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World Rally Championship


Ma questo gioco non รจ lo stesso World Rally dumpato da anni oramai oppure si tratta di quelche set specifico? Nel caso meglio specificarlo nel titolo no?
( Translation: Isn't this game dumped from some years yet, or is it just another not dumped set? In this case, shouldn't be better to specify it on the game title? ) Various For 03/22/09 @ 22:39.


I believe this entry was generate due to misleading informations from various sites. This game is referred often both as World Rally AND World Rally Championship. Sometimes this difference is used to distinguish the original Gaelco game from the Atari licensed edition, like in this page:
World Rally World Rally Championship
WR Flyers at TAFA
Both sets are in MAME. I could not find more evidences another version. If anyone has, please post!

-- Moved from the wiki discussion

Well, according to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OQntOMmDLs&feature=relatedthis video the dumped roms do display World Rally Championship as title in Mame, so I think it can be safely removed.


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