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Author Topic: The korea graphic hack ponpoko named "Kkandori" "깐돌이"  (Read 10322 times)


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Sorry I don't have real game pics about it. But I got a real evidence of it was existed.

Before post, I mentioned about "Minister of Health and Social Affairs" in Korea. This government organization existed in 1955 to 1994.
Anyway, civil servants thought arcade games was a social affairs at that time. Until 1984, all arcades business was not legal. But markets grow bigger, and government made a law about management of arcade business.

The picture I attached is a brief of games that should place in arcade. This first law implys there are two types of arcade games. young and adult.
The first 93 games are adult games. Next 141 games are for young. The measure of this is... The game uses joystick or keyboard.
So 141 games refer they are MSX, apple PC, or so-called "educational PC" games that uses a z80 cpu with basic existed at that time.
In the 93 games MAME support all games that listed. but for the korean name, No 6. "깐돌이" is a famous korean hack of ponpoko.

In my memory The game "Kkandori" was
1. Ponpoko replaced Mario in Donkey Kong.
2. The mysterious jar occurs E.T. (Yes, the Spielberg's)
3. Enemies replaced U.F.O.
4. Platform is replaced like Donkey Kong. But White like Ponpoko.

And the next that I post is the last goverment document existed internet. Today's post lists arcade games exist in korea until 1984.
The KMRB documents begins in 1989. I got the list(excel form) about 1984-1989 and found out only graphic hacks. I will post it later.


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Re: The korea graphic hack ponpoko named "Kkandori" "깐돌이"
« Reply #1 on: 24 October 2014, 09:33 »

Added in .155
Candory (Ponpoko bootleg with Mario)  [system11, The Dumping Union]
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