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Messages - Roman

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clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 04 October 2024, 06:51 »
Ok....I think I've found something about the problem behind it. After running my test builds on a virtual box in wine, I see that the process handle is invalid and so waiting for it fails.... Searching the internet gives me "Native *NIX processes won't have process handle - they are run outside Wine."
Asking an AI gives me a workaround by using a wrapper script....

"$@" &
echo $! > /tmp/myprocess.pid
wait $!
rm /tmp/myprocess.pid

so my createProcess call runs the wrapper script and passing the actual command to it and waits for its completion. The script itself then runs my given commandline...

hmm....surely this would only needed on Linux/Wine (i.e. it would take some option/mechanism to activate it and is deactivated by default for normal windows users).
I will play around with it a bit

hmm...no luck yet.....seems that Wine users need to use datfiles ;-)
But maybe somebody has an idea

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 03 October 2024, 20:21 »
Thanks for testing, the info and the files. Actually the log tells me a lot.
Looks like WaitForSingleObject (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/synchapi/nf-synchapi-waitforsingleobject) (the function used to wait that the export process finishes) returns something which isn't WAIT_TIMEOUT or WAIT_OBJECT_0 (which both would have triggered a different log output and would be normal during the export) but WAIT_ABANDONED or WAIT_FAILED. The exception about the remove:sharing violation is also clear then since if that WaitForSingleObject  fails it tries to remove the already created output file which is blocked.

So I will look a bit more deeply into the return values of WaitForSingleObject and I will try to run it on linux/wine....

thanks for your help...I will come back when I got something new to test ;-) ....unlikely to be this week/weekend...

by the way, the spam bot (which isn't mine by the way) usually can be beaten by login/relogin

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 03 October 2024, 12:56 »

this simply prints out some more logger infos when the export is done...to find out where it runs into the exception.

On a side note, I plan to install an Ubuntu or whatever on a virtual box....so...what are you using and which MAME version do you use (maybe you can simply zip up your mame folder so I can quickly start testing it under Wine.....

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 03 October 2024, 11:22 »
and it works when you don't specify a parameter like -listxml ???

This is weird since it automatically adds "-listxml" when no parameter is given. So no matter if you specify -listxml in the XML/EXE box or not, it will always run mame -listxml.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 02 October 2024, 20:27 »
Hmmm failed due to remove:sharing violation.
I‘ve also added the print out of the exception ‚what‘ string…..
Will check if this helps me…

But -listxml is working for you???

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 02 October 2024, 19:45 »
ok..here we go again


I do change into the folder which holds mame but I now run it as ".\mame ..." ...let's see if this brings up some softwarelists in Linux....guess you need to remove that 0 byte file first

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 02 October 2024, 18:39 »
Hmm actually I do change the current dir to the mame folder before running the export….I will do some tests/double check that.
Mame needs its hashfolder to create a listsoftware output. For listxml nothing is needed.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 02 October 2024, 16:22 »
hmmm...looks like the export created a non valid file "661de8ad-listsoftware.xml" in the exports folder.
Can you check the file? Does it exist? Is it > 0 byte? Is it a valid XML....
(the filename is the crc32 of the used mame executable plus the used command by the way)

"can't run: Z:\home\testing\Emulation\Emulators\MAME\mame -listsoftware" indicates that executing this fails...wonder what's happening there since -listxml does work for you, doesn't it?

I mean...can you run a mame -listsoftware on your own or does it simply fail without clrmame involved, too?

...or maybe an access right issue?....I blame Linux :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 02 October 2024, 06:31 »
gimme some minutes...the regular expression which parses the path/exe and command uses a ".exe" to split application from parameter....

shouldn't be too hard to fix for Linux...

If no param is given, it doesn't split and internally takes -listxml :)

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 01 October 2024, 08:53 »
hehe..thanks for the feedback....I thought having an extra path for your scenario doesn't harm.....

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 01 October 2024, 07:26 »

purely experimental....

