misc: 32bit version still runs on SSE1 processors
misc: compiled with VS Studio 2015 Update 1
misc: updated to unrar lib/sdk 5.31.1 and 7z lib/sdk to 15.14
misc: prevent system sleep mode for scan, rebuild, merge tasks
misc: the minimum value for rebuilder option to skip folder after X skipped files is now 1
added: setinfo tree lists empty sets only on request (context menu) and empty tree branches are removed
misc: setinfo tree gets reendered on actions (apply, invert, etc) when show enabled/disabled is used
added: %r=1, %P=1, %H=1 variable (has roms, is sample-only set, is chd-only set)
misc: select sets variables %h,%p,%M,%B,%I,%r,%P,%H also supports =0 now
(e.g. %h=1 has chds; %h=0 hasn't chds)
removed: cmpro.ini switch Adv_DatFormatXML, Export format (from setinfo) can now be switched in dir2dat
added: dir2dat can export in softwarelist format (pretty preliminary but a start)
added: dir2dat option add manufacturer -> from folder, which takes the current folder name as
manufacturer/publisher (in single set mode only)
hint: if you don't collect chds/samples and don't want cmpro to moan about missing sets, you can use
%H=1;%P=1 (Apply, Invert, check 'initial invert' checkbox) to disable chd-only and sample-only sets