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clrmame Discussion / Re: New Scanner (WIP)
« on: 28 May 2024, 18:54 »
So...another small wip to keep you updated...

I'm pretty 'feature complete' with the scanner (whatever this means for a 0.01 version).

Scanner: I've added 'add paths' which allow you automatic searching/adding missing roms/chds for your collection plus some reorganizing here and there. The log points out if there was an error and gives a very little stats output (just how many machines are ok / bad).

Rebuilder: The rebuilder now also got a backup path (whenever that is needed...) and supports multi input paths and I've also aligned the UI a bit so that it comes closer to the scanner. Of course this is all preliminary .......and of course it also got the xpath filtering with auto dependency stuff like the scanner.

So...two small screenshots attached...as I said..nothing really special today.....now I guess I should start writing a readme for the scanner.....

clrmame Discussion / Re: New Scanner (WIP)
« on: 22 May 2024, 06:21 »
Old cmpro can filter on driver status only.
With the new scanner (and xpath) you will be able to filter on anything inside the xml ;-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: New Scanner (WIP)
« on: 20 May 2024, 09:23 »
When you talk about "labeled preliminary" are you refering to driver's status,cocktail or emulation attribute? Or all of them?

<!ATTLIST driver status (good|imperfect|preliminary) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST driver emulation (good|imperfect|preliminary) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST driver cocktail (good|imperfect|preliminary) #IMPLIED>

one possible xpath for the emulation attribute would be

or if you want emulation and status attributes being something else than preliminary, you can use
xp://machine[driver[not(@emulation='preliminary') and not(@status='preliminary')]]

the dependencies (needed parent/bios/devices) get added internally

clrmame Discussion / Re: New Scanner (WIP)
« on: 18 May 2024, 18:02 »
ok....small wip mainly about filters:

one little thing on my to do list was supporting xpath for filtering, so I've added that and it gives you fantastic possibilities to filter on specific things..
The filter input field (or commandline attribute) is used for this. Currently it supports regular expressions for filtering machines on name only (see rebuilder readme.md). Using xpath filterings gives you more power. To use it, you need to prefix the filterstring with "xp:", otherwise it's the regular expression filter and your xpath expression needs to select software, machine or game elements.

So here we go with some examples:

Filtering a -listsoftwarelist output by only taking the Commodore software lists into account:

xp://softwarelist[contains(@description, 'Commodore')]/software

Filtering a -listxml output by selecting machines which have a baddump disk:


Filtering a -listxml output by selecting machines which have preliminary emulation status and Taito as manufacturer:

xp://machine[driver[@emulation='preliminary'] and manufacturer='Taito']

If you are familar with xpath, you already can imagine what you can do here. If not, learn xpath ;-)

Another thing with filtering is that you most likely want the dependencies included automatically. So you want to filter on a clone machine, but you also need the parent/bios/devices files included.
The filtering does that for you now, so if you filter on pacman, it will also include all the dependencies for you.

Attached are some screenshot parts which show some filtering for the examples above, also one showing the dependencies (including showing empty machines, which you already know as a feature).

On a side note I did some work on speed improvements, solving some thread safety things which should also positively affect the rebuilder core. And I found a way for handling the weird things like the samples of battles and homerun in a full merged environment...if you have no idea what I'm talking about, well, ignore me or check cloneof versus sampleof versus fullmerged).

So....tada...till next time

Cmpro takes version information from the datfile or when using an exe for import it looks for such information in the created xml output (e.g. Mame‘s -listxml output). Most likely pinmame does not provide such info in its output.

clrmame Discussion / New Scanner (WIP)
« on: 02 May 2024, 17:31 »
Well, it was pretty quiet the last weeks...so before you might think that nothing is happening, here is a little peak.
While I was indeed pretty busy with real life I can say that the scanner is still alive, so let's write a bit about it.

As you might know (https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=9199.0), the scanner does already a pretty good job in scanning uncompressed and compressed sets, no matter how you organized them (plain, in multiple rompaths, in pattern styled subpaths (e.g. by year/manufacturer/etc) and scanning MAME -listxml output (or anything which followes this format), -listsoftware collections and single MAME hash files. It can do a 'new scan' or a 'scan' where the latter takes scan results information from a previous scan into account (similar to current cmpro).

