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Author Topic: clrmamepro 4.032 released  (Read 8266 times)


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clrmamepro 4.032 released
« on: 16 May 2017, 20:19 »

fixed: dir2dat creates subfolders for found filenames with `. Now it translates it to ' (as the parser does anyway)
fixed: unique softwarelist folder check can fail and only show an empty list instead of details
fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "dafilefolder" created double foldernames when using dats with subfolders
fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "datfile name tag" or "datfile file" was not working
fixed: batcher's "for default naming use" options does not use the global profiler setting anymore
fixed: don't list existing parent roms in completely missing clones' output
fixed: profiler hides empty folders
fixed: wrong bios set assignment in non rom-merge-parse-mode for some sets which use merge tags to link to bios roms
fixed: profiler context menu tree delete folder switched to 'delete profile' when a profile in list view was selected
fixed: problem with memoryfile exceptions when working with enabled headers
added: batcher option to skip scan run when a batch rebuild did not create any files
misc:  updated fuzzy set name check routine (which is rarely used though) giving more robust results
misc:  better profiler tree display when delete/reset/clean cache on a folder or move profile (not jumping to root and collapsing the tree)
misc:  show red/green dot profiler tree folder icons when profiles contain at least one red or only green items
misc:  updated to zip archive: 4.6.4


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #1 on: 02 June 2017, 03:51 »

sorry for bad Englist first ,if I made any mistake.

"fixed: don't list existing parent roms in completely missing clones' output"

the scan results is right now,but,the report is still wrong.

ClrMamePro Options:
you want to scan : choose sets and roms
your perfer : choose split sets

I have all the right roms of mame 0.186 .
in ClrMamePro 4.031c , the scan results show that I miss many sets and roms.
in ClrMamePro 4.032 , the scan results show that I just miss many sets . cause I have all the rights roms , it doesn't show I miss any roms. But at last ,the report ,the statistics show that I miss sets and roms. exact the same report as ClrMamePro 4.031c, even the miss number is the same.

I do miss some sets . first, some chd games doesn't need roms . second, some chd clone games need roms , but , its roms is the same as its parent game's roms. so they just share the parent games' roms ,they don't need .zip files to hold any roms. Cause I don't have chds , these two kind of games miss set. the second kind is the problem of ClrMamePro 4.031c .

I have all the right roms ,so I think the report shold be like : miss sets xxx ,miss roms 0 .(by the way , I remember that old ClrMamePro show the report just like this.)  but the report still show that I miss roms.

I create empty folders for all the miss set . then the report become right . miss sets 0 ,miss roms 0. this works for both ClrMamePro 4.031c and 4.032 .

« Last Edit: 02 June 2017, 04:00 by gdicnng »


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #2 on: 02 June 2017, 06:34 »

A set is a collection of chds and/or roms and/or samples. There are some sets which only consist of e.g a chd file.
If you don't have the chd files for chd-only sets, you *do* miss the set and so it is listed. Fooling cmpro's set check (not the chd-check by the way) by creating empty container folders for the chd is only a workaround for people who don't care about chds and want a clean report.
The statistic numbers don't really matter that much anyway. The only important thing is if something is listed in the tree or not.
However I will double check the number of roms in the stats for this special case...but really...they don't matter ;-)


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #3 on: 02 June 2017, 10:46 »

the missing number of sets doesn't matter.cause you said I do miss some sets.
but the missing number of roms matters.
I don't want to fool the ClrMamePro , if it gives me the right missing roms number.

if the miss roms number is 0 , I know for sure that I got all the roms right.

if the miss roms is not 0 ,I have to check which one is missing,try to find it ,and add it to my collection of MAME's roms.

if the number is not right , I have to check whether I do really miss roms or ClrMamePro just gives me a wrong report.

cause the chd files take too much space , I think there are many MAMEers are just like me . we don't have chds , or we just have several chds. when these MAMEers use ClrMamePro , they may meet this problem.

I know this problem, I can get used to this problem.
but , if a new user of ClrMamePro meet this problem , he may really have a problem.
« Last Edit: 02 June 2017, 11:04 by gdicnng »


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #4 on: 02 June 2017, 12:45 »

As I said, I will double check the listed number of roms even though the only point of truth is the tree output and not the stats screen.
If you don't want to fool cmpro you will always get the missing set output in tree and in stats since you don't have the chd/set.....so you won't get a green profile knob (which a lot of users look at ;-))

"I think there are many MAMEers are just like me" ...actually I don't think so. MAMEers usually collect them all...or use a non-chd datfile


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #5 on: 02 June 2017, 13:25 »

Thank you !
Waiting for the good news.


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #6 on: 02 June 2017, 21:05 »



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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #7 on: 03 June 2017, 00:26 »

I delete all the empty folders.
It works fine , the right number of missing roms.
No need to fool ClrMamePro anymore.

Thank you very much !
« Last Edit: 03 June 2017, 00:27 by gdicnng »


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #8 on: 06 June 2017, 17:12 »

dir2dat for deprecated and XML appears broken when an archive contains files in subfolders.

The dat is made with a ' character replacing the old \ for where a subfolder should be listed.

However, when you load the created dir2dat and scan your archives, it doesn't recognise the new ' character as a subfolder and simply strips out all folders from your archive.

Any chance you could look at and fix this ?


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Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« Reply #9 on: 07 June 2017, 06:38 »

Hmm...I will have a look...


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