Something for the hints and tricks section: When you use the "Profile List Includes All Subfolder Entries" option on the Profiles tree it has some welcome sideeffects. When you move the files from subfolders a level up or delete those subfolders afterwards, the tree will open up at the last loaded dat file again ... until you do another batch run, which will reset this ''feature".
Instead of closing all down to PROFILES root and you have to open it up again. I just stumbled over it by accident when trying out this feature to move more than one datfile at a time as the TOSEC directory setup was making me do by putting each dat into it's own directory. As usability enhancement I'd suggest that should be the default behaviour. The PROFILES tree should always reopen at the last loaded profile on filesystem actions like moving a DatFile or deleting a directory ... having to maually reopen the tree at the last location is kinda taking a bit ... which is about as fast (for me at least) to close CMP completely and restart it ... which also brings me to the last loaded DatFile

Another usability suggestion is: How hard would it be to make the directory icons in the PROFILES pane change colour according to the contained subdirectories and datfiles?
Meaning, if all DatFiles in a directory are green, it would be nice to have the directory also in green. So we know, hey we don't need to look at this for now.
Same when none of the Dats are good. Make it red.
For the directory .. if some are red and some are green ... keep the yellow