- when loading a -listsoftware data basis (either exe import or standalone dat), additional softwarelists can be added either by:

prio #1 - you used an exe with -listsoftware command, then it looks up the exe path for a hash folder
prio #2 - you specify a path in your settings.xml in the HashFolder element (start clrmame, quit it, an empty <HashElement> is added somewhere in the xml)

When no hash folder is found, nothing is added, no warning..etc

When a hash folder is found, it takes all .xml files in there (not recursively though), takes the file name as sl name (e.g. a2600.xml -> a2600), checks if this sl name is already in the listsoftware export (as an example: a2600 is, lisa2 isn't). If it is , it's skipped, if not, the software list xml is loaded and added to the sl collection.

The assumption here is that the filename corresponds to the software list name which is also present in the root element/@name attribute. The assumption prevents me from loading >700 xml files just to check the name attribute......

On a sidenote: Shoegazer, you also can select "all files" now in the xml browser :-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 19:49 »
The ones from the hash folder are simply added internally, so they are handled as the ones which are already in the listsoftware output. See screenshot above in this thread….the 3do_m2 one at the top is an added one…
Lemme sleep over it before I post a nighly build…maybe I have an idea for John‘s scenario, too

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 19:16 »
See screenshot above log list….11

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 19:07 »
Currently it does (however it does not always recreate the export but takes the one from the export folder if available) since it needs an indicator where to look for the hashfolder….

As I said it was an idea and a 5 min coding job :-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 18:35 »
Nope it currently works only for an exe based listsoftware export and it takes the exe folder as basis for the hashfolder.
So e.g c:/mametest/mame.exe -listsoftware in the xml/exe box then it will use c:/mametest/hash to look for additional files

Was the first idea which came to my mind….open for others

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 16:43 »
ok...my idea was pretty easy to add:

So in case of an exe based -listsoftware export, the tool now checks if there is a hashfolder for the exe file, takes all *.xml files in there which are not already matching a softwarelist name in the -listsoftware export and additionally loads them to the collection....
works fine...so the only thing which is assumed is that the hash xml filename does match its stored softwarelist name attribute value.....

So...no more overseen skipped software list hashes....(unless -listsoftware export does not also skip entries within exported data)

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 30 September 2024, 06:27 »
hmm...I've compared coleco.xml from 269 against 270 and there are only 3 changed descriptions. Surely clrmame will show the updated description if the file would be missing...but of course nothing really changes regarding the content of the files....

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 29 September 2024, 08:30 »
attache, coleco_homebrew, coleco, evio, lk3000, etc..

What do you mean exactly? -listsoftware lists them and clrmame complains about machines in there when something is missing in there (or unneeded)

regarding the 2nd list, yes, -listsoftware does not include all data from MAME's hashfolder. I don't know why (actually I also not asked MAME devs about it) but it's known for years. And yes, such entries will be reported as unneeded since they are not included in -listsoftware.
So a solution would be to keep them separated and scan them with a hash xml....
have to think about it more deeply....

Update: 1) or do you mean only the hash xml changed...well, if -listsoftware was used, clrmame stores an export of it in its export folder and rememebers the hash of the exe file....so pure changes in a mame hash folder aren't automatically detected. You could clean the exports folder though...

2) Hmm...maybe when doing a -listsoftware export from an exe file I could try to locate the hashfolder and match up if there are xml files in there which aren't included and simply merge them in......as I said...I need to think about it...but I like the idea.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmame first-run questions
« on: 28 September 2024, 12:04 »
1) currently there is no profiler and no batcher (both planned though)....for software list use a -listsofware scan (either via exe or xml file). You only need to specify a rompath ( e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist) which holds the software list folders (e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist\a2600, e.g. e:\mame\softwarelist\nes, etc...). Screenshots were posted several times here on the forum already. If you're only interested in some sl results you can either use filters or disable the showing of fully missing software list findings via the context menu.

2) rebuilder does several checks on paths...destination can't be a subfolder of source, backup path, temp path etc...so...it's save :-) If you run a scan and rebuild at the same time (possible, but not really recommended), it also checks if paths collide

3) "since clrmame filters out files that don't have .exe or .xml " oh, good point, I guess I should allow an "all" setting. Surely you can simply enter the path in the edit box and don't use the browse button.

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