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Messages - BigFred

Pages: [1]
Undumped Wiki / Re: Bad dumps of processed games?
« on: 17 July 2009, 10:00 »
This is possible though I wondered why he doesn't add a note in that case. He did that for others like the Spike Out games (Model 3). Imo a dump is only GOOD when it is really a complete set.

Undumped Wiki / Bad dumps of processed games?
« on: 17 July 2009, 08:50 »
Hello again

There are a few things I don't really get. Especially discrepancies in TheGuru's ROM-status lists in comparison to this wiki. You list one ROM of 1 on 1 Government (ZN1) as a bad dump. But when I check Guru's global status list he lists the game as a finished dump and his ZN1/ZN2 dump status page alse refers to it as "GOOD". So what's true now? And if it is indeed bad then why doesn't it get redumped easily? Apparently it was dumped before. If the board is not available anymore - how can it happen? Shouldn't it be confirmed 100% before reselling or something? And it feels a bit unusual he'd release bad dumps such as this since he's the most experienced dumper out there imo. Maybe I'm missing something but I'd really like to know why this is the case. I don't know if there are any others like that right now.

I don't know if I can help with that. I'm not from brazil. I just stumbled over the page while searching for some undumped console games from there. Information about brazilian games is pretty much buried from my experience.

Ok, I checked it out. All games mentioned feature a language select option for portuguese.

Thanks a lot for the reply. I'm not up to date with my MAME and afaik some NEO GEO ROMs have been redumped so I don't know if I have everything ready right now. But I checked Metal Slug 3 and indeed you can set the game to english, spanish and portuguese. I didn't know that - thanks for the info. I will check out the rest asap.

Undumped Wiki / NEO GEO MVS + CPS2/3 - brazilian versions
« on: 08 July 2009, 08:28 »
According to this page http://www.romhacking.trd.br/index.php?action=printpage;topic=2260.0 a lot of MVS carts got official portuguese translations. I pointed Guru to this as I didn't find any hint about these in the undumped list but now that this wiki appears to have replaced the old list and I didn't find it in there either I'd wanted to point you to this. There is no evidence but the other games mentioned on that page are authentic so it is very likely the info is correct. At least a note about these and some farther research wouldn't hurt.

CPS2-games are also listed and while some of these are dumped others are not. I don't know if the CPS3-games are in MAME yet.

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