And now, it also fixes all found problems.

- It is able to auto detect possible missing but fixable files (roms/chds) in your rompaths and in your backup path and everything in one (1) scan and it tries to find a best place for it (as long as you're using one rompath you wouldn't care...but there are people who use pattern-like storage or split chds and roms, etc....)
- It detects wrong names (machines/roms/chds) and fixes them of course
- It detects unneeded files wherever they are and puts them to the backup path before getting rid of them. It does not automatically zip them as cmpro does (see a thread on this forum about it) but takes over the format from the origin and reproduces the rom path structure inside the backup folder. If a file with the same name but different hash already exist there, the scanner will take care of it.

Attached are some screenshots:
- one showing the context menus which you can use to modify the output or copy data to the clipboard
- one showing an example output of scanning a software list collection (no need for multiple profiles or a complex setup...just scan)
- one showing an example output of scanning multiple rompaths and showing complete and partly missing but not fully missing ones...

So..what's missing for a 0.01 version

- doing some more tests with some different scenarios
- a handful of minor nice to haves (still not wanting to add all kind of requests though)
- I'm not yet fully satisfied with writing the scanresults file and fix dat file..it works fine but I think I can speed it up a bit
- need to write a documentation (yikes)

So what's next then after the scanner runs fine?

- most likely people will complain about everything, find bugs and have tons of ideas/requests...so I will look into it
- next major step then would be to combine rebuilder and scanner and have some kind of profiler

Removing can be costy in 7z especially when using solid archives since the removal part alone would require the archive to get recompressed. So it may not even be the backup process but the removal of the original archive.

But again, moving some parts of an archive to backup would require a decompression and recompression in case of 7z, so I highly doubt that will be faster.
A different case would be if the full archive would be obsolete, then of course a simple filesystem based move would be quick.

The new scanner might be a bit more clever in that case (actually the removal of unneeded files is the next part on my to do list...so I will take it into account)

If a file within an archive is unneeded it gets moved to the backup folder and since 7z does not support a direct copy of compressed data, you always have a decompress + compress step, so it doesn't really matter if zip or 7z is used. Actually zip would even be faster since it would support direct copy of compressed data (but currently I don't know if this is used when backing up data...I somehow doubt it).
Generally for backup zip is used. You can't change it.

"waste, because files will often be re-compressed with 7-Zip again"
erm...why? If cmpro moves files to the backup they usually stay there since they are unneeded.

"Too much time"....well, usually (unless you scan a completely wrong path), you only have some unneeded files which get moved to backup...so the time argument is not really that important in my opinion....and as I said, no matter if you use 7z or zip, the files get decompressed and recompressed anyhow just for backup.

Maybe I change this for the new scanner....

clrmame Discussion / Re: No green check mark
« on: 05 April 2024, 19:29 »
Ensure you got all sets enabled (Scanner->SetInformation->Select All), all check options enabled and do a new scan. If you like, you can somehow send me the datfile....
Or you can try to hit Profiler's "Refresh List" button.

Well, yes, I wanted to get rid of all old stuff and workarounds...so for now, it only accepts the current format (standard, software list and software list collection).

However, supporting the "old" game elements can come later....it's just a word which needs to get exchanged :)

You're using a MAME version which is 9 years old and had a different XML format back then.

You might get it running by renaming the 'game' xml elements with 'machine' xml elements though...

well...yes, it could be that running multiple chdman instances gives a slight boost....but in old cmpro I don't think I will add it.
The new scanner runs multiple threads for scanning sets anyhow but currently it only reads chd headers and does not perform a deep chdman based verify check.
Didn't have much time in January/February to look at the new scanner though....but it's alive and kicking....

Cmpro simply runs chdman and does nothing by itself…..

clrmame Discussion / Re: Full Merge Mode
« on: 27 February 2024, 07:01 »
The only difference is that (when hash collision name is turned on) all rom files (when using full merged sets) are stored in archive subfolders (named after the clones).
The parent files are on root level, the clones separated in subfolders.
So your puckman.zip holds the puckman rom files in its root...plus a folder for each clone (which then contain the belonging clone files).

If turned off, this will automatically only be used in cases where real hash collisions (identical name/different hashes within a parent/clone relationship) appear. So overwriting is prevented.
Yep, the naming of this option might be a bit misleading. You can define the storage method (subfolder etc) in Profiler Options by the way....

