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Messages - Roman

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clrmame Discussion / Re: mac crossover problem
« on: 28 November 2023, 07:07 »
Use RomVault.

clrmame Discussion / Re: mac crossover problem
« on: 27 November 2023, 06:17 »
Sounds like an access rights problem.
But it's more interesting to know which files you're touching. zip? 7z? decompressed files/folders?
Since all 3 use different methods:

7z -> 7z.dll  (3rd party component)
zip -> ziparchive class (3rd party component)
decompressed files/folders -> std::filesystem / win api (depending if you're talking about the new rebuilder or cmpro)

So, simply test all cases, take a rompath with just 1 machine set, make it a 7z archive, a zip archive or use it decompressed.
...and check general access rights to that rompath. Are there differences between the new rebuilder and old cmpro?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Some new scanner wip
« on: 23 November 2023, 19:10 »
Since people asked for some "benchmarks"...(e.g. .260, no softwarelists, but roms/disks/samples)

generally, you need to differ between 2 things: no diskcache (that's a full scan after a just started PC)
and diskcache (that's a full scan after a scan already took place where your PC hopefully uses the cached data)

old scanner: 8 min 45 seconds (no diskcache)
old scanner: 1 min  5 seconds (diskcache)
new scanner: 5 min 49 seconds (no diskcache)
new scanner: 0 min  5 seconds (diskcache)

Scanning a not existing MAME 260 collection (so everything is missing)
old scanner: 1 min 31 seconds (no diskcache)
old scanner: 1 min 28 seconds (diskcache)
new scanner: 0 min  1 second  (no diskcache) however it takes 26 seconds to render the tree :-)
new scanner: 0 min  0 seconds (diskcache)    however it takes 26 seconds to render the tree :-)

Or some progretto snaps (Snapshots with software list datfile, unpacked pngs on the disk)
old scanner: 7 min 21 seconds (no diskcache)
old scanner: 1 min 59 seconds (diskcache)
new scanner: 4 min  7 seconds (no diskcache)
new scanner: 0 min  6 seconds (diskcache)

The tester's system: i7-8700K, 16GB RAM, Seagate IronWolf HD

clrmame Discussion / Re: Some new scanner wip
« on: 23 November 2023, 05:49 »
for now it only accepts a regular expression to filter machines by name....but yes, a filter is part of my menioned nice-2-have things which will most likely be able to filter with xpath expressions....and then you can filter on anything inside the xml....

clrmame Discussion / Some new scanner wip
« on: 22 November 2023, 19:02 »
While wasting a little bit of time with delta chd support in old cmpro, I recently found a little time to work on the new scanner again..

So what's the status?...well, it scans nicely:

- mame -listxml output, mame hash files, mame -listsoftware output
- full/split/standalone merged
- multi rom/sample paths suppport
- pattern scanning supported (if you keep your sets split by bios etc)
- roms, disks and samples, compressed (7z/zip) or uncompressed
- writing of fix dats
- writing of report output
- remembering old scan information for a faster scan
- commandline available (compareable to new rebuilder)
- preliminary gui available (compareable to new rebuilder)

What's on the to do list:

Well, the actual fixing part, but that be rather simple since it simple needs to run through a list of tasks like
'rename this to that', 'delete this file here', 'add file from there to there'...

Got a small wishlist already some some UI related features here and there...but they don't have any priority...

and of course.....after that, a profiler...

Ever wanted to scan a full software lists collection? Remember the pain in cmpro to set it up? Well, now it's just adding a rompath and hitting start...a little screenshot shown below should give you an idea. Generally it should be way easier to set it up...no need to define 'system default paths', no need to setup thousands of distinct rompaths just for softwarelists.....

clrmame Discussion / 4.4048c
« on: 04 November 2023, 17:20 »
fixed: wrong "Error while..." message after delta operation succeeded but backup is disabled.
misc:  minor changes to the delta output messages

Keep in mind: https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues/11675
....when this is fixed I will check if the V5 restriction can be taken back and some more chds can be converted....the github issue is about a V5 one though....

I've used your config and can't repeat your problem.
Do you have some kiwame folder in both of your rompaths? kiwame itself doesn't use any roms, so there shouldn't be anything kiwame related besides the folder with the chd.

Did you clean the cache or can you setup a new profile for fmtowns for a different rompath where you only have the kiwame folder with the chd?

I also wonder why only some chds are listed..especially only ones which were updated lately (260)....

Also go to Scanner->Hash & CHD Settings and check if all "Available Regions" are enabled in the middle section (especially the "cdrom" one without a number)

"4.047 will scan them and complain only about the samples.  The 4.048x wants to do all the renaming or removing of these systems"

this is interesting since the only change from 4.047b to 4.048b is actually
- the delta chd stuff....but that only checks the chd files for is/isn't delta and prints out warning, so the "missing"/"unneeded" part is not affected
- the "samples" unneeded issue...well..that only handles a weird scenario since "samples" is also a rom/sample/chd less device in MAME....

anyhow...thanks for the files, I will do further tests

well yes that looks ok, however some questions:
Do you use a single profile for fm towns or an all-in-one scan, which merge mode, how are the rompaths organized (more than one for fm towns?)

Maybe some other tasks are actively accessing the files during the scan and simply blocked cmpro's read...
since I heard that generally there is no problem when scanning such files

Maybe you can send me your cmpro.ini and the belonging .cmp file from cmpro's settings folder for your used profile.

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.048b
« on: 29 October 2023, 18:44 »
fixed: wrong delta chd proposals in full merged mode (identical chds)

...and yes, it seems that converting the susume chd to a delta fails (also with manual chdman usage), JohnIV already filed a bug report to the MAME team....

can you do a "chdman info" on e.g. kiwame

The crash was more related to the samples fix and not unneeded...so....sounds a bit weird that software lists are affected.
Do you have an example which fm town set is affected?

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 17:24 »
hehe....you've got a private message...

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 17:09 »
ok...found it....I shouldn't work on weekends...

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 16:58 »
erm...weird..never seen that...which merge mode do you use? how are parent/clone (area51 to take one example) stored (Well I see area51.chd but real clone?)

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.048a
« on: 29 October 2023, 12:12 »
fixed: unneeded scan crashes/exits
misc: limiting delta chd support for chd version >=5

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 11:06 »
the crash / exit is fixed.....Rebuilder does not work with chds, neither does fix-missing on addfiles if I'm not mistaken...
....so I will look into the drmn10m etc chds what's going on there.....if manual converting doesn't work either it's something related to the chds (maybe version mismatch).....stay tuned

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 07:46 »
wow..lots of information...I try to work on them as quick as possible...
regarding the convert fails on some chds, maybe it's related to version differences....there are some parent v4 chds in MAME collections which are flagged as baddump where the clones are v5 chds....

Checking the rest hopefully soon....

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