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Author Topic: Continued from MAMEWorld...  (Read 6359 times)

Bad A. Billy

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Continued from MAMEWorld...
« on: 17 March 2021, 04:42 »

"WTH is up with that now?" Well, nothing really changed over the years and as I said (I know this doesn't help) 'it works for me, everywhere, everytime"

From users who had the problem I got information like "If you monitor the network you see that the server simply directly replies with a 403".
If I remember correctly, the lookup and download of information does 2 small http(s) requests. Maybe that's interpreted as too much traffic somewhere  or -since this only happens since emulab switched to https- something is bad there.
However the latter can be tested pretty easily....I could put the update files somewhere else and modify version64.ini to look it up on the new url.

Anyway...this should be continued on the cmpro forum.

In regard to the 2 small requests, if that were the problem then I would think that the Homepage & Donate link buttons shouldn't be working either.
But they do...


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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #1 on: 17 March 2021, 07:07 »

Sorry but your assumption is wrong.

The Homepage and Donate buttons simply run your standard browser with an url. (something like: ShellExecute(m_hWnd, _T("open"), donateUrl, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); )

The update button calls routines in update.dll which
a) download the file from the url given in version64.ini
b) compares the version against the current one and if it's newer it downloads the package etc..etc
for a) it opens an HttpConnection, sends a GET request with a imo fine filled http request header, queries the length of the target file and downloads it.
for b) it opens the downloaded version file and compares it, then it would download the full package (pretty much the same as a) but a different file) etc..

So what people reported is that a) fails for them already because the GET request is simply dropped by the server.

You can check this by monitoring the cmpro folder if a "version" file appears (it gets removed after clicking the prompts)

But as mentioned, I've tried this on various systems, various networks and even in various countries...and it always worked for me...so really hard to say where exactly the problem is.
When I find a bit more time I will look at it again.

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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #2 on: 18 March 2021, 01:39 »

Thanks Roman.

I understand & I should have realized the difference in the 2. Just didn't think through the processes of each.
Thanks for your time.


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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #3 on: 18 March 2021, 06:37 »

no prob, as I said...I really like to look at it again...because normally sending a GET request under Windows in C++ isn't magic....


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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #4 on: 18 March 2021, 15:02 »

can you test the following if you got the update problem:
download https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmpro_updatetest.7z and unpack one of the exe over yours.

Then run it, go to about and "check now". This version is hardcoded to "1.0", so it should detect the latest update and should start the update process (if you accept it). Then the download of the package starts and your versions (this test version) gets replaced.

So what is different? Well, I've moved the code which downloads the version information from update.dll to the cmpro main program and now it uses the same routines which e.g. the www profiler uses to download www datfiles.

The update process (the actual download of the package + unpack and restart) hasn't changed yet and is still handled by update.dll....however this test can give me an idea already if the general version lookup still fails for you or not.

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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #5 on: 19 March 2021, 02:54 »

As much as I'd like to say it worked & you fixed it, I can't say for sure. Last night I was still messing with getting the update to work to no avail.
But then the last thing I did was turned off the Auto Refresh of the WWW DATS in the profiler in the .ini ( Pro_AutoWWWUpdate = off ), restarted CMP & hit Update and it checked. Why that would have done anything I haven't a clue. It said there was an update available & I hit yes so fast I didn't get to see the version # it said I had & it downloaded & installed 4041. I said yes save a copy of the file(luckily). It then said my version is up to date & it's still working tonight. Don't know why or how but it is working again...
Now the next weird thing...I looked at the file it saved & it was the 32 bit version but I had been running the 64 bit version.
So I downloaded the 64 bit zip & overwrote the exe & all is well again it seems.
Even though it probably doesn't confirm anything now that mine is working, I did d/l your 1.0 & updated again through that and it worked fine.

I did find 1 other small suggestion for you, when the profiler is doing a database update, you can get an error that says something about either you stopped the process or the exe is corrupt, well, it might be nice to also add in there that the disk maybe full or lack of space on drive too...
That drove me nuts for a few minutes last night too! LOL

I'll keep checking this update thing on here & try the other exe if it does stop working again & let you know. If not I'm sure Sune or 1 of the others on MameWorld with the same problem would be happy to help you out too.

Wish I had something more concrete to help you out with.
Thanks again!


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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #6 on: 19 March 2021, 06:08 »

That 32/64 bit thing is interesting.....actually in the 64bit version you got a version64.ini file with the needed url for update and for the 32bit version you got a version.ini with the same content (the split has some historical background).
Would be interestining to know which files you had before the update worked (which exe, which version file). (Backup?) Maybe a mixed setup is the cause of all trouble.

Autorefresh www dats...hmm..shouldn't play a role at all...but I will check it, too.

Thanks for testing!
« Last Edit: 19 March 2021, 06:08 by Roman »

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Re: Continued from MAMEWorld...
« Reply #7 on: 20 March 2021, 02:07 »

FWIW this tells you a little about what was there at some point.
That's my original CMP folder from 2007.
Obviously though I did not correctly uninstall the 32bit version back in 2008 when I upgraded to the 64 bit version & must have just deleted things as I felt fit to do...(Bad me...)
So there were some remnants left behind, but none have given me any trouble until now if that was the cause &
I honestly don't think I've looked in detail at that folder since upgrading until now, never needed to except to look through the backup folder maybe a few times...
Also my update started working before it auto-installed that 32 bit version.
Here's the entirety of the folder in case that might help...   http://prntscr.com/10qgj3t

Thanks again...

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