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clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 29 September 2024, 08:30 »
attache, coleco_homebrew, coleco, evio, lk3000, etc..

What do you mean exactly? -listsoftware lists them and clrmame complains about machines in there when something is missing in there (or unneeded)

regarding the 2nd list, yes, -listsoftware does not include all data from MAME's hashfolder. I don't know why (actually I also not asked MAME devs about it) but it's known for years. And yes, such entries will be reported as unneeded since they are not included in -listsoftware.
So a solution would be to keep them separated and scan them with a hash xml....
have to think about it more deeply....

Update: 1) or do you mean only the hash xml changed...well, if -listsoftware was used, clrmame stores an export of it in its export folder and rememebers the hash of the exe file....so pure changes in a mame hash folder aren't automatically detected. You could clean the exports folder though...

2) Hmm...maybe when doing a -listsoftware export from an exe file I could try to locate the hashfolder and match up if there are xml files in there which aren't included and simply merge them in......as I said...I need to think about it...but I like the idea.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 28 September 2024, 12:04 »
1) currently there is no profiler and no batcher (both planned though)....for software list use a -listsofware scan (either via exe or xml file). You only need to specify a rompath ( e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist) which holds the software list folders (e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist\a2600, e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist\nes, etc...). Screenshots were posted several times here on the forum already. If you're only interested in some sl results you can either use filters or disable the showing of fully missing software list findings via the context menu.

2) rebuilder does several checks on paths...destination can't be a subfolder of source, backup path, temp path etc...so...it's save :-) If you run a scan and rebuild at the same time (possible, but not really recommended), it also checks if paths collide

3) "since clrmame filters out files that don't have .exe or .xml " oh, good point, I guess I should allow an "all" setting. Surely you can simply enter the path in the edit box and don't use the browse button.

- misc:  SHIFT clicking the clear buttons clear the full combo box
- misc:  when context menu show info->size is enabled, also show the sum on software list level
- misc:  remember last used tab on close/start
- fixed: restore window positions incl. vertical break isn't always working

- misc:  set current folder back to application folder after scan/rebuild to avoid folder locking
- fixed: scanner, already moved "missing but fixable" unpacked files removes the moved file afterwards when they were also marked as unneeded in their source position
- fixed: scanner, a failed file operation on "missing but fixable" removes the file when they were also marked as unneeded in their source position
- fixed: obsolete error message when using file filters
- fixed: avoid 'can't read' ios_base::failbit set errors on files where the file length is smaller than the minimal buffer for the operation (e.g. id or header read)
- fixed: scanner, obsolete "can't access" messages during fix unneeded due to not correctly filtering already removed archives



clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .270 ...and the new tools
« on: 26 September 2024, 15:48 »
yep...happens for files < 12 byte :-)

will be fixed in next version (which will be out within the next 24 hours....)

clrmame Discussion / MAME .270 ...and the new tools
« on: 25 September 2024, 18:14 »
ok...a quick look at the new MAME might give you a "can't access scherrym" error during fixing....but that's only temporary...and seems to get resolved automatically...however, I will have a look at the source of this message tomorrow..until now: nothing critical....

Try this:


any window pos/size problems should be gone now....hopefully ;-)

some news from the lab......nothing official yet....guess I will wait for next MAME to see if something pops up.....


- misc:  when context menu show info->size is enabled, also show the sum on software list level
- misc:  remember last used tab on close/start
- fixed: obsolete error message when using file filters



this should a) fix the vertical ruler and b) when you hold SHIFT while clicking a [X] close button, all entries will be removed...

Note: These are just two minor fixes in the frontend, not the core.....see it as a nightly build....

"Standalone" is a newly introduced merge mode which sees every set as a standalone set. So each set will contain all files it needs. This includes bios, devices, parents. Compareable with the old "unmerged" mode, but it also contains devices/bios.
I don't think you want to use that if you currently got your setting to "full". It will highly increase the space used by the sets because there are no merging effects anymore. Every clone will also contain its parent files and other relations. It's more meant for people who want to have one (1) archive for a game where everything the game needs is in.

The "full merge mode -> hash collision name" in old cmpro is in Settings, bottom right, "Full Merge Mode".

Is "fixes" safe to run? It will convert all your sets to the new format....which can be a lot when we talk about a full MAME collection.
If you have enough free diskspace, you could also use the rebuilder to create a copy in the new format....

Continue with old cmpro or new clrmame...well...that's your decision......

