clrmame Discussion / Re: Titles setup (non-zipped)
« on: 09 October 2023, 00:44 »
Now I got it - thanks!
The new forum is online, hope you enjoy it!
That's not a real new ROM, it's a rename and has the same hash info as aa003.bin, but aa008.bin has baddump status.
It's probably being rejected as a duplicate in most ROM managers.
Perhaps this will require another small update to clrmamepro? As you can see it seems to be some kind of placeholder ROM for the 2nd MCU. Usually when there are multiple MCUs in a game, there are separate (non-identical) ROMs for each one. I don't know of any other games where there are identical ROMs on different MCUs, but I haven't looked for them. I don't know what clrmamepro's proper behavior is in such a case.
<machine name="josvolly" sourcefile="gsword.cpp">
<description>Joshi Volleyball</description>
<manufacturer>Allumer / Taito Corporation</manufacturer>
<rom name="aa003.bin" size="1024" crc="68b399d9" sha1="053482d12c2b714c23fc80ad0589a2afd258a5a6" region="mcu1" offset="0"/>
<rom name="aa008.bin" size="1024" crc="68b399d9" sha1="053482d12c2b714c23fc80ad0589a2afd258a5a6" status="baddump" region="mcu2" offset="0"/>