Fair warning: English is not my native language, expect lots of grammatical errors!!
- Let's consider the last MAME version. I know that clrmamepro doesn't rebuild or handle CHD the same way it does for roms. but i noticed the following -> The last mame version 206 has a change of contents in a chd folder. In concrete the vs4e folder has a file (gdt-0014.chd) in the 205 version. the 206 version moves this to vs4oe and vs4e gets another file inside. The problem is that clrmamepro deletes this folder and after the rebuild and scan, it leaves an incomplete romset. It took me a while to discover that the chd are in the backup folder, but with the old name. Trying to rebuild from the backup folder doesn't work either, since is a CHD. It has to be done manually. Is possible to fix this, or at least get a warning when moving/deleting chd's?? i think many of the "clrmamepro deletes my files" comes from this limitation.
- Speaking of MAME, or more specifically, SOFTLISTS: You mentioned that file names has limits in the OS, and you also give a workaround (//?/). Problem is that compressed files that already have very long names doesn't get rebuild. Example: cpc_flop/amsteram.7z. The file inside the compressed have this "nice" name:
"amster & amthello & bombas & bombardero & dibujar es facil & carnival shootout & esgrima elaictrico & space base & guante blanco & poseide & presupuesto & rebotes & tenis & test & space trucker & tumba & tune(2) (nongoodcpc).dsk"
And that alone is 229 characters length. By default clrmamepro will warn that this cannot be unpacked. Can at least be workarounded another way??.
- Speaking about softlists, last update also moved files between folders. Shouldn't be a problem: one just do a rebuild, then a scan, then rebuild from the backup folder and be done with it... in batch mode of course, since i believe the "official way" to mess with the softlists is using the xml files provided by mame. The last mame update broke this: for some reason, certain files weren't moved to the backup folder and i have to rebuild quite some folders from another backup i had handy, but it took quite the ammount of time. Is there another way to deal with softlists?? I don't think this will be a frecuent thing, but something seems wrong.
Thanks for your work on clrmamepro!!! and sorry about my english!