Well, you're using full merged mode and this means that clone files are kept in (archive) subfolders of the parent.
clrmamepro does the same if you got "full merge mode -> hash collision name" enabled.

For the new clrmame it is the default mode which makes a programmer's life way easier....


yeah yeah, I hear you......;-)

ok...will have a look, thanks
yes, the x buttons only clear the current entry part of the combo box, not stored values....

...the small arrow buttons clear everything. The one at the top clears xml entries when the exe or xml file is not available anymore.

Combined rebuilder/scanner in one commandline and one UI version, let's name it clrmame for now


misc: scanner, remove matches from AddPath option now removes ALL matches, no matter if they were just real fill-ins for a missing file or already existing in a rompath
misc: hiding sample specific problems while loading datfile in rebuilder and in scanner when no sample paths are set
misc: scanner, skip not accessible unneeded files (loglevel trace can show information about them)
fixed: using relative paths fails after first scan due to wrong current folder
fixed: when an elapsed time takes less than 0 seconds, no value as elapsed time is shown ;-)
fixed: hash calculation of empty files
fixed: scanner, some unneeded files won't be removed but aren't reported either when fix is enabled


added: scanner, context menu option to show clone names (in full merge mode only) which have issues right beside the set name up to 5, if there are more, you can see all in tooltips
misc: merged rebuilder and scanner, switchable via tabs, can run in parallel (unless path sharing issues are detected)



clrmame Discussion / Re: Sneak Peak
« on: 12 September 2024, 06:48 »
Actually it's even possible to run a scan and rebuild job at the same time.....
If this is recommended..well...I guess not...first of all I should add a check that you don't do a rebuild on your rompaths while scanning (and all other possible weird path constellations) and currently Scanner and Rebuilder both try to get as much possible threads supported by your CPU...so running both would most likely result in some slower processing....not to mention disk activity when the same hdd is used....

The commandline tools are also combined by the way...so you will only get 2 exe files with the next release. I think if I even bring that down to one exe....

Wonder if I need a new logo and new icons ;-) Any artists out there? A KI image generator gave me the following.....(see attachment). Compared to the old one I think it's too detailed....ah..caring about not really needed things....back to work :-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Unnecessary dialogue?
« on: 11 September 2024, 20:54 »
Two different levels. So you can for example show complete software lists while not showing complete machines which can be a lot of entries. Guess I find some other use cases…
So having such options for machine and sl level makes sense in my opinion.
If a different menu ordering makes it essier to use, just let me know

clrmame Discussion / Re: New scanner, filtering
« on: 11 September 2024, 19:50 »
    starts-with(@name, 'a2600')
or starts-with(@name, 'a800')
or @name='xegs'

yes, gets rather long...but so what :)
That's why I said, go by manufacturers....but yes, Commodore is more than C64 and Amiga....

clrmame Discussion / Sneak Peak
« on: 11 September 2024, 19:01 »
Well...pretty quiet here recently?

Well, that doesn't mean nothing happens:


- added: scanner, context menu option to show clone names (in full merge mode only) which have issues right beside the set name
         up to 5, if there are more, you can see all in tooltips


- fixed: using relative paths fails after first scan due to wrong current folder
- fixed: when an elapsed time takes less than 0 seconds, no value as elapsed time is shown ;-)
- fixed: hash calculation of empty files
- fixed: scanner, some unneeded files won't be removed but aren't reported either when fix is enabled
- misc:  scanner, remove matches from AddPath option now removes ALL matches, no matter if they were just real fill-ins for a missing file or already existing in a rompath
- misc:  hiding sample specific problems while loading datfile in rebuilder and in scanner when no sample paths are set

ah well..that's not all.....there is an additional picture attached....

clrmame Discussion / Re: New scanner, filtering
« on: 11 September 2024, 18:59 »
I still prefer xpath filters by companies...

xp://softwarelist[contains(@description, 'Commodore') or contains(@description, 'Atari')]/software

Guess you can add Nintendo and some more :-)

hmm...according to the internet, MacOS creates it as "Icon" followed by a carrige return character. So just for a quick test you may try:


This won't hide the "can't determine file size" or "can't calculate crc32 of" log message yet....but shouldn't list it as unneeded hopefully....

Hmm..interesting since the regular expression actually should match any possible character in there, no matter how many unprintable ones follow. I will check with some colleagues who maybe able to create me 10 folders with such files....

simply ignoring hidden files..hmm..I will do some tests....

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