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Author Topic: Setting up Clrmamepro for software lists  (Read 6256 times)


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Setting up Clrmamepro for software lists
« on: 01 June 2020, 14:19 »

I'm trying to update my software list from 220 to 221 I've read a lot of threads on the topic of updating software lists and have come to the conclusion that everyone prefers a separate profile per platform and using a batchrun over doing a single profile that includes all platforms.

However, none of the threads goes about showing how to do that and there isn't a single youtube video I can find that demonstrates this either.

I know that I have to drag the xml files from the mame hash folder into the clrmamepro profiler. That's done. However, I don't know how to turn all of them into a profile all at once. There are hundreds of them, do i really have to dobule click each one seperately and press Default? That seems extremely time consuming and so I don't see how this is the better option...

From there, then what? In the profiler I can select all the profiles, right click -> load profiles in batchmode but then the window is completely different than everything else...

How do i ensure that my softwrae list roms go to the correct paths?


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Re: Setting up Clrmamepro for software lists
« Reply #1 on: 01 June 2020, 17:28 »

It depens if you already setup rompaths for them or you start from scratch.

If you don't have rompaths assigned yet, the batcher misc tab offers options to automatically create and assign rompaths for it.
If you already have rompaths, then ...well...you need to load a profile and assign the rompath. Yes..could be a lot of work.

Or...if you already use the combined mode and have setup all paths....go on and use it....no need to switch to stand alone profiles.

Generally the batcher window appears if you select more than one datfile in the profile (e.g. CTRL-A for all or mouse click with ctrl...etc...) and then hit the load button.
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