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MAME 0.148u3
« on: 09 April 2013, 09:28 »


MAME 0.148u3 whatsnew:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03873: [Misc.] (megaplay.c and megatech.c): Individual games
  incorrectly writing an NVRAM file.  (Fabio Priuli)
- 05139: [Color Palette): ryorioh: Wrong Colors (Angelo Salese)
- 05179: [Interface] -burnin option not functioning  (Fabio Priuli)

Source Changes
-QT Debugger fixes:
 * New memory windows start focused on the active CPU.
 * Opening a utility window, closing it, and stepping no longer
    re-opens the window. [Andrew Gardner]

-shangha3.c: Added dipswitch locations to Shanghai III, Hebereke no
 Ponpoon and Blocken. [Brian Troha]

-m6502: Seriously untested multi-dispatch-table support [O. Galibert]

-coolridr: work around miscompile on newer versions of Clang
 [Phil Bennett]

-Modernized k053260 device. [Andrew Gardner]

-M740 CPU family updates: [R. Belmont, O. Galibert]
 * Support for all T=1 instructions
 * Added COM and the accumulator-only versions of INC and DEC

-namcos2: Use the correct C68 (M37450) I/O MCU for Steel Gunner 2.
 [R. Belmont, Guru, Charles MacDonald]

-aristmk4.c:  [Heihachi73]
 * Added Caribbean Gold (working), cleaned up comments and EPROM part
   numbers for a handful of games. Caribbean Gold needs some trivial
   input changes, as currently it has a logic door error on boot, however
   if you hit the coin input the error goes away and allows you to key in
   to perform a memory reset and finally coin up.

 * Also, Caribbean Gold 2 [cgold2] now has passable graphics, by using
   two of cgold's graphics ROMs (cgold u8 and u9 -> cgold2 u20 and u45)
   the game is now playable instead of a garbled mess (there are only a
   few tiles which differ between both games).

 * Promoted Caribbean Gold II and Fortune Hunter (and clone) to working -
   these had been working ever since eforest and arcwins were promoted
   but the flags were never removed.

-Add support for Mitsubishi M50740/50741 MCUs. [R. Belmont]

-exidy.c: fixed an out-of-range access spot by gcc-4.9. [Juergen

-beezer.c: fixed an out-of-range access spot by gcc-4.9.
 [Juergen Buchmueller]

-Expanded device_t constructor with parameters for short name and
 source file location [Miodrag Milanovic]

-spu: add cdda interrupts [Carl]

-sf2m3, sf2m8 - fixed remaining gfx issues, marked as WORKING.

-improved sf2m1, dinopic, dinopic2, punipic, punipic2, punipic3

-shangha3.c: Corrected clock speed for Shanghai 3 and added misc
 documentation. [Brian Troha]

-Treat x & y coordinates as 11 bit signed, Ridge Racer Revolution
 loading game sets unused bits. [smf]

-M740: correct disassembly of bbs/bbc on A register. [R. Belmont]

-tms5220.c: Added correct tms5200 chirp rom derived from decap; This is
 now correctly used for 5200, 5220 and 5220c, improving the voice quality
 [digshadow, Sarayan, Lord Nightmare]

-M740: Correct disassembly for seb x,A/clb x,A [R. Belmont]

-Treat x & y coordinates as 11 bit signed on dots, lines & rectangles.
 This fixes sprites in Zaynac X Zaynac (fc version) in MESS [smf]

-QT Debugger: The memory view chunk size radio now reports proper
 sizes. Fixed "ignore" command reporting incorrect invalid CPUs. Fixed
 crazy code responsible for opcodes' crc32s in the comments system
 (what was I thinking back then?). [Andrew Gardner]

-315_5124.c: Small improvements to the palettes.  [Enik Land]

-i960: Add cvtilr needed by Zero Gunner. [R. Belmont]

-tms5220.c: Extremely minor fix for Speak External based on the 5220c
 and 5200 decaps, and some small documentation updates.
 [Lord Nightmare, digshadow]

-gaplus.c: Corrected some issues between Galaga 3 & Gaplus sets.
 [Brian Troha]

-Reduced time before dma interrupt is fired, as it stops incorrect
 textures being displayed in a few games and the pse bios v2.2. [smf]

-psxgpu_device::update_screen clears the border area. [smf]

-fixed GTE A1/A1/A3 flag calculation when the result exceeds the
 maximum bounds. GPF & DPCT work with all values of sf & lm [smf]

-namcos23: Update hardware readme [Guru]

