clrmame Discussion / Re: Delta CHDs new feature.
« on: 23 October 2023, 18:07 »
ok..let's see what I got....and what needs to be done...
Already added the ability to:
- show an error entry (scanner, tree view) if a parent chd is a delta chd (parent chds can't be deltas, this can happen when MAME changed parent/clone relationships)
- show an error entry (scanner, tree view) if a clone chd is a delta chd but the parent sha1 stored in it doesn't match the current parent chd (as above, maybe some parent/clone relationships changed)
- optionally show a warning about a clone chd which can be a delta but isn't (warning window below scanner) (default: false)
- optionally auto converting a clone to a delta via chdman call (similar to do deep chd checks), see attached screenshot (default: false)
- optionally doing a backup of the original clone chd before it gets converted to a delta (default: false, gets auto-enabled with enabling converting option, but you can disable it afterwards)
To do:
- if the upper mentioned errors appear, you would need to revert the delta to the original image. For that, the right chd needs to be found first (could be outside of the current parent/clone relationship)
- software list chds are not yet supported. Currently a possible delta-conversion is detected if the parent/clone disks are available AND they share the same "region" information. In software lists you have "parts"...and I need to do some more investigation on them...if it's safe to do a match by using this information.
Generally, converting the chds takes a lot of time...plus the checks in cmpro are purely experimental for now.....Keep you updated.
Already added the ability to:
- show an error entry (scanner, tree view) if a parent chd is a delta chd (parent chds can't be deltas, this can happen when MAME changed parent/clone relationships)
- show an error entry (scanner, tree view) if a clone chd is a delta chd but the parent sha1 stored in it doesn't match the current parent chd (as above, maybe some parent/clone relationships changed)
- optionally show a warning about a clone chd which can be a delta but isn't (warning window below scanner) (default: false)
- optionally auto converting a clone to a delta via chdman call (similar to do deep chd checks), see attached screenshot (default: false)
- optionally doing a backup of the original clone chd before it gets converted to a delta (default: false, gets auto-enabled with enabling converting option, but you can disable it afterwards)
To do:
- if the upper mentioned errors appear, you would need to revert the delta to the original image. For that, the right chd needs to be found first (could be outside of the current parent/clone relationship)
- software list chds are not yet supported. Currently a possible delta-conversion is detected if the parent/clone disks are available AND they share the same "region" information. In software lists you have "parts"...and I need to do some more investigation on them...if it's safe to do a match by using this information.
Generally, converting the chds takes a lot of time...plus the checks in cmpro are purely experimental for now.....Keep you updated.