Quick question. I just did a full Scanner, with all Check&Fix ON.. later in the logfile I can see several messages such as this:
Astro Chase [softwarelist: a800 - folder: achase - size: 16kb]
wrong SysDefPath: achase [wrong: D:\games\mame\roms\standard\] [right: D:\games\mame\roms\a800\]
I do have 2 zips but are different in their content, although it seems only the filename is different:
$ ls -l a800/achase.zip
-rwxrwx---+ 1 llagos None 10087 Jun 15 11:10 a800/achase.zip
$ ls -l standard/achase*
-r-xr-x---+ 1 llagos None 10090 Mar 8 2017 standard/achase.zip
$ unzip -l a800/achase.zip
Archive: a800/achase.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
16384 12-24-1996 23:32 astro chase (first star software)(1982).rom
--------- -------
16384 1 file
$ unzip -l standard/achase.zip
Archive: standard/achase.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
16384 12-24-1996 23:32 ac.rom
--------- -------
16384 1 file
The byte difference, I guess it's because of the zip comment...
so I guess both are correct in their own location, and the warning is wrong? If not, why didn't clrmame fix that? (move, delete, rename, etc.).