By the way, this storing mode does not work for decompressed sets, since MAME's loader, which looks for hashes, doesn't walk into subfolders.

The new rebuilder and new scanner use this storing method by default (actually there is no option to switch) for merge and standalone mode.

ok...all baddump chds:

acorn/bbc.cpp:Torch CH240[torchh]: torch_utilities
amiga/cubo.cpp:Candy Puzzle (v1.0)[cndypuzl]: cndypuzl
amiga/cubo.cpp:Eldorado (4.2)[eldoralg]: eldorado
amiga/cubo.cpp:Harem Challenge[haremchl]: haremchl
amiga/cubo.cpp:Laser Quiz 2 Italy (v1.0)[lsrquiz2i]: lsrquiz2
amiga/cubo.cpp:Laser Quiz Greece[lsrquizg]: laserquizgreek2pro
amiga/cubo.cpp:Laser Quiz Italy[lsrquiz]: lsrquiz
amiga/cubo.cpp:Laser Strixx 2[lasstixx]: lasstixx
amiga/cubo.cpp:Magic Number[mgnumber]: magicnumber
amiga/cubo.cpp:Magic Premium (v1.1)[mgprem11]: mgprem11
amiga/cubo.cpp:Odeon Twister (v1.4)[odeontw]: twister32_17_3
amiga/cubo.cpp:Odeon Twister 2 (v202.19)[odeontw2]: odeontw2
capcom/alien.cpp:Rockman EXE Battle Chip Stadium Ver.3.00[rockmanbc]: rockmanbc
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 1998 (Spain)[photoply98sp]: photoplay98sp
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 1999 (Netherlands)[photoply99nl]: photoplay99nl
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 1999 (Spain)[photoply99sp]: photoplay99sp
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 2000 (Netherlands)[photoply2knl]: photoplay2knl
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 2000 (Spain)[photoply2ksp]: photoplay2ksp
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 2001 (Italy)[photoply2k1it]: photoplay2k1it
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 2001 (Netherlands)[photoply2k1nl]: photoplay2k1nl
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play 2002 (Belgium)[photoply2k2be]: photoplay2k2be
funworld/photoply.cpp:Photo Play Masters 2001 (Netherlands)[photoply2k1mtnl]: photoplay2k1mtnl
funworld/photoplys.cpp:Photo Play 2001 (Spanish)[photoply2k1sp]: photoplay2001es
funworld/photoplysx.cpp:Photo Play Spirit Xtreme (Spanish)[photopsxsp]: photoply_sprt_xt_2004_sp
funworld/photoplysx.cpp:Photo Play Spirit Xtreme (update, Spanish)[photopsxusp]: photoply_sprt_xt_2004_sp_u
jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp:VJ Dash (Ver 1.2)[vjdasha]: vj_ver1
jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp:VJ Dash (ver 1.0)[vjdash]: vj_ver1
jaleco/tetrisp2.cpp:VJ: Visual & Music Slap[vjslap]: vj_ver1
konami/firebeat.cpp:ParaParaDancing[ppd]: 977kaa01
konami/firebeat.cpp:ParaParaParadise[ppp]: 977jaa01
konami/konamigv.cpp:Beat the Champ (GV053 UAA01)[btchamp]: btchamp
konami/konamigv.cpp:Dead Eye (GV054 UAA01)[kdeadeye]: kdeadeye
konami/konamigv.cpp:Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96 (GV017 Japan 1.03)[powyak96]: powyak96
konami/konamigv.cpp:Let's Attack Crazy Cross (GV027 Asia 1.10)[lacrazyc]: gv027-a1
konami/konamigv.cpp:Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (GX720 EAA)[nagano98]: nagano98
konami/konamigv.cpp:Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama (GV027 Japan 1.20)[susume]: gv027j1
konami/konamigv.cpp:Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version Plus (GE756 JAA)[tmoshspa]: 756jaa01
konami/konamigv.cpp:Wedding Rhapsody (GX624 JAA)[weddingr]: weddingr
konami/konamim2.cpp:Heat of Eleven '98 (ver EAA)[heatof11]: heatof11
konami/konamim2.cpp:Tobe! Polystars (ver JAA)[polystar]: 623jaa02
konami/konamim2.cpp:Total Vice (ver EBA)[totlvice]: 639eba01
konami/konamim2.cpp:Total Vice (ver JAD)[totlvicj]: 639jad01
konami/konamim2.cpp:Total Vice (ver UAC)[totlvicu]: 639uac01
konami/konmedalppc.cpp:GI Turf Wild 3[turfwld3]: f51-pce-a02
konami/kpython.cpp:Pop'n Music 9 (ver JAB)[popn9]: c00jab
konami/kpython2.cpp:DANCE 86.4 FUNKY RADIO STATION (E01:J:A:A:2005040400)[dance864]: e01_jaa_2005040400
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA (FDH:A:A:A:2006071300)[ddrsna]: fdh_aaa_2006071300
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA (FDH:J:A:A:2006090600)[ddrsnj]: fdh_jaa_2006090600
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA (FDH:U:A:A:2006072400)[ddrsnu]: fdh_uaa_2006072400
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (GDJ:A:A:A:2007071100)[ddrsn2aa]: gdj_aaa_2007071100
