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Messages - Stiletto

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clrmame Discussion / Re: Bad URL...
« on: 19 October 2021, 23:13 »
It's linked to in https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/#docs - maybe the link should be removed, IDK

Page is down, due to the 2018 website redesign. See May 16th 2018 update: https://www.mameworld.info/easyemu/news.html

Contact MrV2K on MAMEWorld Forums if you need to know more, insomnia976: https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showprofile.php?Cat=&User=2564

In the meantime, you can try the Wayback Machine copy (archive.org), but as MrV2K said in 2018, it's out of date.


Just noticed this board was only regarding arcade games.

No, we've changed and adapted (and the process is still ongoing!)

LCD Handheld info is being "staged"/processed here, for the most part.

I've added all Elektronika LCD game info I can find here:

There's still many other calculators, LED games, etc. but this should be most of the LCD games (in the style of Nintendo Game & Watch).

I added it to here:

However, I really don't feel as though it's the right place. It may need its own separate list similar to the "information staging/preparing" we have going over here: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=User:Incog

Undumped Wiki / Re: A Couple of Hobbyist Computers
« on: 22 November 2019, 19:31 »
Added the Putnam Electronics PE6502 to the Undumped Computers and Consoles list:

As for the Gigatron, I added it... then I removed it, as it is (and has always been) dumped.

Undumped Wiki / Re: A Couple of Hobbyist Computers
« on: 22 November 2019, 12:55 »
We could possibly emulate both of these in MAME (aside from the PE6502's Propeller interface).

To emulate the Gigatron at the TTL level, we will need a lot more devices added to MAME's netlist library: 74138 (74HCT138), 74139 (74HCT139), 74157 (74HCT157), 74240 (74HCT240), 74244 (74HCT244), 74273 (74HCT273), 74283 (74HCT283), 74377 (74HCT377), 74595 (74HC595), 27C1024, 62256, CD4021... Even if they could all be supported, the simulation could surely not run at the megahertz-plus needed.
So we might need to emulate it at a higher level for now instead.
But it doesn't need to be dumped! It's open-source and ROMs are available. So it does not (yet) have a home at Undumped Wiki. Maybe in the Discrete page, but that's only for arcade games at the moment.

As for the PE6502...
The PE6502 ROM has not been dumped (though it largely uses Apple software). He does not offer it for free, so it would require the purchase of a PE6502.

Even after that - there's the unofficial "3 year rule", and it seems like we might be barely past that in the PE6502's case.

Foone got a VTech Thomas & Friends: Learn & Explore Laptop on the workbench back in August.

Unfortunately the MCU has internal ROM and appears to be a raw die blobbed over with epoxy:

It will require decapsulation and more to dump it out, and the CPU core will need to be identified.

Undumped Wiki / Re: Logitec's World Rally
« on: 16 October 2019, 22:37 »
Thanks for the head's up, dave00!

I don't know why we missed that previously.

Made this page to collect information: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=World_Rally_(Logitec)

It was previously in the list at https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Undumped#Logitec as text-only (don't forget to check there too, sometimes we don't have pages made yet), but all it said was "World Rally (Unconfirmed, maybe an error)"

Undumped Wiki / Re: Revenge! by Inskor Entertainment
« on: 25 June 2019, 04:51 »
Sorry, missed this.

If you still have the original hardware, some general advice:

- photograph or scan every PCB, good enough to read all the component numbers and printing. If you cannot, jot it all down by hand. An exact motherboard model name and number *may* be good enough.

- dump ANY firmware: motherboard BIOS, video card BIOS, and any other ROMs

- get a list of every component inside the PC, period. Exact manufacturers and model numbers.

- instead of just copying the game files, image the hard drive (if it is still pristine and untouched by you), if via a USB adapter ideally with a write-blocker like "thumbscrew" to prevent whatever host OS you interface it with from writing back to it (Windows 7+ is known to do this for certain). Make a note of the CHS settings in the BIOS and get the exact make and model number of the drive. Linux "dd" can work to make an image. Or WinHex (registered) on Windows. These days we also want to get the ATA ID string when we can.

- also, make a note of the CMOS settings.

The security dongle, if it contains a ROM, will need to be dumped. At the very least, an attempt to disassemble it. Hopefully it is not filled with epoxy.

The button input board might also have a ROM on it or a microcontroller that has internal ROM which will need to be dumped. Unlikely based on your description but we'd need to see.

