- added: long path/filename support (32k)
- misc: update to bit7z 4.0.8
- misc: scanner: propagate changed file timestamp up to rom/samplepath level
- misc: scanner: improved preferedPackMethod a bit
- misc: scanner: whenever possible, move (instead of copy/delete) missing but fixable chds or decompressed roms
- fixed: erroneously allow \ as an machine name character
- fixed: scanner, stopping the scan during fix operations doesn't have an effect
- fixed: scanner, freeze when fixing unneeded decompressed files (or chds) (0.02.1)
- fixed: scanner, wrong named files which are also fill-ins for missing files can trigger an obsolete file removal operation (sdiamond MAME.268)
- fixed: scanner, unneeded files/folders contain multiple identical entries (aa3020 MAME.268)
- fixed: scanner, fixing a wrong named folder failed when additional pattern folders were involved (copy error)
- fixed: scanner, fixing a wrong named folder failed when folder can have multiple new names (aa3020/a3010/aa5000 MAME.268) (move error)
- fixed: scanner, prefered path lookup for software list collections never returned additional pattern folders (copy error)
- fixed: scanner, prefered path lookup for wrong named machines which only consist of chds failed (freeze during backup)
- fixed: scanner, removal of unneeded files can result in an empty folder which isn't removed
- added: scanner, always have software list collection sublevels (before a complete sl list only showed the complete top level)
- added: scanner, context menu option to auto expand scan results tree
- added: scanner, context menu list options are now also available on software list level
- fixed: active paths are not always remembered correctly when switching xmls or on initial load
- fixed: scanner, empty sofware lists show complete instead of empty icon
- fixed: scanner, scan results tree/log split isn't refreshed after minimizing/maximizing window
and in case you're interested in old cmpro:
fixed: falsely remove backup's _unknown folder in case of a failed backup which might remove already backuped and removed unneeded files. Only if _unknown folder isn't present before.
fixed: skip a non software list rompath if it is also assigned to a non active software list which would list all sets in that path as fully missing (combined mode only)
fixed: missing disk merging information within softwarelists, so that some identical chds stay in the clone set (combined mode only)
added: verify delta chds (via chdman)