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (GDJ:A:A:A:2007100800)[ddrsn2a]: gdj_aaa_2007100800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (GDJ:J:A:A:2007071100)[ddrsn2ja]: gdj_jaa_2007071100
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (GDJ:J:A:A:2007100800)[ddrsn2j]: gdj_jaa_2007100800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 (GDJ:U:A:A:2007100800)[ddrsn2u]: gdj_uaa_2007100800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dancing Stage SuperNOVA (FDH:E:A:A:2006032200)[dstagesna]: fdh_eaa_2006032200
konami/kpython2.cpp:Dancing Stage SuperNOVA (FDH:E:A:A:2006072500)[dstagesn]: fdh_eaa_2006072500
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V (E02:A:A:A:2005050200)[drmnva]: e02_aaa_2005050201
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V (E02:J:A:A:2005050200)[drmnvj]: e02_jaa_2005050201
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:A:A:A:2005101600)[drmnv2ab]: f02_aaa_2005101600
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:A:A:A:2005112800)[drmnv2aa]: f02_aaa_2005112800
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:A:A:A:2006011201)[drmnv2a]: f02_aaa_2006011201
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:J:A:A:2005101600)[drmnv2jb]: f02_jaa_2005101600
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:J:A:A:2005112800)[drmnv2ja]: f02_jaa_2005112800
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V2 (F02:J:A:A:2006011201)[drmnv2j]: f02_jaa_2006011201
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V3 (F32:A:A:A:2006072600)[drmnv3aa]: f32_aaa_2006072600
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V3 (F32:A:A:A:2006101800)[drmnv3a]: f32_aaa_2006101800
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V3 (F32:J:A:A:2006072600)[drmnv3ja]: f32_jaa_2006072600
konami/kpython2.cpp:DrumMania V3 (F32:J:A:A:2006101800)[drmnv3j]: f32_jaa_2006101800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V (E03:A:A:A:2005050200)[gtrfrkva]: e03_aaa_2005050201
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V (E03:J:A:A:2005050200)[gtrfrkvj]: e03_jaa_2005050201
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:A:A:A:2005101600)[gtrfrkv2ab]: f03_aaa_2005101600
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:A:A:A:2005112800)[gtrfrkv2aa]: f03_aaa_2005112800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:A:A:A:2006011201)[gtrfrkv2a]: f03_aaa_2006011201
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:J:A:A:2005101600)[gtrfrkv2jb]: f03_jaa_2005101600
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:J:A:A:2005112800)[gtrfrkv2ja]: f03_jaa_2005112800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:J:A:A:2006011201)[gtrfrkv2j]: f03_jaa_2006011201
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V3 (F33:A:A:A:2006072600)[gtrfrkv3aa]: f33_aaa_2006072600
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V3 (F33:A:A:A:2006101800)[gtrfrkv3a]: f33_aaa_2006101800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V3 (F33:J:A:A:2006072600)[gtrfrkv3ja]: f33_jaa_2006072600
konami/kpython2.cpp:Guitar Freaks V3 (F33:J:A:A:2006101800)[gtrfrkv3j]: f33_jaa_2006101800
konami/kpython2.cpp:Thrill Drive 3 (D44:J:A:A:20050316)[thrild3j]: d44_jab_20050316
konami/kpython2.cpp:Toy's March (E00:J:A:A:2005011602)[toysmarch]: e00_jaa_2005011602
konami/kpython2.cpp:Toy's March 2 (F00:J:A:A:2005110400)[toysmarch2]: f00_jaa_2005110400
konami/ksys573.cpp:Bass Angler 2 (GE865 VER. JAA)[bassang2]: 865jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:CD-ROM Drive Updater (700A04)[cr589fwa]: 700a04
konami/ksys573.cpp:CD-ROM Drive Updater 2.0 (700B04)[cr589fw]: 700b04
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution (GC845 VER. JAA)[ddrja]: 845jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution (GN845 VER. UAA)[ddru]: 845uaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix (GN895 VER. JAA)[ddr2m]: 895jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix with beatmaniaIIDX CLUB VERSiON (GE896 VER. JAA)[ddr2mc]: 896jaa01 895jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix (G*A33 VER. AAA)[ddr4m]: a33aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix (G*A33 VER. JAA)[ddr4mj]: a33jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Plus Solo (G*A34 VER. JBA)[ddr4mps]: a34jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Solo (G*A33 VER. ABA)[ddr4ms]: a33aba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Solo (G*A33 VER. JBA)[ddr4msj]: a33jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution Best of Cool Dancers (GE892 VER. JAA)[ddrbocd]: 892jaa01 895jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (G*C36 VER. JAA)[ddrextrm]: c36jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000 (GC905 VER. AAA)[ddrs2k]: 905aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Dance Revolution USA (G*A44 VER. UAA)[ddrusa]: a44uaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Freaks (G*874 VER. KAA)[dncfrks]: 874kaa
