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Author Topic: Question on filtering sets  (Read 4656 times)


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Question on filtering sets
« on: 21 July 2022, 04:20 »

My question, and hopefully it's not something painfully apparent that I've overlooked, is is there a way to select "All Available Sets" from the set information window, and then subsequently apply a filter that would add to the list. I understand the answer is probably "no" based on the complexity of combining multiple runs of filters, but maybe a "%" variable that would allow one to check the available status from within the filter search window?


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Re: Question on filtering sets
« Reply #1 on: 21 July 2022, 04:43 »

Just for further clarification, and to demonstrate my use case here, I figured out a workaround. I first choose all available sets, copy enabled sets to the clipboard, then paste into a text file. I then apply a filter (*[[]b*[]]*;*[[]h*[]]*;*[[]a*[]]*;*[[[t*[]]*), and copy enabled sets to the clipboard again, pasting into the same text file. I then sort (unnecessary) and remove duplicate lines (necessary?). I then "From File" this text file, invert the selection (I don't trust myself with initial invert), then copy enabled sets to the clipboard again to get my ultimate list of desired ROMs. Hopefully you could follow this garbage 😕


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Re: Question on filtering sets
« Reply #2 on: 21 July 2022, 06:16 »

erm....I don't really understand what you actually want to achieve in the end.

Question 1: is there really a need to limit sets. I always ask this because users tend to answer "I don't like 1000 sets shown as missing". Well, there is a scanner context menu option to simply "hide fully missing sets". Limiting sets is possible but usually not needed at all.

Question 2: if you simply want to limit your sets to "what I currently got", the "avail sets" button in set information is a helper. However it simply scans your rompaths for valid setnames and enables them (...and parent/clones/bios if the checkboxes are ticked). However, this would mean that your sets already have a correct name...after updating your sets, you may go back to that button and hit it again...(sounds easier than your textfile workarounds).....So back to #1 ....usually it's better to keep all sets enabled anyhow....and hide totally missing ones if they really annoy you...but on the other hand....you want to collect them all, don't you?....if not, you can simply modify the datfile to only list what you want.


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Re: Question on filtering sets
« Reply #3 on: 21 July 2022, 16:19 »

Yup, figured my example wouldn't do it  ;D - I've recently (partially) converted from a hoarder to a collector/user as I've gotten heavily back into retro. So, the hoarder in me wants to keep TOSEC sets, but the reformed me wants to eliminate most of the "bad" (e.g. bad, under dumps, over dumps, etc.) ROMs AND ROMs that exist in No-Intro sets. I also want this to persist between DAT updates, so that it continues to ignore my bad sets.

Now that I'm writing this, I realize I think that I'll have to redo my method anyway anytime there's a DAT update. Perhaps pre-filtering the DATs prior to importing into clrmamepro might be the easiest way. Sigh, any suggestions from anyone for a tool similar to what Retool https://github.com/unexpectedpanda/retool/ does for No-Intro/Redump sets?

I haven't completely given up on TOSEC yet, but the sheer amount of garbage in there has me seeing the project headed down the GoodSets path. My method works, but it's disgustingly inefficient and that's why I was hoping for an alternate/better way.
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