- added: scanner, option to remove fill-in files from addpaths (this can include backup when 'act as' option is on). Only files which were actually needed in the rompaths are removed
- misc: changed elapsed time format and show an overall duration
- fixed: handling of loadflag="continue" fails in software list based xmls
- fixed: scanner, fixing missing roms/disks can accidently move the rom/disk when it shouldn't
- fixed: scanner, parentfolders of fill-in files can be touched (timestamp update) when they shouldn't
- fixed: scanner, fix missing roms/disks can accidently look in a folder where the match is not present leading to can't access/can't backup messages
- added: checkbox for upper mentioned remove fill-in files option
- misc: updated some flyovers
By the way: If you have a 0 byte in your rompath, you need to remove it manually first. That could have been created with the .03 scanner.....