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Maniax (G*874 VER. JAA)[dmx]: 874jaa
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dance Maniax 2nd Mix (G*A39 VER. JAA)[dmx2m]: a39jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage (GN845 VER. EAA)[dstagea]: 845uaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage - Internet Ranking Ver (GC845 VER. EBA)[dstage]: gc845eba
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage Euro Mix (G*936 VER. EAA)[dsem]: 936eaa
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage Euro Mix 2 (G*C23 VER. EAA)[dsem2]: c23eaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage Featuring Disney's Rave (GCA37JAA)[dsfdr]: a37jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (GC910 VER. JAA)[dsfdcta]: 910jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (GC910 VER. JCA)[dsfdct]: 910jca02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Dancing Stage featuring TRUE KiSS DESTiNATiON (G*884 VER. JAA)[dsftkd]: 884jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania (GQ881 VER. JAD ALT CD)[drmna]: 881jad01
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania (GQ881 VER. JAD)[drmn]: 881xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania (GQ881 VER. UAB)[drmnu]: 881xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 10th Mix (G*D40 VER. JAA)[drmn10m]: d40jaa02 d40jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 2nd Mix (GE912 VER. JAB)[drmn2m]: 912jab02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 2nd Mix Session Power Up Kit (GE912 VER. JAB)[drmn2mpu]: 912jab02 912za01
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 3rd Mix (G*A23 VER. JAA)[drmn3m]: a23jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. JAA)[drmn4m]: a25jaa02 a25jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 5th Mix (G*B05 VER. JAA)[drmn5m]: b05jaa02 b05jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 6th Mix (G*B16 VER. JAA)[drmn6m]: b16jaa02 b16jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 7th Mix (G*C07 VER. JAA)[drmn7ma]: c07jaa02 c07jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 7th Mix power-up ver. (G*C07 VER. JBA)[drmn7m]: c07jda02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 9th Mix (G*D09 VER. JAA)[drmn9ma]: d09jaa02 d09jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:DrumMania 9th Mix (G*D09 VER. JAB)[drmn9m]: d09jaa02 d09jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. AAA)[fghtmna]: 918xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. EAA)[fghtmn]: 918xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. KAA)[fghtmnk]: 918xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. UAA)[fghtmnu]: 918xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait - A Bass Challenge (GE765 VER. UAB)[fbaitbc]: 765uab02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. AA)[fbaitmca]: 889aa
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. EA)[fbaitmc]: 889ea
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. JA)[fbaitmcj]: 889ja
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. UA)[fbaitmcu]: 889ua
konami/ksys573.cpp:Fisherman's Bait 2 - A Bass Challenge (GE865 VER. UAB)[fbait2bc]: 865uab02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. AAC)[gtrfrksac]: 886__c02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. EAC)[gtrfrksc]: 886__c02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. JAC)[gtrfrksjc]: 886__c02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. UAC)[gtrfrksuc]: 886__c02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAA)[gtfrk10ma]: d10jba02 d10jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAB)[gtfrk10m]: d10jab01 d10jba02 d10jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 11th Mix (G*D39 VER. JAA)[gtfrk11m]: d39jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. AAA)[gtrfrk2maa]: 