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Messages - Stiletto

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Undumped Wiki / Re: Death came from Verminest (2016)
« on: 31 October 2016, 17:45 »
Added to wiki by Diet Go Go Fan.

I could be mistaken, but most of the chips on that PCB date from 2002. See the datecodes on their labels starting with 02...

Dunno about the cabinet, impossible to say now. I would believe you if you said it was a coin operated air-hockey game or something. I really doubt it's a video game? Perhaps the PCB actually goes to this cabinet, but I'd doubt it's the Brass International thing (so far)

we added them, thanks!

Undumped Wiki / Re: Tourvision (A.K.A) PC-Engine bootleg.
« on: 31 May 2016, 12:12 »
Interesing but outdated list of dumped/undumped "Tourvision" games.


-80 titles avaiables, (in MAME 0.172 actually 67 avaiables).

system11 says:
Quote from: system11
** 209 data block definitions in BIOS 6.0 suggests this number is
incorrect, although many are duplicates.

Batman (images from the magazine on marquee)
Blodia (according whit the page)
Dragon Egg (images from the magazine on marquee)
F-1 Triple Battle (images from the magazine on marquee)
Hatris (images from the magazine title screen on a monitor and marquee)
Legendary Axe (images from the magazine in-game image on a monitor and marquee)
Legendary Axe II (according whit the page)
Out Run (images from the magazine highsocres list on monitor and marquee)
Titan (images from the magazine on marquee)

They've all been added to tourvis.cpp comments since your post, Legendary Axe was even found and dumped.

Parasol Stars (according whit the page)

We still need more proof. It was added to pce_tourvision.xml as a bad_dump (taken from pce.xml) with the following note:
Code: [Select]
<!-- NOT dumped from an actual Tourvision cart yet, hence bad_dump, but we know it exists, and it's likely identical. -->
Current thinking is Parasol Stars in the Tourvision web pages that exist is probably mistaken for Liquid Kids,  which TourVision marketed as Parasol Stars II because it was the only bit of English on the cart.

Thanks to system11 for the notes.

BTW, "Tecwar" is safe, in case you've forgotten. Amazing score by ShouTime.

Anyhow, thanks.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 3.138a
« on: 02 March 2016, 03:25 »
In case someone needs them, I was looking for them but later found them:

Undumped Wiki / Re: Parasol Stars, just curiousity sake.
« on: 05 January 2016, 03:10 »
Well, yes - but it's console, not arcade. Undumped wiki isn't tackling non-arcade games... yet. Maybe someday in the far off future, until then there's: http://www.mess.org/#dumping_project

Found a page, not sure if had some extra info about it:


I don't think so. The TurboSub.com guy researched the AMOA show in great detail.

Much as I'd love to be the one who eventually discovers Bouncer, I think Chris will be the guy. ;)

Undumped Wiki / General guidelines
« on: 18 September 2015, 22:07 »
General guidelines for newcomer editors to the wiki:
- we don't use the discussion pages, we use the forum
- we don't usually make pages for dumped games unless they already had a undumped page. Ex. No making a page for "Q*Bert" unless there's some new known undumped revision. Even then, you'd include the revision in the description and name of the new page.: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=33.0
- corollary: different revisions of dumps get listed separately unless more than one for the same game are known to be needed: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=35.0
- try to list citations as often as possible, when uploading photos, etc.
- give thanks to whoever in the comments when you make a new page if needed
- games get moved from Category:Undumped to Dumped when they've been completely dumped - AND put in MAME. Dumped but not yet in MAME generally does not count as Dumped. We sometimes change this status as late as MAME release, or as early as submission to the git. Removal from the list of Undumped is manually done, so take care of that when possible.
- if only one region for a game has been dumped, game has not yet been fully dumped (this is inconsistently done across the wiki) and thus the category is not changed.
- if game has been partially dumped (ex. ROMs are missing from the PCB) but put into MAME, this is equivalent to being Dumped and the Category is changed to Dumped. : http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=34.0 (They will appear in the Bad Dump page once they're put into MAME: http://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Bad_dump )
- when Category is changed to Dumped, all other categories are removed so that selecting categories does not cause dumped games to be listed.: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=41.0
Exceptions: discrete logic (TTL-based) games, usage of language templates.
- website "shortnames" are preferable to listing such-and-such.com in the External links description: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=3798.0
- if a game uses analog media (tapes, laserdiscs) this is not currently included in whether the ROMs are dumped or undumped, only the ROMs are included. (For now at least): http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=37.0
- if a game uses analog media (film, filmstrips), are electromechanical in nature, do not use a video screen and use NO ROMs they are more-or-less not include-able on the wiki. (For now at least)
- we are not (probably, ever) prioritizing some games over other games as "Most Wanted"
- we're starting to upload more photos when we feel likely the source may disappear (ex. auction photos)
- if you have time, try to alphabetize the External links by source as you go along
- https: links use a very ugly icon in my opinion, so until the icon can be changed please stick to http links (this is probably just me being weird)
- there's plenty to do in general, including creating pages for each game on the new list of undocumented discrete logic games
- we're not going crazy in ensuring the infoboxes are all filled, listing Developers versus Manufacturers, etc. We're mostly a link farm, linking to other sources of info (Arcade-History, unMAMEd, etc.)
- try not to list anything from KLOV UNLESS you can find agreeing info from another source that does not obviously draw upon KLOV as a source.
- Thus far, when it comes to things like auction photos and photos from mfg. websites, we've been out-and-out thieves, not asking permission nor submitting licensing info. On the other hand, we choose to have honor when it comes to places like unMAMEd, System 16 and such so we'll typically only link to those places and not borrow things from them. Occasionally we'll put the original link to the photo in the comments when we upload one. But it's not a huge focus because our main interest is in linking elsewhere for content, preferably reliable websites. This helps keep the wiki's data usage and bandwidth down, among other things.
- when in doubt follow the pattern set by another page... such as embedded images should be set to 250px by default.
- I'm very particular about how the various elements in a progettoemma.net link are arranged, ideally if something better comes along I want to search&replace through the wiki database, so I make sure the MAME romset name goes at the end. (Replacing all the arcadeflyers.com links with flyers.arcade-museum.com links was tough enough the first time...)

I think that covers just about everything.

First draft of this new list page is now up, and editing is under way...

Undumped Wiki / Re: Living Easels (1998, Disney)
« on: 15 September 2015, 12:09 »
Registration is locked to moderators and admins for now. PM sent.

Undumped Wiki / Re: Living Easels (1998, Disney)
« on: 15 September 2015, 04:10 »
Added by Diet Go Go Fan.

... would you like a wiki account or something? You've been submitting a lot recently...

HardcoreGaming101 has been stealth-updating those pages for years... the version of these pages from 2010 weren't as especially clear:
(though Osso could have used a little better judgment perhaps!  ;D )

(For the record, you have now probably disappointed some of the weirder MAMEDevs that "Mommy, why doesn't she have a weeny?" doesn't exist as a MAME target - but more of a MESS one... ;D )

... Fixed.

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