Hi Roman,
since a few days I'm having a problem with my EMMA datfile, which I maintain by hand since many years.
So, the last version of the datfile which acted as expected is attached here, named old.zip
Then I edited it in a few lines here and there (you can check the differences with winmerge or similar tool), and the result is also attached here, named new.zip
With old.zip my collection of EMMA ROMs scanned perfectly and I had an "all green" situation.
Then I give new.zip to clrmame, rescan my collection, and instead of having just the few difference I manually inserted in the dat, I get clrmame complaining that 100+ files are unneeded or badly named!
I'm at a loss, I have re-checked and compared old and new, but still can not spot what I did to get such a strange behaviour.
Could you please be so kind and have a look?
Thanks in advance for your help.