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Author Topic: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?  (Read 5886 times)


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Quick question. I just did a full Scanner, with all Check&Fix ON.. later in the logfile I can see several messages such as this:

Astro Chase [softwarelist: a800 - folder: achase - size: 16kb]
wrong SysDefPath: achase [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\a800\]

I do have 2 zips but are different in their content, although it seems only the filename is different:

$ ls -l a800/achase.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 10087 Jun 15 11:10 a800/achase.zip
$ ls -l standard/achase*
-r-xr-x---+ 1 llagos None 10090 Mar  8  2017 standard/achase.zip
$ unzip -l a800/achase.zip
Archive:  a800/achase.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    16384  12-24-1996 23:32   astro chase (first star software)(1982).rom
---------                     -------
    16384                     1 file
$ unzip -l standard/achase.zip
Archive:  standard/achase.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    16384  12-24-1996 23:32   ac.rom
---------                     -------
    16384                     1 file

The byte difference, I guess it's because of the zip comment...

so I guess both are correct in their own location, and the warning is wrong? If not, why didn't clrmame fix that? (move, delete, rename, etc.).???



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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #1 on: 15 October 2019, 07:07 »

The rom in question of the sets mf_achas and achase are identical

a800 software list:
rom name="astro chase (first star software)(1982).rom" size="16384" crc="18752991" sha1="f508b89d2251c53d017cff6cb23b8e9880a0cc0b"

standard mame:
rom name="ac.rom" size="16384" crc="18752991" sha1="f508b89d2251c53d017cff6cb23b8e9880a0cc0b" region="maincpu" offset="8000"

So most likely cmpro hits a false positive match when it tries to identify the sets.

If I remember correctly wrong system default path placements needs to be fixed manually, but in this case the original complaint about a wrong placed set is wrong...I will have a look at it later.


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #2 on: 15 October 2019, 14:39 »

Gracias Roman,!

In my scanner.log there are a few more:

Bristles [softwarelist: a800 - folder: bristles - size: 16kb]
wrong SysDefPath: bristles [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\a800\]

Acclaim PSX [system: Acclaim PSX - folder: coh1000a - size: 520kb]
wrong SysDefPath: coh1000a [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\coh1000a\]

Taito FX1 [system: Taito FX1 - folder: coh1000t - size: 520kb]
wrong SysDefPath: coh1000t [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\coh1000t\]

Flip and Flop [softwarelist: a800 - folder: flipflop - size: 16kb]
wrong SysDefPath: flipflop [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\a800\]

In case they are also worth looking at, to find some common root-cause...



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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #3 on: 15 October 2019, 19:50 »

Hmm...I've tried to rebuild the scenario by using the MAME import and a800 as only softwarelist. Then the mentioned sets and did a scan...but no issues found. Either full or split merged. No problems here (using the latest nighly build)

So...can you provide me:

- your cmpro.ini
- your *.cmp file (cmpro's settings folder) for the used profile (I guess you're using a current official MAME binary as import)
- a pair of the archives in question (e.g. both bristles etc)...maybe the archive is special and causes a problem
« Last Edit: 15 October 2019, 20:10 by Roman »


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #4 on: 16 October 2019, 01:40 »

Hola Roman,

Here they are:
$ unzip -l wrongsysdef.zip
Archive:  wrongsysdef.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     7711  10-15-2019 11:36   cmp/cmpro.ini
    57184  10-15-2019 11:36   cmp/settings/mame.cmp
    10087  06-15-2019 11:10   mame/roms/a800/achase.zip
    11616  06-15-2019 11:10   mame/roms/a800/bristles.zip
    12369  06-15-2019 11:10   mame/roms/a800/flipflop.zip
    10090  03-08-2017 08:08   mame/roms/standard/achase.zip
    11650  03-08-2017 08:08   mame/roms/standard/bristles.zip
    12410  03-08-2017 08:08   mame/roms/standard/flipflop.zip
   126281  03-08-2017 09:35   mame/roms/standard/coh1000a.zip
   126296  03-08-2017 09:35   mame/roms/standard/coh1000t.zip
---------                     -------
   385694                     10 files

Regarding the "systems", there are several coh.... under my "standard" folder, instead of on each swlist folder...