883__a01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. EAA)[gtrfrk2ma]: 883__a01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk2mja]: 883__a01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. KAA)[gtrfrk2mka]: 883__a01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. UAA)[gtrfrk2mua]: 883__a01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Link Kit 1 (GE929 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk2ml1]: 929jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Link Kit 2 (GC929 VER. JBB)[gtrfrk2ml2]: 929jbb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Ver 1.01 (GQ883 VER. JAD)[gtrfrk2m]: 929jbb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAB)[gtfrk3ma]: 949jab02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAC)[gtrfrk3m]: 949jac01 949jab02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix - security cassette versionup (949JAZ02)[gtfrk3mb]: 949jaz02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 4th Mix (G*A24 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk4m]: a24jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 5th Mix (G*A26 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk5m]: a26jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 6th Mix (G*B06 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk6m]: b06jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 8th Mix (G*C08 VER. JAA)[gtrfrk8ma]: c08jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks 8th Mix power-up ver. (G*C08 VER. JBA)[gtrfrk8m]: c08jba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. AAD)[gtrfrksa]: 886__d02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. EAD)[gtrfrks]: 886__d02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. JAD)[gtrfrksj]: 886__d02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. UAD)[gtrfrksu]: 886__d02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ - 2 Player (GX908 1999/08/24 VER. JAA)[hypbbc2p]: 908a02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ - 2 Player (GX908 1999/08/24 VER. KAA)[hypbbc2pk]: 908a02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX '98 (GC811 VER. JAA)[jppyex98]: 811jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Konami 80's AC Special (GC826 VER. AAA)[konam80a]: 826aaa01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Konami 80's AC Special (GC826 VER. EAA)[konam80s]: 826eaa01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Konami 80's AC Special (GC826 VER. KAA)[konam80k]: 826kaa01
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks (GQ881 VER. AAB)[pcnfrka]: 881xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks (GQ881 VER. EAB)[pcnfrk]: 881xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks (GQ881 VER. KAB)[pcnfrkk]: 881xxb02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 10th Mix (G*D40 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk10m]: d40aca02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 2nd Mix (GE912 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk2m]: 912aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 2nd Mix (GE912 VER. KAA)[pcnfrk2mk]: 912kaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 3rd Mix (G*A23 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk3m]: a23aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 3rd Mix (G*A23 VER. KAA)[pcnfrk3mk]: a23kaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk4m]: a25aaa02 a25aba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. KAA)[pcnfrk4mk]: a25kaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 6th Mix (G*B16 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk6m]: b16aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 7th Mix (G*C07 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk7m]: c07aaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Percussion Freaks 9th Mix (G*D09 VER. AAA)[pcnfrk9m]: d09aba02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Punch Mania 2: Hokuto no Ken (GQA09 JAA)[pnchmn2]: a09jaa02
konami/ksys573.cpp:Punch Mania: Hokuto no Ken (GQ918 VER. JAB)[pnchmn]: 918xxb02
konami/viper.cpp:World Combat (ver KBC:B)[wcombatk]: c22c02
midway/midqslvr.cpp:Hydro Thunder[hydrthnd]: hydro
midway/midqslvr.cpp:Offroad Thunder[offrthnd]: offrthnd
midway/seattle.cpp:CarnEvil (v1.0.1)[carnevil1]: carnevi1
