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Author Topic: What to do about missing roms in a full set when doing a clrmamepro scan?  (Read 10083 times)


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I have a full no-intro nintendo fds romset and attempting to filter a 1g1r set with a dat from no-intro dat-omatic (I’m using clrmamepro on Win10). When I scan i get a list of missing roms, for example DigDug is reported missing. When I check the folder with the romset there is several versions of DigDug. Also to note is that it’s a full no-intro set and a no-intro dat, so I don’t see why this occurs. I chose all regions (only USA/JPN available). I’m following the instructions here: https://web.archive.org/web/20190904134601/https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroPie/comments/5njtvs/guide_how_to_trim_your_romset_of_duplicate_roms/ and I wonder espiacially about this quote ”The detail window will tell you the exact roms that you are missing from your romset. If you are like me, you can find them seperately from your romset and add them to your roms folder and then do another scan.”. Why would I need to maually add games and why would they show up in a socond scan if the same games didn’t show up the first time around? What am I doing wrong and what should I do to obtain a proper 1g1r set?


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First of all, you do not have to manually add games. Use the fix missing option or the rebuilder (which acts as an adder).
The Scanner Results Tree window shows detailed information about the issues which were found. Expanding a set branch shows you the filename, the error, checksums, sizes etc.

"why would they show up in a socond scan if the same games didn’t show up the first time around"
If you've added a wrong set manually or didn't use the right storing method, cmpro will of course show a message, e.g. about unneeded files.

"When I scan i get a list of missing roms, for example DigDug is reported missing. When I check the folder with the romset there is several versions of DigDug"
Beware: the 1G1R mode is a special thing. It uses one more or less generic setname and selects 1 set (parent or one of its clones) to be the chosen one for this setname. All others will be obsolete then. The files which are put in the set are taken from a language/reagion logic.
So if you have a DigDug set there it does not necessarily contain the files which the 1g1r algorithm wants to be in there. So you might have a set DigDug.zip with a let's say japanese rom version file in the archive while the 1g1r algorithm picked the english one for it. Such things can be of course resolved by e.g. rebuilding the sets.

For more help, I'd need to see the exact message and more information about what is stored in your archives on your system.

Starting with the 1G1R mode is a big step in case you're new to cmpro. First things would be to understand parent/clone relations, the merging concept, the official storing mehtods...and then the 1g1r mode ;)

Regarding storing methods:
For decompressed sets: rompath\setname\file 1...file n
For compressed sets: rompath\setname.zip (.rar/.7z) where file 1 .. file n of the set is in the archive
« Last Edit: 05 September 2019, 08:59 by Roman »


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Thank you. I’m really in this for the tinkering but clrmamepro has a very high learning curve. I’m keeping the full no-intro set for archiving reasons but for practical purposes the 1g1r set is logical. Good that I don’t need to move roms manually, I suspected that wasn’t the way to go. What should I read to get on with this? I don’t fully understand your reply. The FDS was only released in Japan so why is there a USA region? Maybe that is the problem? Or that is what I understand from your reply.


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High learning curve...depends....The normal thing is to a) load a profile, b) (once) setup rompaths, c) hit scan That's basically it.
Sure there should be some background knowledge about parent/clone relationships or what a set actually is (a collection of rom/sample/chd files which represent a *sigh* 'set' ..could be a game, could be a collection of screenshors......)

As mentioned 1G1R mode is something advanced (will try to the 1g1r documentation later today...) since it restructures the currently loaded set definitions (from each parent/clone relationship, take only 1 set but keep one setname). How it selects the chosen set depends on your prefered language/region settings. It keeps at least one set from each parent/clone relationship, so if your language/region settings prefer US sets but one of the sets in the dat only exists as a japanese version, it will survive. Such things heavily depend on the datfile authors....so if you have questions about eh sets themselves, ask them.

Standard : load set definitions by loading a profile, scan your files, fix your files done
1G1R Mode: load set definitions by loading a profile, completely restructure this defintions, kick out sets, let only some survice based on your language/region settings, scan your files, fix your files done



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First of all thank you for your patience. So, there is two regions USA and JPN. I selected both and made sure JPN is 1st priority as to not ask for things not existing.. I did a new scan on the full set and i get 55/274 missing sets and 87/274 missing roms. I first chose to fix case, name, date and size. This returned 55/274 missing on both roms and sets. After that I chose Fix missing and it returns the same result 55/274 missing for both sets and roms. As an example one of the missing games is "Dig Dug (Japan) (Disk Writer)", it's missing both the set and the rom. When I look in the folder for the full set there is a folder with the exact same name but with b in brackets (can't write it out since it just bolds the text) at the end. The MD5 checksum that clrmamepro is looking for is not the same as the MD5 checksum of the (b) rom I have in the no-intro set. This apparently means that I actually don't have the correct rom and I possibly have an earlier set with bad dumps and there exists a more recent set with better dumps that the dat-omatic knows to look for?
« Last Edit: 05 September 2019, 15:58 by m2306 »


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"On both roms and sets"
Just for clarification, ...most likely we're talking about sets which consists of exactly 1 romfile..so this sounds ok.

The not changing "55/274" numbers, well, if there is nothing really to fix (case, name, date, size) the value does not change. As you found out, you simply don't have the right file (otherwise fix missing or a rebuilder run would resolve it).

How the sets are named and constructed comes from the datfile and their authors. If they mark files with b in brackets for bad dumps...not cmpro's business....how they are arranged/named/combined in parent/clone sets....not cmpro's business....finding missing files...erm..not cmpro's business.

Unfortunately I did not find the link to the forum post where the 1g1r algorithm is explained....would be great if someone still knows this....
« Last Edit: 05 September 2019, 16:51 by Roman »


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Thank you for the input on this issue. For anyone else having the same problem I can say that it’s a mismatch between the romset and the dat file. I have not gained access to the No-Intro forum to ask them but there has likely been roms added to the most recent dat that are not in my romset. I thought I didn’t know how to use clrmamepro but that was not the issue.
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