Sorry I didn't test right away, but I was busy actually finishing getting the full TOSEC together in like 12 years

Anyway ... the behaviour of the profile tree was consistent before, meaning it always hides the empty folders. With the new version, this has become inconsistent and in a way I cannot exactly determine why/when it does what. Also, I guess I don't have worked all possible folder/sub folder move combinations, yet. Let me try and describe.
a) There were 5 subdirectories in a profile, with 1 datfile in each. I move them all up under the system using drag-n-drop (DnD). All subdirectories vanish from view.
As a variaton of this: As long as a dat stays in a subfolder (e.g. because it's the one you selected and cannot be moved, or on purpose), all folders stay in view until you move the last dat seperately ... then they vanish.
Positive: While you can see the empty subfolders, they show the normal folder icon and not one of the complete/incomplete icons

b) When there are further directory levels and you chose to move datfiles up 2 levels only the 2nd before last level is shown and without the (+) open button in front of them. Also somtimes the last level directory will be shown, when there is a deeper directory on the same level
<datroot>\TOSEC\Commodore\Amiga\Applications\Public Domain\[ADF]
<datroot>\TOSEC\Commodore\Amiga\Applications\Public Domain\[EXE]
Shown in Tree:
\TOSEC\Commodore\Amiga\Applications\Public Domain
c) When I start deleting visible but empty tree nodes/directories, the last one also vanishes, when I remove the 2nd to last one.
d) I can only create visible new directories on the level that is visible.
e) Dats that I put in the directories but have not yet configured ([NEW PROFILES] node), the empty nodes are shown in the [Profiles] tree, but without the last node (like described in b) ) until I import them, then the full tree is shown.
So in general, directories still disappear from the tree.
... on hindsight, since I'm testing while I'm writing this, you might be hit by a severe case of fencepost (off by 1) error and the behaviour is totally deterministic