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clrmame Discussion / Re: Old .SAM files Support
« on: 13 July 2022, 17:09 »
Thanks Roman!  That corrected it.  Sorry to bring back such old support but wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong on my end.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Old .SAM files Support
« on: 12 July 2022, 20:39 »
Here is an example of the window.  As you can see, clrmamepro is suggesting unneeded file.  sam file is located in samples directory. 

samples\asteroid\asteroid.zip (contains asteroid.sam)

Also is attached the dat file.  Perhaps I'm just naming something wrong?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Old .SAM files Support
« on: 12 July 2022, 19:25 »
Yes.  Just in clrmamepro.  I know they are old and not required these days but am trying to build old sets for collection purposes.  Whenever I use .sam files, I get errors that they are missing and have tried all I can to try to make them detected in clrmamepro.  Any assistance would be appreciated.  Let me know if you need examples.

clrmame Discussion / Old .SAM files Support
« on: 12 July 2022, 07:55 »
Are old .sam sample files still supported?  I seem to be having issues with these files trying to use the old logiqx old emus dats. 

clrmame Discussion / Re: WWW Open
« on: 06 July 2022, 15:28 »
Ok.  Mentioned again in the old documentation which is why I was asking.  I linked it above in my original question on in the Advanced Hints section.  Have a great day Roman!  Thanks!

clrmame Discussion / Re: WWW Open
« on: 06 July 2022, 08:33 »
Ahhhh yes!  You are correct.  I guess I'll just use the alternative I came up with.  Thanks Roman!  With this particular site the link I'm using is the only one that I can find with all my knowledge of obtaining the link (i.e. hovering over link, copy link location, and also inspecting window. 

Reading the HTML code gave me all the info I needed to why I'm having that issue.  LOL.  Thanks.

So the old documentation about variables were incorrect?  I question because i have a site that links are generated with pacman\pacman.zip  so using variables would have helped me there.

clrmame Discussion / Re: WWW Open
« on: 06 July 2022, 08:16 »
Thanks for the quick response!  I found an alternative way but of course hate having to use other software when yours is already capable.  LOL.

Ok.  Testing some https sites are working for me but some are not.  The open @ and to clipboard works on a certain link and files are being downloaded but the zips are corrupt and all 2k.  Probably the site?  Any suggestions?  IM if you need more details for testing as I don't wanna post any links.

clrmame Discussion / WWW Open
« on: 05 July 2022, 22:57 »
Hey Roman, 

Long time!  Hope all is well and glad to see you're still at it.  Great program and will never switch.  My question is about WWW Open in the Scanner window.  According to the old documentation found at https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/docs/index.htm, %R and %S statements were supported.  Is this no longer true?  I tried using and I'm not having very much success.  Seems when I try using then the context menu options are empty.  Any help will be appreciated.

Also, are https sites not allowed?  I just noticed on the "Hints and Tricks" topic that it wasn't listed.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7 zip merge question
« on: 10 September 2010, 22:06 »
Yeah.  That would be good.   :P

clrmame Discussion / Re: 7 zip merge question
« on: 10 September 2010, 05:14 »
Solved Roman!  I had user point to 7z.exe location.

Ok.  Thanks for the always quick response Roman!

Hi Roman,

Thanks for your great tool.  It's one that I keep open all the time.  One question I had is basically what the title says.  Is it possible to generate a HTML report that can include sub-folders?  I have a few profiles organized like that and was curious if this is possible?  For example:


Sorry if this has been asked before.

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