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 on: 01 July 2024, 06:20 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
ok...little update (no binary yet though)

- fixed the handling of illegal file characters as rom/disk/sample name, including a "." at the end. This is now aligned to old cmpro and the gtsers7a issue is gone

- some fixable but missing files don't appear or get fixed in a first scan run (cmv4zga etc...), found the issue...lousy "off by 1", it simply forgets to process one entry during a fix missing operation...

Will check some more things before I put out something new.....

 on: 01 July 2024, 05:41 
Started by mjmattson3170 - Last post by Roman
Hmm...yep, that's a problem.
Since we talk about uncompressed chds, you can't turn on the hashcollision mode (new scanner/rebuilder would do that automatically) which would use subfolders for each clone in a full merged environment. Why? Because MAME does not load decompressed files in subfolders, otherwise it would work.

Either use split merged mode or report this to MAME developers so it gets somehow fixed.

In the meantime I think about something which may be possible as a workaround.

I've reported it in the MAME discord tester channel already...

 on: 01 July 2024, 00:07 
Started by mjmattson3170 - Last post by mjmattson3170
Hi Roman:

It looks like there may be an issue with software list CHDs under sgi_mips.

It seems the scanner wishes to merge netbsd_2_0 with netbsd_2_0_2 and both folders have 2 CHDs with the same names.

The roms from pleasure dome for netbsd_2_0_2 have the two from netbsd_2_0 but have appended what looks like hash strings to the filename to distinguish.  The scanner wants to rename them to the same names as the other two (sgimipscd.chd and sourcecd.chd), which will not work.

I have tried to allow the scanner to rename the two with hash strings, but then it reports the other two missing with the same names.  If you start with the other two first, it then wants the CHDs with the hash strings, but of the same name.  Seems to be a looping issue and that you cannot have two files with the same name in the same folder.

 on: 30 June 2024, 12:19 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
So new MAME is finally out....time to check the scanner on it... and yes, there are some things I need to look into.

Trivia (Questions Series 7, alt question ROM) [folder: gtsers7a - parent: gtsers1]
Here either cmpro or the new scanner complains about the name. The rom name ends with a "." which is not possible under Windows...cmpro removes it from the name, the new scanner seems to keep it, so you end in a rename loop if you scan with cmpro then with the new scanner and so on...I will fix that

cmpro also complains about some missing clone roms in cmv4zga, gtsers7a ,mspacmane , mspacmane2, pleiadsgmp and pacmanmr while the new scanner doesn't do that in its first run. So you may have the feeling everything is ok, while a 2nd scan reveals the "fixable but missing" ones. They also get fixed, but they should get fixed in the first run already OR it should be listed.

I will definetly check on those and what the reason for them is....so, if you find other things besides of these sets, let me know

 on: 30 June 2024, 10:01 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
Windows does not allow (or actually auto removes) "." at the end of a filename, that's why such files get the . removed when parsing the datfile. You can have it in an archive though.
Hmm..both apps complain about the file when "." is at the end....I will check it. Correct would be without "." at the end since Windows removes it on itself.....I will do some more test on it.

Regarding your requests:

- yes, resizable logging versus resizeable scan tree (i.e. being able to resize both with a split element or something) is on my list
- yeah, for now, the combo boxes simply keep the last 5 unique entries...currently you can only clear them in the settings.xml, good point

 on: 30 June 2024, 02:30 
Started by Roman - Last post by Bad A. Billy
Thanks for the new code Roman!
Looking good so far!

I think I have found a bit of an oddity though. Scanned the new mameui .267 with clmpro & the new nameless scanner.
This popped up in the Greyhound Trivia games, set 7a to be exact.
Besides finding a possible extra "." in the source, it makes this happen(at least for me, maybe I'm doing something wrong):

I can have 1 scanner remove the "." to make it correct but then the other complains about not having a "." and I can go back & forth adding/removing "."s for as long as I like...
Is it something to do with the character "." itself or something else in the new scanner?

Also a couple of suggestions for the ui version:
-For the output/warning window at the bottom...you've got it sizeable but it only pulls down the top main issues window.
Can you make that lower window able to be re-sized also?
-Besides editing the settings file by hand, is there a way to delete the saved I/O paths? (Maybe I'm missing something simple?)

Thanks again for taking the time to do all this.

 on: 29 June 2024, 11:21 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3
Thank you Roman!

 on: 29 June 2024, 11:12 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
ok, I've put it on the wishlist....should be pretty easy to add

 on: 29 June 2024, 10:32 
Started by Roman - Last post by nullz3
what exactly do you mean with "import set names from text files"?

You mean you have a textfile holding set names (either line by line or somehow separated by a character?) and you want to use that as "Filter". So if your file holds "pacman" and "005" you want that the loaded datfile is limited to these two (plus their dependencies).

If that's the case, I could think about enhancing the filter (which currently does regex and xpath) maybe by entering something like "file:c:\temp\list.txt".
Or do you mean something else?

You explained it better than I could have   :)
Basically with old cmpro, I load the full MAME XML dat, then in the Set Information window, I load a text file containing set names and then tick "include BIOS, include Devices.  Here is a screen grab for visual.

 on: 29 June 2024, 09:48 
Started by Roman - Last post by Roman
what exactly do you mean with "import set names from text files"?

You mean you have a textfile holding set names (either line by line or somehow separated by a character?) and you want to use that as "Filter". So if your file holds "pacman" and "005" you want that the loaded datfile is limited to these two (plus their dependencies).

If that's the case, I could think about enhancing the filter (which currently does regex and xpath) maybe by entering something like "file:c:\temp\list.txt".
Or do you mean something else?

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