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Author Topic: clrmamepro gives issues with Mame 164 plus a rollback question  (Read 6986 times)


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Hey all, n00b here.  I've been a MAME user for years but just got into clrmamepro in hopes of doing rollbacks and some non-merged sets.  I have the latest 164 split set, used clr to make the profile from the 164 binary, added the roms directory, made sure it was set to split sets, and scanned.  These are my results, omitting samples and chd and a few other things that were fine:

·Sets                 167/35273
·ROMs                 0/239260
·Bytes                0/177gb

Fixed Unneeded
·Sets                 0/1
·ROMs                 0/27

Fixed Wrong Name
·Sets                 0/0
·ROMs                 0/6081

As you can see, there's missing sets, 1 unneeded set, and 27 unneeded roms.  What's more concerning to me though is the 6081 misnamed roms.  Have I done something wrong on my end or is this normal for a fresh set and, if so, can someone explain why?

Also, I have the 164 rollback set and I attempted to rollback to a 106 set.  To that end, I added both the rollback directory and the main rom directory, then in the rebuilder, selected "use add paths".  I chose a new empty destination directory and let it do its thing.  Sets are set to split here as well.  The first thing I noticed is that after it was done, ddragon was missing a rom... 21j-1-5.26, I believe and would no longer work by itself in 106 Mame.  This is odd to me, as ddragon has always worked by itself, as it's a parent rom.  Other sets had this issue as well.  I tried two dats.  One was downloaded from progretto, the other came from Mame32 Pro Special 106. Can someone give some insight on that or is more info needed?

Thanks so much!

Edit:  As far as the rollback goes, I've made progress.  In advanced settings for the rebuilder, I unticked "Separate Bios Sets" and this time, ddragon was left intact.  None of the instructions I read online for creating rollback sets mentioned that, but I believe this part is solved.
« Last Edit: 18 August 2015, 06:26 by kmvegas »


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Missing sets: Well, there are some sample-only and some chd-only sets in MAME. If you don't have the belonging samples/chds, the set is missing, no matter if you disabled scanning chds/samples. The reason is simple, a set is a collection of roms and/or samples and/or chds. So if you scan for sets, you scan for the existance of sets, the right name if they are needed or not. If you're additionally scanning for chds/roms/samples, you also scan the set containers themeelves, so e.g. the correct checksum of a romfile, the name or sha1 of a chd file, etc..
So if you're scanning for sets without having all chds (or samples), you will end with missing sets, due to the fact that there are some sets which only consist of a chd/sample.

Fixed romnames, if you only d a scan without enabling the fix options, you see what is wrong (well, since it's now too late anyway, don't really worry about it). Hard to say what was actually wrong before. It is pretty common that romnames change from mame version A to B. 6081 sounds a lot, but if some commonly used files are renamed the number grows quickly.
Stats don't really matter at all....if your scan results tree window is empty, you're done.

Rollbacks: let's start the other way around, newer MAME versions replace bad dumps, resize overdumps, rename sets, reorder parent/clone relationsships, add a bunch of new stuff etc etc...So some files are simply not needed anymore. So if you're doing a rollback, you need to find these old bad stuff again. The rebuilder is a pretty straight forward test-checksum-and-recreate-file maching. If it finds a valid file in the source, it adds it to the destination. It's not setbased but file based, so it's not its purpose to create fully sets.
If your rebuilt rollback sets are incomplete you simply miss the belonging file. Maybe you got it in your cmpro backup folder, maybe you never had it.
And don't forget between 164 and 106 there are 58 (!!!) versions in between. I don't know how rollback sets are organized but maybe you need all rollback sets in between, too........actually there is no real reason to rollback anyway ;-) but that's a different story.


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Alright... first off, thanks so much for the explanation about the missing sets.  That makes perfect sense.  As far as the rollback goes, I see you said there's no real reason to do that.  I think I might be on to what you're saying but let me be sure.  I've done a lot of reading on rollbacks over the last 24 hours and I believe I'm seeing that, for the most part, you can just throw your curent sets at an old version and only worry about fixing or replacing the ones that don't work because they've been changed.  Is that what you meant and/or could you elaborate?

On a side note, I ticked the separate bios option back in the rebuilder to test and it's still not deleting that particular rom in the ddragon set that I mentioned earlier.  That being said, I'm not entirely sure what I changed that fixed the earlier issue where it was deleting that file.  But in the 164 rollback set, I couldn't find any versions of ddragon which tells me it's never been changed and doesn't need to be bothered with anyhow.

Thanks again for your help!


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Rollbacks...for what? Using some incomplete emulated old things on a mobile phone only because there is no up-2-date version available...ah comeon... ;-)
If you ask me, there is only one version of MAME and that's the most official current version.

Separate BIOS sets should ALWAYS be enabled. There is no real need to have each bios rom repeated a million times in the single sets. (it's just a legacy option...guess I should get rid of it once and for all...)

Currently I can't tell you anything about 21j-1-5.26, if it's a bios, a device or simply a set rom....I can't also tell you when it was added/changed the last time. Shouldn't be too hard to find it though.


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Well I'm not too worried about the rom that was removed initially.  In the future if I need a particular set to be an older one, I'll handle it case by case.  As far as why I'd need older versions, I have a raspberry pi with a retropie setup and one of the mame versions it uses is 106.  If not for that, I agree lol and I'd avoid the headache because my main setup on my PC's uses up to date versions.
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