clrmamepro [English] > clrmame Discussion

3.126b & 7zipped files


Hi Roman

I have some trouble with 7zipped files...(using 7zip.exe v4.65 with default options in cmame settings).

Rebuilder works fine but if I scan with "Decompress ROM & check CRC32" I got some warnings like this : Archive Header CRC32 doesn't match CRC32 of decompressed data for file: F:\PSP\ph\ISO\bla_bla\bla_bla.iso

If I manually check that file 7zip say "No errors".

Some others 7zipped files are good..seem the size of uncompressed content which trigger the "bug" (>1G).

It's a fault of mine or what?

Thanks !!

Best regards


Well, the size can be the reason. 7z decompression (which is used during the deeper check which you mentioned) unpacks the complete file into memory. And most likely this fails due to the size of the file. Guess I skip the out-of-memory message and instead a wrong checksum message is shown.

As mentioned in several postings before...7z decompression is currently not block based...and fails on bigger files.
....I hope I will find some free time one day to have another look at the cough cough cough sdk or the dll....

Actually, the warnings window which shows the warning about the not matching hashvalue should list a 7z not enough memory right above that message...


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