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MAME 0.148u2
« on: 19 March 2013, 13:23 »


MAME 0.148u2 whatsnew:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04501: [Gameplay] (stv.c) groovef: Game starts with 2 credits
  (Angelo Salese)
- 05165: [Graphics] (moo.c) buckyaab and buckyuab: Graphics are
  missing (hap)
- 05155: [Misc.] (wwfsstar.c) wwfsstar: Japanese text displayed
  in euro version (David Haywood)
- 03086: [Graphics] (saturn.c) prikura: Glitches in attract mode
  and ending (Angelo Salese)
- 02657: [Graphics] (saturn.c) puyosun: Part of graphics
  disappear (Angelo Salese)
- 03871: [DIP/Input] (saturn.c) suikoenb: Game boots with credits
  being entered (Angelo Salese)
- 05145: [Color/Palette] (vicdual.c) hocrash: The game has no blue color.
  When you go in the tab and select game configuration and switch to color
  it remains black/white (hap)
- 04837: [Crash/Freeze] (aleck64.c) mtetrisc, starsldr: [debug] Crash
  after OK (Firewave)
- 05122: [Graphics] (psikyosh.c) daraku:  Game has corrupted font used for
  "insert coin" "game over" etc. It covers first screen used for monitor
  calibration as well and sometimes appears when it should not be.
   (David Haywood)

Source Changes
-removed runtime ioport tagmap lookup when using PORT_CONDITION with
 PORT_BIT, used by gmgalax for example [smf]

-Moved some of the saturn code from mame/ into emu/ and made saturn.c &
 stv.c separately compilable. Still needs work before saturn.c can be
 moved to mess/ [smf]

-upd1771.c: Further documentation updates based on the NEC APC
 technical manual; now all pin names except two are known.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-Modernized the MOS6526, MOS6560, MOS7360, MOS6581, CBM IEC, and
 IEEE-488 devices. [Curt Coder]

-mos6551: Added serial callbacks. [Curt Coder]

-fmtowns: Preliminary implementation of the CD-ROM controller's
 software mode.  Enough to get the CD-ROM working under Win95.
 [Barry Rodewald]

-Improved protection in Steep Slope Sliders [Angelo Salese]

-Added a more sane ST-V SMPC Intback command emulation, based off
 Saturn version. Fixes inputs in Find Love [Angelo Salese]

-emuopts.c: avoid slots without user configurable options to write
 their configs at exit. [Fabio Priuli]

-Fixed protection check in Tecmo World Cup '98, game is now playable
 (Tecmo logo & Title Screen still garbled) [Angelo Salese]

-Fixed SMPC change clock behaviour, fixes 2 credits at start-up for
 various ST-V games [Angelo Salese]

-input: Support up to 32 buttons and harmonize Windows and SDL behavior
 if you exceed the limit [Nick3092]

-Fixed SH-2 DMAC irqs, fixes at least hard-locking on Baroque
 [Angelo Salese]

-Modernized tms3615, es8712, cem3394, k051649, rf5c400, rf5c68,
 tms36xx, polepos, redbaron, cps3, tiamc1, gridlee, gomoku, astrocade,
 saa1099, st0016, c140, beep, taitosnd, CRT, okim6285, and ZSG2
 devices. [Andrew Gardner]

-deniam.c: Fixed OKI sound banking in Logic Pro 2 and removed
 IMPERFECT_SOUND flag. [Lord Nightmare]

-galdrvr.c: Corrected rom labels for Scorpion and redumped set 2.

-scramble.c: Corrected rom labels for Harem. Corrected dipswitches for
 Harem [tirino73]

-idectrl: words 57/58 of IDENTIFY DEVICE are total sectors, not sectors
 per track [R. Belmont]

-sp0256.c:  [Wilbert Pol]
 * Added a little delay before settling LRQ when resetting the device.
    Fixes MT05103.
 * When reading the LRQ signal, force an update of the stream. This
    fixes support for 'The Voice' in 'Turtles' for the odyssey2.

-arcadia.c: Verified and corrected rom names for Arcadia Leader Board
 v2.4 [Kevin Eshbach]

-h8: PC and CCR are packed into one longword.  Fixes coinmvga games.
 [O. Galibert, R. Belmont]

-split saturn and stv up a bit more so that stvprot.c is not linked
 into MESS [smf]

-split mame/drivers/saturn.c into emu/machine/saturn.c and
 mess/drivers/saturn.c, so mame doesn't have to compile and link the
 unused code. [smf]

-emuopts.c: Re-evaluate slot options after loading .ini files.
 [Wilbert Pol]

-Ethernet: Make pcap work on Mac OS X & disable unnecessary packet
 filtering. [Rob Braun]

-Fixed SLEEP opcode in non-DRC SH-2 [Angelo Salese]

