profiler ....no working title yet...

clrmame Discussion / Re: Alive and kicking
« on: 18 September 2023, 06:18 »
Time will tell. Tosec? Well, as long as they follow the xml layout of MAME I don't see a problem. I haven't thought about any 1G1R mode yet though. For now, a clean, small core is all I'm interested in.....

clrmame Discussion / Re: Alive and kicking
« on: 15 September 2023, 06:25 »
That sounds wrong (if I fully understand it), you're saying that the scanner adds files to unselected sets? How? By fix-missing? If a set is disabled it should not even complain about missing files nor should a fix-missing operation work on it. In full merged sets you may run into weird effects if you e.g. enabled a clone but got the parent disabled, then of course the "parent" set exists but only with the clone files....Disabling sets is a bad idea anyhow ;-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Alive and kicking
« on: 14 September 2023, 09:29 »
Currently I'm focusing on the core but yes, of course an UI is something on the list, as a first step a minimal one like in the new rebuilder.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Alive and kicking
« on: 14 September 2023, 06:31 »
well, if everything else is running fine, I can think of some additional filtering possibilities.
Currently the new rebuilder and scanner already have a regular expression based filter option to select only some of the sets.

I can think of a generic include/exclude option which would allow selecting a subset of machines based on whatever you want inside the xml, e.g. by providing an xpath expression. That would be an extremely powerful selector/deselector, e.g. -include "/*machine[driver[@status='good'] and not(contains(manufacturer, 'Taito')]" would include only non Taito manufacture machines with good driver status ....

Actually that idea came up right now while writing this post...and I definetly put it on my list. One thing is questionable though: Such a selector would only pick machines on their own. There is no "also include parent / clone / bios / devices"....but hey...I need something to do for the future....

clrmame Discussion / Alive and kicking
« on: 12 September 2023, 11:57 »
It’s quiet here, isn't it?

One reason is that it's summertime and real life, holidays, Diablo4 and other stuff kept me busy.

But just wanted to say that I'm alive and kicking and working on a new scanner, similar to the new rebuilder.

Fortunately, the code basis of the rebuilder with the new concept of having views on XML data instead of implementing rules for different merge modes makes coding life very easy.

The scanner is in a state that it runs fine already in finding and reporting all issues. Didn't start the fixing part at all, but it is planned that this will be an easy set of straight forward archive or file operations like rename/delete/add.

Compared to the cmpro's scanner, where you can differ between missing, case, name, size, checksum etc checks, you will have all in one and it comes down to missing, wrong name or unneeded. You see, simplification is one of the goals. You won't need to specify anything to do this or that check.

One of the main things I wanted to find a good solution for are -taadaa- rompaths. As you might now not all people tend to put all sets into one (1) rompath. Some people split the collection by bios (so you got rompaths for e.g., neogeo, playchoice10 and so on), others may go even further and use something like a manufacturer/year combination. Since configurating rompaths is usually an annoying thing if #rompaths > 1, the new scanner will allow simply specifying a root folder plus some storing pattern expression, like the pattern the new rebuilder allows. If it comes to softwarelists (and loading a full software list xml), you can now simply use one rompath root. In cmpro it is really annoying to setup hundreds of paths. Of course you can also specify single ones, but maybe you get inspired to use some more structured paths.

Regarding speed I can say that it already looks promising compared to the cmpro scanner, some benchmarks will follow.
Keep in mind that with such large data as a MAME collection, you already have a fixed amount of time just to read in all the archives' central directories with your preferred zip/7z/file routine. You can't really get below that. Surely this time differs from SSD to HD and using/not using disk cache. Due to the new code basis, the on top part, the actual checking, becomes a very small part of the overall used time now.

For now, it is command line based but as you see from last rebuilder release, a simple UI can be added pretty quickly.
I'm currently also thinking about a better way for the command line output. Scanning a messy collection produces a lot of text output, so I think I may additionally write a result xml file which can be used for some plain html/xslt rendering purpose....time will tell.

It's still far away from a Profiler/Rebuilder/Scanner solution....but hey...let's see what the future brings...

So...just wanted to send out a small "hello world"....till next time.


clrmame Discussion / Re: why some sample are unnedded?
« on: 27 August 2023, 19:36 »
You only need the "sample parent" sets placed in your samples path (assuming you're using split or full merged sets and an official latest MAME direct data import, or the latest progetto samples datfile).
So ftaerobi, not nes_bandai_pt554. moepro and not nes_jf13 and so on.

All valid sample sets can be found at https://www.progettosnaps.net/samples/

Your problem is not related to cmpro. It's a question of old chds which can't be converted via chdman to match the current ones. You need to find the old chds or the new chds depending on which MAME version you want to check.

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