Completely understood, thanks for that.
I guess I have a lot to learn, I appreciate the detailed info.
In my first approach to MAME, I found and used roms from a "non-merged" set. I was able to simply grab a title (galaga), toss it on my mame setup, and load the game no problem.
Later, I found myself needing other specific set versions, and was able to follow the upgrade process (using your awesome tool), and attempted to get back to "drop the set in there, done" as before.
Reading what you say, and folks like me who don't have all the info and still trying to learn, the definition of "non-merged" is incredibly mis-leading:
Non-Merged Sets All rom files will have all the necessary roms to run them.
It makes it sound like you can drop the single set and have it run, no matter what. But what I guess what I've failed to realize, is that the keyword "rom" here does not apply to files such as 50xx.bin. You're saying this file is not a "rom", it is something else, yes?
I guess I liked the idea that if I really wanted to, I could build such a set with automation, where all I would possibly have to ever do is find a single title I want, and copy it over. But now, I'm always going to be potentially troubleshooting every single set I put into my MAME environment, one by one, to see if I've missed some random external set.
Wasted space is truly not an issue, convenience is, but if you're saying I'm off my rocker and this is a very un-common approach, that's fine too. But it's a little strange that others agree and place these files inside sets to make truly independent sets, and I doubt they manually did that, so I was very curious how they did. Maybe not your tool?
Anyways, thanks very much again for the important info, you seem to take a lot of care in your replies, it's great to see.