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Messages - Roman

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clrmame Discussion / Re: Sneak Peak
« on: 12 September 2024, 06:48 »
Actually it's even possible to run a scan and rebuild job at the same time.....
If this is recommended..well...I guess not...first of all I should add a check that you don't do a rebuild on your rompaths while scanning (and all other possible weird path constellations) and currently Scanner and Rebuilder both try to get as much possible threads supported by your CPU...so running both would most likely result in some slower processing....not to mention disk activity when the same hdd is used....

The commandline tools are also combined by the way...so you will only get 2 exe files with the next release. I think if I even bring that down to one exe....

Wonder if I need a new logo and new icons ;-) Any artists out there? A KI image generator gave me the following.....(see attachment). Compared to the old one I think it's too detailed....ah..caring about not really needed things....back to work :-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Unnecessary dialogue?
« on: 11 September 2024, 20:54 »
Two different levels. So you can for example show complete software lists while not showing complete machines which can be a lot of entries. Guess I find some other use cases…
So having such options for machine and sl level makes sense in my opinion.
If a different menu ordering makes it essier to use, just let me know

clrmame Discussion / Re: New scanner, filtering
« on: 11 September 2024, 19:50 »
    starts-with(@name, 'a2600')
or starts-with(@name, 'a800')
or @name='xegs'

yes, gets rather long...but so what :)
That's why I said, go by manufacturers....but yes, Commodore is more than C64 and Amiga....

clrmame Discussion / Sneak Peak
« on: 11 September 2024, 19:01 »
Well...pretty quiet here recently?

Well, that doesn't mean nothing happens:


- added: scanner, context menu option to show clone names (in full merge mode only) which have issues right beside the set name
         up to 5, if there are more, you can see all in tooltips


- fixed: using relative paths fails after first scan due to wrong current folder
- fixed: when an elapsed time takes less than 0 seconds, no value as elapsed time is shown ;-)
- fixed: hash calculation of empty files
- fixed: scanner, some unneeded files won't be removed but aren't reported either when fix is enabled
- misc:  scanner, remove matches from AddPath option now removes ALL matches, no matter if they were just real fill-ins for a missing file or already existing in a rompath
- misc:  hiding sample specific problems while loading datfile in rebuilder and in scanner when no sample paths are set

ah well..that's not all.....there is an additional picture attached....

clrmame Discussion / Re: New scanner, filtering
« on: 11 September 2024, 18:59 »
I still prefer xpath filters by companies...

xp://softwarelist[contains(@description, 'Commodore') or contains(@description, 'Atari')]/software

Guess you can add Nintendo and some more :-)

hmm...according to the internet, MacOS creates it as "Icon" followed by a carrige return character. So just for a quick test you may try:


This won't hide the "can't determine file size" or "can't calculate crc32 of" log message yet....but shouldn't list it as unneeded hopefully....

Hmm..interesting since the regular expression actually should match any possible character in there, no matter how many unprintable ones follow. I will check with some colleagues who maybe able to create me 10 folders with such files....

simply ignoring hidden files..hmm..I will do some tests....

Hmm....your zip contains two icon files.
One in the MAME folder, named 'Icon_" and one in the _MACOSX folder named "._Icon_" and both are matched by .*(\.DS_Store|Icon.+)$ reg ex.

You can try .*(\.DS_Store|Icon.*)$
The . after Icon refers to any possible character, and the * means none of them , one or more of them....That should actually match anything Icon related....

Thanks, I will have a look on it over the weekend....

clrmame Discussion / Re: scanner 0.04, rebuilder 0.11
« on: 31 August 2024, 07:12 »
what do you want? Miliseconds :-) Your PC is too fast...well....Maybe I show miliseconds when seconds are 0.....

Can you send me one of such icon files (e.g. compressed in a zip, so that the full filename is intact).

The "can't determine file size of " and "can't calculate.." messages seems to be correct though since it first tries to read the file to check if it's something valid. Unneeded mask files are filtered out on a later stage...when they were detected as being unneeded.
However I might be able to filter out such masked files from error messages.....I take a note.

Maybe there are more than one printable character at the end...you can try something like this:


The change is that it now expects Icon after a "\" and there can be anything before the end of the line....

clrmame Discussion / Re: scanner 0.04, rebuilder 0.11
« on: 30 August 2024, 17:33 »
You have an example?
The scanner removes unneeded files and if it's the last file in the zip it also removes the zip...and if it's the last file in a subfolder it also removes the empty subfolder.
Besides, the rebuilder doesn't remove unneeded. It removes rebuilt matches from the source folder.

The newly added option in the scanner removes matched fill-ins from the addpath but only if it was really used as a fill in for a missing but fixable file

Private message should work and as mentioned: Logout, maybe clean cookies, login usually works fine....

clrmame Discussion / Re: scanner 0.04, rebuilder 0.11
« on: 30 August 2024, 13:31 »
Spam bot protection problems usually can be avoided by logout / relogin.
You can export the scan results to clipboard....and paste them here

unneeded masks are now regular expressions...so the following should fit your needs:


so it translates to
anything at the beginning (.*)
followed by either '.DS_Store' (\.DS_Store)
or (|)
'Icon. with one extra character' (Icon.+)
which forms the end of the text ($)

The DS Store example is showed as tooltip by the way :-)

clrmame Discussion / scanner 0.04, rebuilder 0.11
« on: 30 August 2024, 07:17 »



- added: scanner, option to remove fill-in files from addpaths (this can include backup when 'act as' option is on). Only files which were actually needed in the rompaths are removed
- misc:  changed elapsed time format and show an overall duration
- fixed: handling of loadflag="continue" fails in software list based xmls
- fixed: scanner, fixing missing roms/disks can accidently move the rom/disk when it shouldn't
- fixed: scanner, parentfolders of fill-in files can be touched (timestamp update) when they shouldn't
- fixed: scanner, fix missing roms/disks can accidently look in a folder where the match is not present leading to can't access/can't backup messages


- added: checkbox for upper mentioned remove fill-in files option
- misc: updated some flyovers

By the way: If you have a 0 byte gekimaka.zip in your rompath, you need to remove it manually first. That could have been created with the .03 scanner.....

in a full merged collection there is only "robocop"....we can think about showing all clones like [clone 1, clone 2, clone 3...] ...but actually this can really mess up the output and it's not really what you want.

In the new tools, when full merged mode is on, there are no clones. Period. ;-) Same for standalone mode, there are no parents and no clones.
And yes, I'm a friend of split mode....never seen a reason to use full merge.....and no, don't start with "I save some diskspace" in 2024

I hear what you say though....maybe...sometime in the future I might add an option to list the unique subfolder names which caused an error on toplevel...for you full merge users :)

clrmame Discussion / new scanner and MAME .269
« on: 29 August 2024, 06:49 »
End of month, a new MAME is out, a fantastic opportunity to find issues in the new tools...

a quick look at it shows me that there can be some "can't access" and "can't backup" messages around wontame, dokodemo, gekimaka sets.
Such sets have roms and chds and the missing files in the MAME.269 cycle can be taken from other sets (i.e. pingu). Unfortunately the new scanner accidently also takes the chd folder of pingu for fixing the roms...where it doesn't find the roms and reports the issues.

Working on a fix (choosing the right source (dir or archive) in case of multiple sources) now and I guess a new version will be out soon.

look some rows above...there is the scanning time :-)
If fixing is on, you will also see a fixing time....
The rest (loading dat, writing output) is currently not covered :)

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