midway/seattle.cpp:Mace: The Dark Age (HDD 1.0a)[macea]: macea
misc/comebaby.cpp:Come On Baby[comebaby]: comebaby
misc/gammagic.cpp:99 Bottles of Beer[99bottles]: 99bottles
misc/gammagic.cpp:Game Magic[gammagic]: gammagic
misc/radikaldarts.cpp:Radikal Darts (Diana Version 7.29.25)[radikaldrt]: hts541040g9at00_dv7.29.25
misc/silverball.cpp:Silverball (6.32)[slvrball632]: silverball_6.32
misc/silverball.cpp:Silverball (7.20)[slvrball720]: silverball_7.20
misc/silverball.cpp:Silverball (8.01)[slvrball806]: silverball_8.06
misc/silverball.cpp:Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 1)[slvrballbu409]: silverball_bulova_4.09_1
misc/silverball.cpp:Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 2)[slvrballbu409b]: silverball_bulova_4.09_2
misc/xtom3d.cpp:Pump It Up: The 1st Dance Floor (ver 0.53.1999.9.31)[pumpit1]: 19990930
namco/namcos10.cpp:Taiko no Tatsujin RT: Nippon no Kokoro (Japan, TKN1 Ver.A)[taikort]: tk-n
namco/rbowlorama.cpp:Rockin' Bowl-O-Rama (v2.1.1)[rbowlorama]: namco_bowling
namco/turrett.cpp:Turret Tower[turrett]: turrett
pc/calchase.cpp:California Chase[calchase]: calchase
pc/quakeat.cpp:Quake Arcade Tournament (Release Beta 2)[quake]: quakeat
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.2, German, i8751 DE 11 D3)[quizard_12]: quizard12
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.2, Italian, i8751 IT 11 I2)[quizardi_12]: quizard12
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.7, German, i8751 DE 11 D3)[quizard_17]: quizard17
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.7, Italian, i8751 IT 11 I2)[quizardi_17]: quizard17
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.8, German, i8751 DE 11 D3)[quizard]: quizard18
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard (v1.8, Italian, i8751 IT 11 I2)[quizardi]: quizard18
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 2 (v2.2, German, i8751 DN 122 D3)[quizard2_22]: quizard22
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 2 (v2.3, German, i8751 DN 122 D3)[quizard2]: quizard23
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 3 (v3.2, German, i8751 DE 132 D3)[quizard3_32]: quizard32
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 3 (v3.4, German, i8751 DE 132 A1)[quizard3a]: quizard34
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 3 (v3.4, German, i8751 DE 132 D3)[quizard3]: quizard34
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 4 Rainbow (v4.0, German, i8751 DE 142 D3)[quizard4_40]: quizard4r40
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 4 Rainbow (v4.1, German, i8751 DE 142 D3)[quizard4_41]: quizard4r41
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 4 Rainbow (v4.2, Czech, i8751 TS142 CZ1)[quizard4cz]: quizard4r42
philips/cdi.cpp:Quizard 4 Rainbow (v4.2, German, i8751 DE 142 D3)[quizard4]: quizard4r42
pinball/newcanasta.cpp:New Canasta[newcanasta]: newcanasta
sega/segasp.cpp:Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King - Mezame yo! Arata-naru Chikara!! (Japan, Ver 4.000) (MDA-C0061)[dinoki4]: mda-c0061
sega/triforce.cpp:Mario Kart Arcade GP (Japan, MKA1 Ver.C, update)[mkartagpc]: update_software_mka1_ver_c
unico/unianapc.cpp:Dream Hunting (US)[dhunting]: dream hunting
unico/unianapc.cpp:Hog Wild (US)[hogwild]: hog wild

I haven't spent any time on convertig chds to deltas...so..nope..

well....haven't looked into detail yet but in general cmpro only reads the chd header and compares the hashes....a decompression error can only be found if Scanner-Hash&CHD-CHD MD5/SHA1+Decompress CHD & check SHA1/MD5 is checked.
So that is most likely the reason why cmpro doesn't come up with a warning by default...the header of the bad file seems to be valid.

Seems to me another chdman issue regarding delta chds.....one where the creation doesn't exit with an error message but the produced data is bad.

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 22 February 2024, 20:49 »
You need to use https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmpro_deltaverify.7z
which is rock stable :)
Real life job currently takes all my time.....

Full merged, split merged and standalone will be the future. Nothing else, but of course you can achieve any possible combination by using modified datfiles.

New rebuilder/scanner already got the "standalone" mode.

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