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Messages - Stiletto

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Undumped Wiki / Re: Sega NAOMI - Oinori
« on: 27 August 2015, 21:15 »
Fixed, thanks. :)

Undumped Wiki / Re: Wild Gunman (1974, Nintendo)
« on: 16 August 2015, 20:16 »
We are well aware of projection-type gun games. The vast majority are electromechanical and do not use CPUs or ROMs, so there's nothing to dump, just filmstrips and artwork to scan and preserve (which is still a worthy project, to be sure). In fact, most barely use "discrete logic" - they use very simple electronic/optic relays and timers to determine whether shots hit or missed, and the analog electromechanical film projector. As such they are not very good targets for MAME to emulate in the future.

However, given that MAMEWorld.info forums has as a member the world's largest Wild Gunman fan, I've been thinking of adding it to the Undumped wiki for nostalgia purposes, and writing a little about the problem. ;)

We're well ahead of you on this particular topic by over a decade, check out my involvement in this trip down memory lane:
and here: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=mamechat&Number=246012
According to gregf I "named that game" in spring 2002. Time flies!
Since that time, greg has acquired manuals and schematics to various projection games and others, and I would argue that he's one of the emulation community's "experts" regarding projection games and their emulation feasibility. He goes a little into the problem here: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=mamechat&Number=256881

Reminder: The main purpose of the Undumped wiki is to list (with citations) all games that are not dumped. We are probably going to move into adding more discrete logic games with nothing to dump as a side project: http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=3943.0
but even these have complex schematics and circuitboards that can be simulated at a low level, and many generate a video signal for display and audio as well.

Wild Gunman and most other projector games really do not do much of the sort, from what I understand. We're really uncertain whether we can adequately and reliably simulate these in MAME, but I think they will more likely be destined for some spinoff project.

The Laser Clay Shooting System you mentioned earlier may be an exception, though we won't know for certain until we see full manuals and schematics and/or PCBs. http://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=3955.0

Undumped Wiki / Re: Idol Game (2002, Namco)
« on: 15 August 2015, 01:03 »

Undumped Wiki / Re: Toylet (2011, SEGA)
« on: 15 August 2015, 01:01 »


This is a list of games i'm surprised what are not in MAME and/or in undumped wiki, probably i forgot somehing, but if anybody can re-check if this miss-list is accurated?.

-Gotcha  (Atari, 1973)

-Hi-Way  (Atari, 1975)

-Quadrapong (Atari, 1974)

-Rebound (Atari, 1974)

-Space Race (Atari, 1973)

-TV Basketball (Midway, 1974) -in preserved list but not in MAME-

Category "nothing to dump".

Two things:
1. I'm working on creating a page on the wiki for discrete logic arcade games that are not yet in MAME. I expect for now we will mainly track the video arcade games. We'll call it "List of Undocumented Discrete Logic Arcade Games" or something, and everything is gonna get moved over there that is tagged Discrete Logic and then some. I was hoping to have it done by now but something came up. Of course, the places we'll point users to to get the FULL story will still be allincolorforaquarter.blogspot.com and discrete.mameworld.info. The wiki will only have a brief synopsis of the situation and explain what we're looking for. ;)

2.  The games simulated by DICE will be added to MAME slowly over the course of time. We have obtained permission from DICE's developers to add their "drivers" as our developers' time allows, and couriersud has put a LOT of work into making MAME's netlist system able to be compatible with DICE's format with few changes to be made.

Undumped Wiki / Re: Info about Playmatic/Cidelsa
« on: 11 May 2015, 22:53 »
Okay - pages made:

About the wiki, I can write a entry for each game I listed, including the references from where I have found (for external links), so you could add them to the wiki, If you like. If so let me know :)

We could just give you an account to edit the Undumped wiki if you want.

[EDIT] I already see big problems with Recreativas saying some games are dumped and emulated where they are not - I was specifically looking at Gaelco.

Undumped Wiki / Re: Info about Playmatic/Cidelsa
« on: 25 March 2015, 17:16 »
Sorry, haven't forgotten - been kinda busy over here.

We have some other content regarding Spanish games and I have to figure out how to work it all in (the "Chuby" page needs a solid makeover).

I like your new(ish?) website!

Undumped Wiki / Re: G-Stream G2020 (CONFIRMED 2nd Revision)
« on: 28 February 2015, 01:02 »
Shou confirming is good enough for me, he has accumulated quite the collection and connections with the knowledge. We'll add it. :)

It seems people have been in touch with you. Very good! :)

Undumped Wiki / Re: Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhuan
« on: 05 September 2014, 23:20 »
Entered! Thanks for your submission.  :)

Any chance this is the same "Wahlap Technology" for which we have a few 2012-2014 games entered?

There are surely plenty of other Chinese/Taiwanese arcade/gambling/mahjong/medal games that are undumped and are not documented yet (though people like dyq and bnathan have helped tremendously over the years...)

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