Hi, I'm a long-time clrmamepro user, but just recently joined the forum.
This question is about the way nodump ROMs are tabulated and created.
Is it intentional for clrmamepro to not tabulate status="nodump" files when there is a size="0" tag included? I have found in the MAME Software List hash files folder that there is an xml file that declares a nodump on the same line as setting the size to zero. The result is a zero length file included in the .zip file that is created for the set. The .xml file I am talking about is "amiga_a3000.xml", the set is "amix11", the zero-length file is "cass". Since the size is zero, the fact that the "cass" file is a nodump is apparently ignored (and not counted) for the summary seen at the end of the scan.
There are two other files where the same thing happens, apparently due to a MAMEdev specifying a size="0" on a status="nodump" line: "jupace_cass\m_valkyr.zip" and "jupace_cass\triplep.zip"
In other MAME Software Lists hash folder files, when status="nodump" is declared, and there is not a size specified, the nodump is tabulated on the scan in the normal way. And of course, a zero-length file is not created.
Perhaps this is intentional because developers need to declare zero-length files as placeholders for parent/child sets, or something? Or is it just an oversight? A possible work-around would be to ask the MAMEdevs to not place such conflicting tags in their .xml files. Or to remove the size="0" tags on nodump lines by hand. But this issue may come up again on future MAME relases.
I have another question, but I will make a separate post for it.