-mcr.c: Added the "full" version of Demolition Derby that is dipswitch
 selectable between Upright and Cocktail mode. The other version was a
 only supported Cocktail mode. Also added proper dipswitch settings for
 the Cocktail mode only version. [Brian Troha]

-nscsi_hd: Added 6-byte WRITE, logging of unknown commands, and some
 Apple-specific SCSI tweaks. [R. Belmont]

-53c7xx: Preliminary save state support [A. Viloria]

-Add dumped C68 program for Steel Gunner 2. [Guru]

-Rewrite of 6809/6309/konamicpu cores.  6809 should be cycle exact
 based on the 6809 datasheet.  [Nathan Woods]

-Chihiro.c  [Samuele Zannoli]
 * Implentation of nvidia register combiners.
 * Fix for ide_controller_device class for most uninitialized

-tms57002 works in unidasm, disassemble interface can be revisited when
 all cpu cores have been converted. [smf]

-cps1.c:  [Team CPS-1]
 * Documented several games which have roms that have one a 1-byte
    difference, now known to be confirmed good and simply an older
    revision.  Thanks goto Bonky0013, Kold666, Stefan Lindberg and
    others for the cooperation and board investigations.
 * Restored back the rom parts removed in previous updates because
    they needed to be documented and added the missing ones of the
    recently dumped 3wondersr1.

-cps1.c: improved operation of sf2m3, sf2m8, sgyxz [Robbbert]

-g65816.c: added missing mirror of the 5a22 regs [Fabio Priuli]

-315_5124.c: Improved triggering of IRQs.  [Enik Land]

-Debugger:  [Wilbert Pol]
 * Added support for registerpoints.
 * Added 'exit' as a synonym for 'quit'.

-s14001a.c: Add note that the four dac test pins are really digital out
 pins [PlgDavid]

-turbo.c - Corrected ROM labels and locations for Buck Rogers and
 clones [Phil Bennett, Andy Welburn]

-Windows OSD / stdout/stderr output buffering [qmc2]

-M740 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Added JMP (zp) instruction
 * Working interrupts
 * Moved 6502 family V line to make room for up to 16 IRQs

-turbo.c: Additional documentation for Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom.
 Noted the encrypted Z80 part number and Sega ID numbers for the CPU
 and ROM boards. Correct sprite color prom based on photo of PCB.
 [Brian Troha]

-M3745x: Preliminary support for the Mitsubishi M37450 microcontroller
 [R. Belmont]

-gunpey.c: [Angelo Salese, David Haywood]
 * Significant emulation improvements to the emulation bringing the
    game to a mostly playable state, albeit without decompression of
    the compressed graphics (scheme still not understood)

- deco_mlc.c: [David Haywood]
 * Rewrote video renderer to be scanline based, allowing for further
    progress on Stadium Hero '96 emulation (it became possible to
    implement raster interrupt scanline effects without crippling the
    performance)  The game is now mostly playable but there are some
    outstanding issues likely to be related to the protection.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix Find Love [Angelo Salese]
Cool Riders [David Haywood,  Angelo Salese]
Williams 6-in-1 Multigame [robbbert]
Dream Ball
  [J. Finney, TrevEB, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood]
PoPo Bear [Angelo Salese, David Haywood]
Stadium Hero '96 [David Haywood, Angelo Salese]

New clones added
Scorpion (set 2) [tirino73]
Chinese Hero (older, set 2) [Zab]
Three Wonders (World 910513) [Bonky0013, The Dumping Union]
Starfighter (Moon Cresta bootleg) [RevisionX]
Bomb Kick (set 2) [ANY]
Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 3) [ANY] (NOT WORKING)
Martial Champion (ver UAE) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Demolition Derby [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Super Ranger (older) [ANY]
Head On (bootleg, alt maze) [ANY]
WWF WrestleFest (Korea) [Simon Dennison]
Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-01 ROG, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Megatouch III (9255-20-01 ROK, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Megatouch III (9255-20-01 ROB, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Megatouch III (9255-20-01 ROA, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Super Megatouch IV (9255-41-01 ROE, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Super Megatouch IV (9255-41-01 ROC, Standard version)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Starblade (World) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Hot Slots (6.00) [Roberto Fresca, Gerald (COY)]
unknown 186 based gambling game (2 sets) [ANY]

