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Messages - Agard

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in set information i use invert then i keep all for awbios hikaru naomi2 airlbios naomi f355dlx f355bios naomigd hot2bios segasp

i'm wanting to keep all roms bios & chd files from all those systems listed above am i doing it the right way?

it keeps removing rom tetgiano & it keeps renaming tetgiant chd to tetgiano

is this wrong ?

CLRMAMEPRO 4.047  server request to host mamedev.emulab.it path:/clrmamepro/version failed with error code: 503

Is it just server down or an update is in progress ?

Thanks for reply I did have some files named wrong in my hyperspin xml so that sorted 6 rom problems out.

I have done a fresh re-scan of my roms & it says nothing is missing but that's not true these 10 are missing or should I say not showing up in my roms folder.

breakout  carnking  chaoshea  ddrbocd  gtfore04  gtfore05  gtfore06  pongd  rebound  wotwc

I'm using ARCADE 0.232 & clrmamepro is set to split sets so all 10 above should show in my roms folder but they don't. Thanks

clrmame Discussion / ROMs missing but games still work
« on: 10 June 2021, 16:36 »
Hi there I have just noticed that 16 roms are missing but the games still work I only noticed this as I tried launching ( chaoshea ) through hyperspin.
I downloaded ( chaoshea ) rom again & placed it in my roms folder & it stayed there so for some reason the 16 roms are there but not showing up , I have done a scan & it says nothing is missing but I go in my roms folder they don't show up but if I download all of the 16 roms & put them in my roms folder they stay visible now

Using ARCADE 0.232


clrmame Discussion / Re: Clrmame feature request
« on: 12 August 2016, 12:10 »
can u not use the list that mame provides as not working & the mechanical list ? As if not i can compile a list of whats not working for everyone. As i'm using mame uifx at the moment & it privides  a list of whats not working so i can give u that list.



clrmame Discussion / Re: Clrmame feature request
« on: 09 August 2016, 23:38 »
I have only just got the hang of updating roms so forgive me not knowing the abbreviations. I call working as playable & not crashing all the time plus not correct colours or not perfect graphics or working with problems. I go on what Mame says is fully playable so anything where you could just tick or not tick would be great & easy for someone like me.
So when you do a scan you could just tick the box or not tick the box for not working games/roms & same for imperfect & mechanical & Arcade & for console games/roms & for other things say card games & the list could be for other things too eventually when there is a fully detailed list defining which categories a game/roms goes in. If there is someone out there that is willing to show me how to compile my own build that would be great, as I have tried to understand & know what tools I would need to compile before but not being terribly good at techie things is a problem being shown & being talked through it & recording would help me so much.  Thankyou for replying so quickly

clrmame Discussion / Re: Clrmame feature request
« on: 08 August 2016, 21:22 »
Is it possible to add a feature were as clrmame can just search for the working games/roms & chd's eg. the working arcade games then a feature for the working console games. 2 seperate searches please as now mess is included now in mame i don't have any space on my hard drive & i must guess it's gotta be the same problem for a few other users. I would gladly donate if its posiible. Many Thanks

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