clrmame Discussion / Re: mame merged sets not scanning correctly?
« on: 16 April 2023, 15:11 »
no problem...such things do happen..
The new forum is online, hope you enjoy it!
As for CMP, (unless I'm doing something complete wrong here) it looks like even Rebuilder 0.05 can't produce a merged mame romset that can satisfy the scanner.. (no offence).Got several testers on board and noone reported a problem. So I guess you may have some setting wrongly set or you're using a wrong datasource (as reported before 239 vs 253)
how is it possible that alpinesa isn't listed as a clone to its parent alpines. in doing so, CMP wrongfully considers alpinesa as the parent and wants to
I understand that CMP, unlike RV might want to duplicate roms shared between clones if there is no merge TAG present. but not honoring the filesize and CRC as described in the XML seems weird.. Where is it getting this from?
Thanks for new version. I'm in process of rebuilding whole MAME 253 set without CHDs from fully extracted archives into separated directories.
Extracted files are placed on M.2 disk, destination will be Seagate SV35 3TB disk (not too fast but at the moment I don'r have extra SSD for destination). Let see how long it will take on Core i5 10600KF and 16 GB RAM versus standard clrmamepro
tried it, but how do I verify the output?