Some tutorials:

For more in-depth advice you will want to contact The Dumping Union. The best way is via Smitdogg at MAMEWorld: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showprofile.php?Cat=&User=2

Undumped Wiki / Re: Coke-Cola Vending Machine with Game
« on: 26 July 2018, 20:18 »
Sorry for resurrecting this topic, but there's another Coke vending machine game called "Spell Coke," though I've never been able to find any info on it.

Finally added, thanks. (Rik of HandheldMuseum owns a "Spell Coke", you can ask him about any more info?)


I think Test Driver actually uses 16mm film, like Wild Gunman and the like.

Confirmed. This means (basically) that it's not really an Undumped wiki target as (generally speaking) there's no CPU, program code, or even complex transistor-transistor logic. Hence no entry for Test Driver. MAME currently has no framework to simulate a game that uses 16mm film and a high-level list of jump points provided by electromechanical schematics. Probably best targeted towards a spin-off project.

We'd need to see schematics/circuitboards that power these games to say for sure. With the exception of the Laser Clay Shooting System, which we're a little unsure about, we've been trying to keep electromechanical games out of the wiki. They may have films, but there's nothing MAME can emulate at a low-level. (Most of these tagged along via other information sources we imported: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Category:Electromechanical )

The EVR games are probably "on the bubble" so to speak, and we need to learn more about their hardware.

Undumped Wiki / Re: Dracula Hunter
« on: 26 July 2018, 19:27 »
Diet Go Go Fan added some of the auction photos to the wiki on May 2nd, 2018. Thanks for the head's up, though!

Undumped Wiki / Re: Witch Way ad
« on: 26 July 2018, 19:18 »
Finally uploaded, thanks!

Undumped Wiki / Re: Found Space Fever B&W
« on: 23 May 2018, 21:01 »
Scratch that, I was confusing Space Fever with Space Firebird.

No worries! :)

Undumped Wiki / Re: GALLAG 1983 PARK korea bootleg
« on: 23 May 2018, 21:00 »

It was GALLAG, bootleg of bootleg GALLAG 1982

Thanks! We'll add it. Good to hear from you, 30yk!

(Any idea what the full company name of "Park" was? Or is it trivia that has been lost to history?)

The EVR games are likely to be electromechanical (no ROMs, no CPU(s), just mechanisms and motors and gears and relays and perhaps some logic gates). EVR player technology dates back to at least 1968 - see here for someone with a working player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywrbBJY5OUI . Anyhow, this means they're not a great target for MAME to emulate, as there's no microprocessors and barely even any semiconductors involved, really. This is the case with most other filmstrip-using games. For some others in the electromechanical category whose emulation capability is tenuous, see: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Category:Electromechanical

Still, MAME could - at best - possibly provide a simulation - or some future MAME spinoff project. Would need to see the circuitboards (if any) to know more.

Nevertheless, EVR Baseball is in the wiki already: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=EVR_Baseball
in the Nintendo list: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Undumped#Nintendo

And yes, we should list Test Drive since we list EVR Baseball and EVR Race. We'll correct that.

Mario Roulette: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Mario_Roulette
is in the Konami list: https://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Undumped#Konami
(look at the flyer to see Konami's logo!)

Undumped Wiki / Re: Found Space Fever B&W
« on: 04 May 2018, 14:40 »
Thanks for the head's up.

It's doubtful anyone involved with the project has $2000 USD to put towards this right now, but worst case scenario at least we've acquired more photos of it.

There's an off chance this uses the same ROMs as the color version, but I'm betting there's at least some ROM differences and some definite circuitboard differences. I'll take a look at n8080.cpp later to see what's known so far.

Undumped Wiki / Re: THE iDOLM@STER
« on: 12 April 2018, 00:13 »
Sounds fine, but as the page says, "games can be both"...

Undumped Wiki / Re: Coke-Cola Vending Machine with Game
« on: 22 January 2018, 01:34 »
It took a while but we finally broke down and made a page for this.

Added to the Undumped wiki by Diet Go Go Fan.

BTW, regarding the thread you posted in at their forums: https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=36444

Can you please let them know that "Sonic the Hedgehog (AWP game)" is dumped (parent set "j6sonic" and clones in MAME - http://www.progettoemma.net/index.php?gioco=j6sonic&lang=en ) and also I think "UFO Mini: SegaSonic" is also dumped and in MAME as "newufo_sonic" (http://www.progettoemma.net/index.php?gioco=newufo_sonic&lang=en, though it's hard to say for sure...)

I don't have an account there.

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