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Messages - freezesicle

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / Re: looking for datfile for mame v0.37b7
« on: 28 December 2011, 04:05 »
Obtained by running:
mame.exe -listinfo > "MAME 0.37b7.dat"
on a 32-bit Windows XP VM.

you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar  ;D

thank you

but when i click on the download link it tries to save 'index.php' instead of the zip.  is there a way around this?

clrmame Discussion / Re: looking for datfile for mame v0.37b7
« on: 28 December 2011, 01:16 »
get the belonging mame binary from mamedev.org and load it in the profiler with Old_mame setting.
however there was one old mame binary at mamedev.org which had a broken -listinfo output. dont remember which one though.

thanks for the help.  unfortunately there is only a dos binary there and it won't run on my 64-bit win7 so the profiler can't load the database.  :P

is there another option to get or generate the dat?

clrmame Discussion / looking for datfile for mame v0.37b7
« on: 27 December 2011, 12:35 »
can someone help me to find the datfile for mame v0.37b7?


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