$ ls -l mame/roms/standard/coh1000[at].zip
-r-xr-x---+ 1 llagos None 126281 Mar  8  2017 mame/roms/standard/coh1000a.zip
-r-xr-x---+ 1 llagos None 126296 Mar  8  2017 mame/roms/standard/coh1000t.zip
$ ls -l mame/roms/coh1000[at]
total 26916
drwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None        0 Oct  7 21:18 jdredd
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None    45916 Sep 17 23:39 jdredd.zip
drwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None        0 Oct  7 21:18 jdreddb
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 26447098 Sep 17 23:40 nbajamex.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  1061247 Sep 17 23:40 nbajamexa.zip

total 75420
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   715161 Sep 17 23:42 ftimpact.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   715161 Sep 17 23:42 ftimpactj.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   715161 Sep 17 23:42 ftimpactu.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 13637318 Sep 17 23:42 ftimpcta.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  1500465 Sep 17 23:42 gdarius.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 18006770 Sep 17 23:43 gdarius2.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  1500730 Sep 17 23:43 gdariusb.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   740239 Sep 17 23:43 mgcldate.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 13486363 Sep 17 23:43 mgcldtex.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  5683750 Sep 17 23:43 psyforce.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   274288 Sep 17 23:43 psyforcej.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   774692 Sep 17 23:43 psyforcex.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  8266787 Sep 17 23:43 raystorm.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   903870 Sep 17 23:44 raystormj.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   903869 Sep 17 23:44 raystormo.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   903869 Sep 17 23:44 raystormu.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None  5998515 Sep 17 23:44 sfchamp.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   822089 Sep 17 23:44 sfchampj.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   822089 Sep 17 23:44 sfchampo.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None   822089 Sep 17 23:44 sfchampu.zip

Best of luck!



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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #5 on: 16 October 2019, 20:12 »

- Standard folder holds a copy of "achase.zip" which is wrong. It's part of the a800 software list and should be placed in the assigned path (actually you do have a copy there, too)
- Standard folder holds a copy of "mf_achas.zip" which is wrong, too since it belongs to maxaflex bios set which is assigned to D:\games\mame\roms\maxaflex
With a clean setup profile cmpro warns me about the double set: "Set exists in various rompaths: ... " message....it does not do it with your profile though....have to check why....but generally your origiginal message is correct: wrong SysDefPath: achase [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\a800\]
it found a dupe zip archive of achase there and this indeed needs to be in a800...

...and you got D:\games\mame\roms listed as a rompath, while all sets are in subpaths of that....so...this isn't a good idea either, you only need to list the real rompaths, not rompaths containing rompaths....


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #6 on: 16 October 2019, 21:08 »

Gracias Roman,

May I ask why cmpro doesn't move these files...??? not yet implemented (in the to-do list), or just too complicated?

about "roms" folder, you're right.! didn't notice that, and probably stayed there after I moved to software lists... I just deleted it.. thanks!



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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #7 on: 17 October 2019, 07:41 »

Actually I have to check if an automatic move from one sysdefpath to another is implemented or not ;-) Too long ago....it's not hard to implement (acutally I think it's in...) but maybe it fails for you because you already have a copy in the right folder, too.


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #8 on: 03 October 2020, 19:51 »

Hi Roman,
I've noticed a few of these messages with the latest build (20200924) and latest mame .225...
I think last time (when I opened this topic) there were duplicates. But now, that's not the case...
For instance:
African Adventure (Konami Endeavour, Russia) [system: Konami Endeavour BIOS - folder: aadvent - size: 27mb]
wrong SysDefPath: aadvent [wrong: L:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: L:\games\mame\roms\bios\konendev\]

It's on "standard" but not under "software":
$ ls -l /cygdrive/L/games/mame/roms/standard/aadvent.zip
-rwx---rwx+ 1 llagos None 332653 Mar 21  2020 /cygdrive/L/games/mame/roms/standard/aadvent.zip
$ ls -l /cygdrive/L/games/mame/roms/bios/konendev/
total 24
-rwx---rwx+ 1 llagos None 21502 Mar 21  2020 konendev.7z

Scanner has "fix all" set, so... why weren't all these sets moved to their proper location?

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: 03 October 2020, 19:52 by llagos »


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #9 on: 04 October 2020, 09:29 »

Hmmmmm....here it does prompt about the wrong placed one and moves it (if you got "ask before fixing" enabled) ...will check why it seems to skip the fix otherwise

ok found it....when the ask before fixing dialog is not used, the check simply uses a wrong initial value and it gets skipped...fixed in next version
« Last Edit: 04 October 2020, 16:33 by Roman »


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Re: wrong SysDefPath error while Scanner, but it wasn't fixed...?
« Reply #11 on: 05 October 2020, 18:46 »

great!!! that's it... I unchecked "ask"... I trust you ;)
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