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clrmame Discussion / TOSEC folder structure
« on: 08 March 2020, 01:49 »
Does somebody have a step by step for TOSEC?

I cant figure out how to make it that files are put into paths like:
\TOSEC\Commodore\Amiga\Applications\Public Domain\[ADF]

No matter what i try in the Misc tab in "Load profiles in BatchMode" they all end up in the TOSEC folder.

Is there a problem when creating folders directly inside the datfile directory?
I find it easier that way and then to copy the datfiles there and then hitting "refresh list".

But if i want to move profiles into another folder in CMP with "Move Profile(s)" i get:
Moving DatFile failed
Check diskspace and names

If i create the folder directly in CMP profiler this does not happen.

clrmame Discussion / No-Intro header files are not recognized
« on: 01 February 2019, 13:10 »
I did put the No-Intro header files into the headers directory.
I also tried selecting the header in settings headers.

But i always get the message that the dat needs a header file.
Tried it with NES and Lynx...

You need to restart CMP then it works. Just refresh is not enough.

clrmame Discussion / Separating BIOS files?
« on: 21 January 2019, 12:20 »
I have a full 0.139u1 romset for Android and made it Non-Merged with "separate BIOS sets".
Is there a way to filter out the BIOS's so i can put them in another folder.
To save space on the Android devices i don't want to merge the BIOS's into the sets.

Same would be nice on the PC.
I use the Progetto-Snaps MAME 0.XXX (Arcade).dat so i don't need all the MESS Software.
But it would be nice to have the MESS BIOS files so i can use the emulators.
Is there a MESS BIOS only dat?

I have downloaded the 0.205 Full-Set and the pS_Snap_20190120_(cm).dat

First confusing thing is that all the tuts say it needs to be one zip file put the download has snap_1.7z and snap_2.7z.
Do i need to unpack them and then make a zip?

The problem is that if i make a zip that i miss 177 sets and 35046 ROMs.
If i unpack all png's in one folder i get the message that the rompath is empty.

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