MESS 0.148u2 whatsnew :
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05153: [Gameplay] (megadriv.c) genesis, megadriv, pico: Crash
  when loading a cart (Wilbert Pol)
- 05140: [Crash/Freeze] (prof180x.c) prof180x, prof181x: Access
  Violation (Firewave)
- 05156: [Crash/Freeze] (a6809.c) a6809: Access Violation with
  -debug (Firewave)
- 05109: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.c) cpc464p, cpc6128p, gx4000:
  Crash with "-cart barb2" (Firewave)
- 05116: [Misc.] Sets using MC6847: Invalid read of size 1 (Firewave)
- 05111: [Crash/Freeze] (ti99_4x.c) ti99_4ae, ti99_4a, ti99_4ev,
  ti99_4e, ti99_4: Crash with "-cart invaders" (mizapf)
- 05154: [DIP/Input] (supercon.c) supercon: Mouse doesn't move pieces
- 05152: [Interface] (gb.c) all gameboy.c sets: Crashes on exit
  when no cart was successfully loaded (Firewave)
- 05070: [Crash/Freeze] (n64.c) n64dd: [debug] Crash after OK (Firewave)

New System Drivers Supported:
- Magnavox Odyssey 3 / Command Center (prototype) [René van den Enden]
- Samsung Samtron 88S [Kaylee]
- Yeno - MisterX [Team Europe]
- PV-16 [plgDavid]
- Besta-88 [shattered]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

Software Lists:
-snes.xml: Added 51 cartridges [ReadOnly]

-ibm5170.xml: Added 2 ipf cross-platform sets (they are
 compatible with both Amiga and PC) [Kaylee]

-ibm5150.xml: Added VisiCalc & StretchCalc [Kaylee]

-socrates.xml: added CAD Professor Maus dump [TeamEurope]

-megadriv.xml: added original uncracked dump of Tiny Toon
 Adventures 3 [Barver, Azathoth]

-Added software list for Sega Visual Memory Unit. [LoganB]

-a2600.xml: some additions of new dumps and info [Kaylee]

-pico.xml: added new Japanese dumps. [TeamEurope]

-socrates.xml: added Game Wizard / Magische Spiele dump.
 [Team Europe]

-snes.xml: added a few pirate multigame carts. Most of these are
 incomplete dumps, so redumps are needed to promote them to working
 state, but their existence is now at least documented. [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv.xml: Added dump of Japanese Marble Madness [ElBarto]

-megadriv.xml: Added documentation for a few carts [ElBarto]

-megadriv.xml: Added documentation for more than 300 carts [Sunbeam/Digital

-Added software list for RM Nimbus. [Robbbert, Fabio Priuli]

Source Changes
-cat.c (Canon Cat): Fixed the v2.40 bioses thinking the phone is
 constantly ringing; Documented what all the DUART IO pins are
 connected to, and correctly hooked DUART IP2 up to invert when the 6ms
 timer expires, removing the previous hack (and fixing the ringing
 bug). [Lord Nightmare]

-c64: Fixed MACH 5 cartridge C128 mode. [Curt Coder]

-c64: Added support for the standard MIDI cartridges:
 Passport/Syntech, Siel/JMS/DATEL, Sequential, Namesoft, and Maplin.
 [Curt Coder]

-Apple II: Allow Super Serial Card to connect to MESS's serial
 terminal and null modem devices. [R. Belmont]

-fmtowns: Preliminary implementation of the CD-ROM controller's
 software mode.  Enough to get the CD-ROM working under Win95.
 [Barry Rodewald]

-vic20/c64: Added VIC-1011A/B RS-232C adapter emulation. [Curt Coder]

-Added hook-up for CD Block command 0x64 (Put Sector Data) [Angelo Salese]

-megadriv.c: emulated protection in mulan, pokemon 2 (previously patched
 out) and in the real ttoon3 dump. [Fabio Priuli]

-ColecoVision: controller has a * key, not a . key [Nick3092]

-Apple II: Added support for Street Electronics Echo Plus and
 Zip Technologies ZipDrive cards [R. Belmont, Lord Nightmare]

-dectalk.c: renamed dectalk roms to match the DEC 23-xxxLn standard and
 noted what their actual paper labels were (these paper labels will
 differ on different dectalk units depending on exactly when they were
 made, though the ROM contents are exactly the same! The derivable
 23-xxxLn part number will not change, though.). Added more comments.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-supercon: Fix regressions [Ralf Schäfer]

-odyssey2.c: Further palette improvements.  [Dr. Venom]

-cbm8096: Emulated the 64KB memory expansion card, and promoted
 driver to working. [Curt Coder]

-cat.c: (Canon Cat) Fixed a mistake in the memory map mirroring due to
 an error during testing; added proper readback of the floppy control
 register, and corrected the floppy status readback so it thinks that
 no floppy is inserted. [Lord Nightmare]

-gameboy.c: fixed cart type for MBC1 collection games, promoting
 Bomberman Collection, Genjin Collection, Momotarou Collection, Mortal
 Kombat I & II and Super Chinese Land 1.2.3 to working state
 [Fabio Priuli]

