So anyway, I 'fixed' my set.. Ignore my
stupid bug report
I simply removed these '
4 unique' 7z archives from my set...
Played with them a bit:
All 4 test fine with WinRAR.
All 4 extract fine with WinRAR.
All extracted files proved to match original CRCs (no corruption upon extraction)
All 4 can not be opened by 7z File Manager 9.28a, only version I have tried, wont be using others.
Latest versions of 7z File Manager complain t7z files have data past end of file.
(All same error - "Can not open as archive")
All 4 can be extracted and converted to t7z format, by t7z.exe
CMP can open & Rebuild all 4
as Source files. (No files are skipped)
However, CMP
can not add to them if they exist in Rebuilder's Destination Path.
Quirky stuff
EDIT: Oh and these 4 quirky 7z archives must have been made through CMP:
I don't have the patience to manually go adding files/archives to a set.
That's what a ROM Manager and DAT is for.