not later than yesterday I too provided for the conversion from zipped roms into CHDs, and I also confirm that there won't be any kind of audit you can issue against yours CHDs.
Roman said, you'll need a conformant DAT file to check against your CHDs; but, precisely, there are not DAT files which contains CHDs infos about your converted sets, out there... Sadly!
Let me clarify the concept once more...
For example, let's take in consideration a
SEGA Dreamcast's TOSEC DAT file:
- Grab TOSEC - DAT Pack - Complete (3076) (TOSEC-v2020-10-31).zip
- Now you'll fire up in clrmamepro the desired DAT, let's say Sega Dreamcast - Games - US (TOSEC-v2020-01-24_CM).dat
- clrMAMEpro will check your sets: compressed (*.zip, or *.7z) or not (folders), it doesn't matter (in this case we're working with GD-ROM images of the games)
- This audit procedure will verify datas declared inside Sega Dreamcast - Games - US (TOSEC-v2020-01-24_CM).dat against the files in your HDD
- OK... Now let's take a look at the structure of that DAT file, for example the Sonic Adventure v1.005 (1999)(Sega)(US)(M5)[!][24S] entry:
<game name="Sonic Adventure v1.005 (1999)(Sega)(US)(M5)[!][24S]">
<description>Sonic Adventure v1.005 (1999)(Sega)(US)(M5)[!][24S]</description>
<rom name="Sonic Adventure v1.005 (1999)(Sega)(US)(M5)[!][24S].gdi" size="89" crc="c2916cc9" sha1="2ee28c51c196d77dfba4f50de634b5c1e2ca08eb" md5="f43214efaec1e06a3af933cf5c49553d"/>
<rom name="track01.bin" size="34254528" crc="ab4c7e18" sha1="ccfcd5a46924c66454451353b916b96360ab5539" md5="fe340f253871df58bcfa3de35f1db257"/>
<rom name="track02.raw" size="2147376" crc="fddb5a17" sha1="4c5981df13be09e15d38faa124b0d9e38b892ea9" md5="bce8000330b663c25f5b91f9d2508ea1"/>
<rom name="track03.bin" size="1185760800" crc="00c55860" sha1="965dc5def50f6b8c6e9776c292c1a13a0947c403" md5="4d0ea0267b5e472812be4e525d14b804"/>
- See? clrMAMEpro will only look for that precise list of files in combination with their size+crc+sha1+md5! Nothing more, nothing less
The only-and-one thing you could ever do, after converting your sets (aka games, in this case) into CHD sets, will be to issue an audit only checking for names!
So the audit procedure will be made against the
<game name=""> or
<description></description> values.
it would be really great if there ever existing a kind software to handle automagically double checking against a CHD, uncompress it (
chdman extractcd -i somegame.chd -o somegame.*) , check again the extracted files if they're conformant to the original DAT and create a new DAT writing into it the new infos!!!
In conclusion, the only meager consolation is that you could create your own custom DATs against your
converted-into-CHD sets by using the
Dir2Dat function.
P. S.: the latest chdman (0.227) now will handle correctly converting ReDump (.cue/.bin) games!!
- 7422: chdman: Added support for importing redump.org GD-ROM extended bin/cue format (GitHub #6466). [nhand42]