-gbcolor.c: added support for Sintax mapper, promoting a dozen of
 pirate games to working state [taizou, Fabio Priuli]

-PlayStation: Fix CD-ROM regression [R. Belmont]

-isa_ide: correctly mapped alternate port [Miodrag Milanovic]

-megadriv.c: emulated protection in pirate Super Mario World 64,
 based on research by Eke and andlabs [Fabio Priuli]

-gb.c: attempt in emulating protection for Chong Wu Xiao Jing
 Ling/Pokemon Pikecho. [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv.c: added support for Legend of Wukong [Fabio Priuli]

-aes: Added UniBios versions to Neo Geo home console  [Kaylee]

-a7800.c: Fixed color clip in $1 & $F  [Robert Tuccitto]

-Reimplemented the NCR5380 SCSI controller using nscsi. [R. Belmont]

-Apple II: Preliminary support for the Apple II Rev. C SCSI
 Card. [R. Belmont]

-a7800.c:  [Robert Tuccitto] Improved and corrected NTSC (a7800) and
 PAL (a7800p) palettes
 * Palette rebuild due to misaligned data references
 * Corrected PAL color sequence order

-gameboy: added emulation of Rockman 8 pirate cart by Yong Yong.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-gameboy: added correct handling of Echo RAM, needed by Rockman 8.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-profweis: added another bios version. [Team Europe]

-snes.c: several updates to cart handling [Fabio Priuli]
 * moved Sufami Turbo and BSX carts to separate lists
 * added emulation for DSP1/4, ST-010/011, S-DD1, SPC7110, SuperFX,
    BS-X and Sufami Turbo as slot devices
 * added emulation for the protection device used in some pirate carts
-Fix AES cart swap sound crash. [R. Belmont]

-vk100.c (DEC GIGI/VK100): Hooked up the direction prom to the
 vector generator rather than using a hack. Still a lot of work to go,
 but the test mode looks like it at least starts off running more
 correctly before it fails. [Lord Nightmare]

-Modernized vc4000 device.  [Andrew Gardner]

-snes.c: updated the driver to only save the real amount of SRAM
 present on the cart. This means that old .nv files won't be directly
 compatible with newer exe, but you shall be able to keep your saves by
 backing them up and taking the first block of the correct size (e.g.
 if you take the first 8KB block of your old .nv for Super Metroid it
 should work fine with the new exe). At the same time, MESS should be
 now compatible with saves taken in other emulators. [Fabio Priuli]

-cat.c (Canon Cat): Got rid of the keyboard interrupt timer and
 hooked the keyboard interrupt to the 6ms timer instead, which is
 closer to hardware. The cursor blinks at a more correct but not
 completely correct rate now. The duart (the REAL source of the
 interrupts, which should fire with the transitions of the 12ms period
 squarewave) still does not work for interrupts properly, it needs its
 innards fixed. [Lord Nightmare]

-Modernized wswan, special, and svision devices. [Andrew Gardner]

-sms.c:  [Enik Land]
 * Fixed master clock speed for PAL machines.
 * Improved hcount handling resulting in better results from Flubba's
    VDP timing checks.

-snes.c: misc work on pirate carts.  [Fabio Priuli]
 * added support for Korean Super 20 Collection multigame cart, even
    if a few games still have glitches.
 * added support for bankswitch mechanism used in a few pirate
    multigame carts.
 * added support for protection used by Tekken 2 and Street Fighter
    Alpha EX, based on notes by d4s and nocash.

-3c505: fix typo that broke TCP [Hans Ostermeyer]

-snes.c: major overhaul of cart and add-on handling [Fabio Priuli]
 * updated carts to be slot devices
 * simplified loading and bankswitch mechanism
 * removed drivers snessfx and snespsfx: SuperFX/GSU games can now be
    loaded in snes and snespal
 * removed drivers snesdsp and snespdsp: NEC DSPx games can now be
    loaded in snes and snespal from softlist
 * removed drivers snesst10 and snesst11: Seta DSP games can now be
    loaded in snes and snespal from softlist
 * removed driver snesst: when you load Sufami Turbo, two more cart
    slots (-cart2 and -cart3) become available to load ST carts
 * added preliminary support for games with BS-X slots: when you load
    one of these, a -cart2 slot becomes available to load a 8MB memory
    pack (only a few of these work at the moment, e.g. Same Game)
 * added support for loading DSPx games with DSP dump appended at the
    end of the .sfc file

-snes.c: added support in snes and snespal for loading from
 fullpath DSPx and ST01x games missing the DSP data, i.e. the commonly
 available dumps, without using clone systems (softlists had no
 problems with these games because the DSP data come from the softlist
 romset) [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv.c: emulated reset-based Codemaster 2-in-1 carts (2psymmac).
 [Fabio Priuli]

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