Handle with care....and on own risk....this is a TEST version...please keep this in mind....
http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp20140918.rarbesides of 32k path support (still fiddling with some things...)
misc: Changed the way how hash collisions are handled. A hash collision happens when you got
identically named files with different hashes within a parent/clone relationship.
In the past cmpro either removed the parent/clone relationship completely or you were
forced to split merged mode.
Now, in case of a hash collision *and* only if switch to full merged sets (scanner,
rebuilder or merger), the rom/disk names of the clones will be switched to setname\filename.
So clone sets are stored in subfolders of the parent set. Again, only if full merged mode
and hash collisions are active.
added: added option (Settings screen) to allow a full merge mode which ALWAYS stores parent/clones
the way described above, no matter if a hash collision is there or not
removed: "Possible wrong nodump definition found" cleanup step prompt. It's actually a special
case of hash collision and so it's handled the same way as other collisions.
....I still have one open issue with Merger's nodump handling....but who uses nodumps...and who uses the merger...