Thank you Roman, yes it was just me excited about running your new apps quickly and then afterwards RTFM'ing.
You're right of course, just use the \software\a2600 directory as rompath and all is fine. The scanner didn't produce a crash message in a classical sense when the temp directory on the ram drive ran out of space it simply quit out. Maybe it logged something somewhere though.
So tell me if I am doing this in the least steps for my favorite \software items, a2600 for example.
1. Add the \hash\a2600.xml to source.
2. Add the \software\a2600 directory to rom path.
run with appropriate settings.
Rinse repeat for other softlist items.
I thought I had read in one of your updates that you could speed this process by doing step 1, but in step 2 have the top level \software directory listed instead and the scanner would be smart enough to know to put the a2600.xml content into \software\a2600? Actually, that's probably what you're describing with the xpath filter it looks like.
I see that you retain like 10 of the most recently used xml sources in a drop down (and their associated rompaths when chosen), is there a way to make more of them available? Course in cmpro they're all there in the profiler.
Oh, this was the text in question from your post about the differences:
Simply us 1 rompath and use either one of the patterns (e.g. #BIOSSPLIT# which is identical to system default paths) or in case of scanning a -listsoftware collection, you can even keep that blank since it internally uses #SOFTLIST#. You only need to store your software lists in rompath subfolders named after the list though.
For example you use: rompath: c:\mame\softwarelist and inside there are folders like a2600, a2600_cass, c64_flop_misc, amiga_hardware and so on which hold the files for the belonging lists.