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 on: 25 July 2024, 17:21 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
Actually both should output the same missing files….do you have an example? However I can only look at it early August. See also https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=9767.0
I somehow think that in cmpro you got some options enabled which might hide some output…lets check that in August

 on: 25 July 2024, 16:53 
Started by Roman - Last post by GDT
Ok, I restarted from scratch with a new folder with the new scanner only for -listxml and this time it worked.
It finded some bounch (about 50) missing romsets, compared to clrmame scanner.

 on: 25 July 2024, 02:15 
Started by Agard - Last post by wittingginget
CLRMAMEPRO 4.047  server request to host mamedev.emulab.it path:/clrmamepro/version failed with error code: 503

Is it just server down or an update is in progress ?
This error occasionally occurs due to connectivity and is usually quickly resolved. Sometimes I also encounter problems and then the system runs normally again.

 on: 24 July 2024, 08:13 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
New scanner supports datfiles and direct exe imports either -listxml or -listsoftware imports. -listsoftware include softwarelists only, listxml the ‚arcade‘ (not fully true) only.
You can easily switch between various dats/exe imports.
Generally it supports standard xml dats like listxml outputs, single softwarelist dats like mame hashfolder files and softwarelist collections like -listsoftware outputs.

In cmpro you usually import from a mame exe (listxml) and the it asks you if it additionally should do a -listsoftware import.
This mixed all in one mode is not really recommended (a pain to setup paths). For softwarelists use single profiles based on mame‘s hashfolder files or even better use the new scanner with two xml/exe setups (one for listxml one for listsoftware) to have all of mame.

 on: 24 July 2024, 00:17 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3

Have you tried using the XML file from the hash subfolder in the MAME directory? 
I tend to use those myself when scanning software lists. Hope this helps

 on: 23 July 2024, 22:10 
Started by Roman - Last post by GDT
I did a "new scan".
I'm using the new scanner but I was only able to run with mame.exe -listsoftware. Now I'm tryingwith -listxml but it gives to me a lot of missing roms from software list, which are ok with -listsoftware...
If you want I can send to you both scan results.

 on: 23 July 2024, 17:30 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
I guess you made a ‚new scan‘ after manually removing the file and not just a scan (since a scan only checks files which were bad before). As mentioned I can have a look at it in about 2 weeks earliest. Till then I recommend to either use the new scanner or use single profiles instead the combined mode.

 on: 23 July 2024, 16:41 
Started by Roman - Last post by GDT
Today I tested with a new clean profile with Clrmame, and I get a clean mame set (apart netbsd chds issue).
BUT I manually removed ggiana from C64 softwarelist folder and Clrmame just didn't recognize it as missing.
I attached some screenshots.

 on: 23 July 2024, 02:17 
Started by Agard - Last post by usteebandann
in set information i use invert then i keep all for awbios hikaru naomi2 airlbios naomi f355dlx f355bios naomigd hot2bios segasp

i'm wanting to keep all roms bios & chd files from all those systems listed above am i doing it the right way?

it keeps removing rom tetgiano & it keeps renaming tetgiant chd to tetgiano

is this wrong ?
Your way is also the way I usually do it. Sometimes renaming errors occur like you said but I don't know any better way to keep the files.  ;D

 on: 18 July 2024, 20:05 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
how to scan arcade roms? Well, the way everything can be scanned.

- Setup either a datfile in xml/exe input box (or in your specific case, use a mame.exe there with -listxml, or plain mame.exe which by default uses -listxml there)
- Setup one or more rompaths and (optionally) sample paths
- Select your merge mode

Normally that's it, unless you're one of the users which use specific patterns in their rompaths (e.g. you got the sets split by bios or something), in such a case you can define patterns.

Unfortunately I don't have the time to check your settings in old cmpro due to holidays.....maybe in August. Maybe setting up a new profile helps.

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