clrmame Discussion / Re: Question about Rebuilding in the correct path of zip file
« on: 15 December 2013, 15:42 »
Hi, sorry but i do not undestand comments about *.ini and .cmp files,
I've perfomed many installation on different clean systems and the result is always the same: clrmamepro rebuild function puts romfiles in subfolders structures into the zip files (and the name of the subfolder in zips, is the name of the set for the added romfiles).
So my guess is that what you say about .xml files could be due to the way MameUi32/64 produce set info imported by clrmame. Is it so?
The ones who say they cannot reproduce, how are you loading Mame profiles in Clrmamepro? [just for my understanding]
And where are the rom files in the zip file when you use Rebuild? [are they not in subfolders into the zip file?]
Thanks for your info, I hope to solve this problem somehow.
PS: What about an option for path correction in Clrmamepro in the scan options for compressed files, like the one Romcenter and Romulus have?
I've perfomed many installation on different clean systems and the result is always the same: clrmamepro rebuild function puts romfiles in subfolders structures into the zip files (and the name of the subfolder in zips, is the name of the set for the added romfiles).
So my guess is that what you say about .xml files could be due to the way MameUi32/64 produce set info imported by clrmame. Is it so?
The ones who say they cannot reproduce, how are you loading Mame profiles in Clrmamepro? [just for my understanding]
And where are the rom files in the zip file when you use Rebuild? [are they not in subfolders into the zip file?]
Thanks for your info, I hope to solve this problem somehow.
PS: What about an option for path correction in Clrmamepro in the scan options for compressed files, like the one Romcenter and Romulus have?