im gone from here unless its sorted....and that means unless it sorted its best the sections nuked ace ill be in the priate room I told you... can you upload CoinOPS 2 lite and ill mod it into CoinOPS 3 lite please
for help you can goto ....they have been rewriting mame for years and will have something great for you guys....much better than the alterative...they have great advice...mega skills....they are nice guys and wont lie to you....they will show you the way
best of luck

im continuing on as we speak.....knowing that all I fortold has happened

im sorry for the normal users and always have the end all I did was try....all this was about was sticking up for you guys against people that I beleive have no skills apart from flaming taking over all sites....but alot of time on peoples hands by a few that dont like others with vision and skill getting in there way means problems........I have every faith that you will enjoy painful to use buggy and ugly products....somthing the whole family wont ill leave you to of luck till we meet again