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Author Topic: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?  (Read 11950 times)


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Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« on: 27 October 2019, 00:53 »

Topic says it all.  Basically I have some full uncompressed ISO files of Nintendo Wii games that I wanted to compare to the Redump Wii datfile.  I know that zipping them doesnt save much space at all and compressing them to wbfs format makes them not match redump so I just decided to leave them as ISOs.  But when I scanned my Wii roms folder it said nothing matched.  Do my roms have to be zipped in order for scanning to work or is there some setting I need to change to allow it to work?


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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #1 on: 27 October 2019, 16:35 »

No, roms don't have to be zipped. You only need to follow the official storing method:

rompath\setname\file 1 ... file n for decompressed sets
rompath\setname.zip (.rar/.7z) (where the archive holds files belonging to the set) for compressed sets

The setname is defined in the datfile, the rompath is up to you.

So usually you need one romfolder but for each set a single subfolder named after the set...and in that folder the rom(s) for the set is stored
.....or you modify the datfile and put all sets into one....
« Last Edit: 27 October 2019, 17:31 by Roman »


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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #2 on: 27 October 2019, 17:43 »

So in my case I have a Roms Folder.  In that folder I have a folder named "Nintendo - Wii".  And in that folder I have individual .iso files for each game I have.  So based on what you just told me, I'm assuming what I need to do is use the rebuild function with the zip option unchecked on my "Nintendo -Wii" folder and clrmamepro will move all my Wii games into their own properly named folder.  Sound about right?


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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #3 on: 27 October 2019, 18:49 »

"So in my case I have a Roms Folder.  In that folder I have a folder named "Nintendo - Wii".  And in that folder I have individual .iso files for each game I have. " Sorry, but that's not what I've told you.
So the basics: A set is a collection of roms/chds/samples. Pacman for example in MAME consists of 10 roms (IC dumps of the program roms, the graphic roms, the proms etc).
When you talk about a Nintendo - Wii collection, each set most likley consist of 1 rom file..where rom is a wrong word here, it's an ISO file. So your Nintendo - Wii datfile most likely contains some hundred sets where each set contains of 1 file.

Now back to the general storing method:

rompath\setname\file 1 ... file n for decompressed sets
rompath\setname.zip (.rar/.7z) (where the archive holds files belonging to the set) for compressed sets

Assuming your got "e:\test\Nintendo - Wii" as a rootfolder for your collection, then *this* is your rompath.
Your sets are either compressed, then you can put them zipped/rared/7zed in there, e.g. "e:\test\Nintendo - Wii\exampleGame.zip" (where exampleGame is the setname and the archive holds an iso file, e.g. named test.iso)....or your sets are not compressed, then you need to store it: "e:\test\Nintendo - Wii\exampleGame\test.iso"

So, look in your datfile and check how sets are organized. If you got 1000 sets with each set containing just one iso file, then you end up with 1 rompath holding 1000 subfolders where each one holds 1 iso file...
If your datfile holds just 1 set with 1000 iso files, then you end up with 1 rompath holding 1 folder holding 1000 iso files.



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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #4 on: 28 October 2019, 23:53 »

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.  I was saying that my original setup is for example is:

E:\Roms\Nintendo - Wii\Animal Crossing.iso
E:\Roms\Nintendo - Wii\Mario Kart Wii.iso

And in that structure clrmamepro did not find any games that matched the datfile.  And after reading what you wrote I understood that if left unzipped they should be in their own individual folder like:

E:\Roms\Nintendo - Wii\Animal Crossing\Animal Crossing.iso
E:\Roms\Nintendo - Wii\Mario Kart Wii\Mario Kart Wii.iso

And I was asking if the easiest way for me to get all those .iso files into their own folder is by using Rebuild and leaving the zip option unchecked.  I did just that and rebuilt my games into a new directory and all games are now in their individual folders so I think I did everything correctly.  Please correct me if I'm wrong and I still am not understanding you and if there was a better way that I should have accomplished this.  Thank you.


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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #5 on: 29 October 2019, 07:47 »

Yes, rebuilding to uncompressed sets is most likely the easiest method.
Sure there are script kiddies out there who might code a commandline script in a second...but hey....looks good to me what you did.
And yes, I'm aware that the extra folder seems to be silly....but cmpro originally comes from MAME where one set usually contains more than one rom/iso ;-)
To avoid such a folder overdose, you can use a different datfile with only one set definition (.....or I finally add an option which does this internally)


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Re: Do roms have to be zipped for scanning to work?
« Reply #6 on: 30 October 2019, 05:18 »

(.....or I finally add an option which does this internally)
Sounds like an offer  8)
 ;D ;D
« Last Edit: 30 October 2019, 05:18 by oxyandy »
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