-drawd3d.c - Fixes performance issues with YIQ enabled and
 prescale_x/prescale_y changes no longer impacts colors.
 [Just Desserts, Robert Tuccitto]

-Fixed GTE GPL & DCPL opcodes by porting over some changes from an old
 tree [smf]

-Added default NVRAM to royalcrdp, allowing to boot the game, and
  promoted to working state. [Peter Ferrie]

-Added default NVRAM to magicrd2b and magicrd2c, allowing to boot both
  games, and promoted to working state. [Peter Ferrie, Roberto Fresca]

-TMS5100 and 5200 series: document the decapping and verification of
 chirp tables for the tms5100, tms5200, tms5220, and tms5220c.
 The LPC tables are not verified yet. [digshadow, Lord Nightmare]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Bases Loaded (Prototype, PlayChoice-10) [Lost Levels]
Sex Appeal (Version 6.02) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, USA)  [Heihachi73]
Caribbean Gold II (3XF5182H04, USA)  [Heihachi73]
Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I01, USA)  [Heihachi73]
Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I02, USA)  [Heihachi73]
Magic Card II (green TAB or Impera board)  [Peter Ferrie, Roberto Fresca]
Magic Card II (blue TAB board, encrypted)  [Peter Ferrie, Roberto Fresca]
Royal Card v2.0 Professional  [Peter Ferrie]

New clones added
Virus (Dr. Mario prototype, PlayChoice-10) [Lost Levels]
Hit The Six (Project) (set 3) [launton]
(U.S.) Games V18.5 [Bad A Billy, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia, V 2.7)
  [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Hang-On (older?) [cmonkey]
Daytona USA Special Edition (Japan, Revision A) [Ordyne]
Daytona USA (Japan, Turbo hack, set 2) [Any, The Dumping Union]
Gaplus (GP2) [Any, The Dumping Union]
Side by Side (Ver 2.7 J) [Guru]
Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS)
  [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Raiden Fighters Jet (Single Board, set 1)
  [Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Motocross Go! (MG1 Ver. A) [Any, The Dumping Union]
The Pit Boss (2214-03, U5-1C) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Riviera Hi-Score (2131-08, U5-2D) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. AA) [system11]
Galaga 3 (GP3) [system11]
Motocross Go! (MG1 Ver. A, set 2) [Any, The Dumping Union]
Karnov (US, rev 6) [system11]
Cycle Warriors, set 1 [system11]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Winning Streak (Version 1.1) (Coinworld) [albaki77]
Fruit Star (encrypted) [Team Europe, Roberto Fresca]
Crackin' DJ Part 2 [ShouTime, f205v, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57)
  [ANY, The Dumping Union, Robbbert]
Mars TV [ShouTime, f205v, R. Belmont]

MESS 0.148u3 whatsnew:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New System Drivers Supported:
-Acorn Atom with BBC basic [Phill Harvey-Smith]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

Software Lists:
-nimbus.xml: added two alt welcome disks [Anna Wu]

-ql: Added floppy softlist. [anonymous]

-Added some most wanted Commodore ROMs. [Martin Hoffmann-Vetter]

-pico.xml: New Japanese dumps added [TeamEurope]

-a800.xml: A couple of new cartridge additions. [K1W1]

Source Changes
-saturn: converted carts to be slot devices and enabled battery
 RAM carts support [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv: fixed support of SMD files (those with 512k header),
 broken by the recent developments. [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv.c: removed drivers gensvp, mdsvp and mdsvpj: Virtua
 Racing can now be loaded directly in genesis, megadriv and megadrij
 [Fabio Priuli]

-a7800.c - Stripped palette to raw video output values removing YIQ/YUV
 infer data. [Robert Tuccitto]

-psxcd: simplify the cdrom [Carl]

-imd: Stop being so anal-retentive, it's counterproductive [O. Galibert]

-stop psx crashing when reloading a state when cd access was in
 progress [smf]

-c64: Added Spanish C64C variant. [The Commodore Museum]

-Makes sure the first instruction of cpe/psx/psf files will be
 executed. [smf]

-upd765: Handle modes a little more, NeXT can boot from floppy again
 [O. Galibert]

-upd7220: Add the internal rom [rfka01, balrog]

-Added skeleton S3 ViRGE video card. [Barry Rodewald]

-band aid fix for Tobal No. 1, some graphics issues remain [smf]

-snes.c: added support for the PowerFest '94 competition cart.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-a7800.c - Corrected rotation values and errors including duplicate
 entries for palette.  Address map locations for the XBOARD added to
 get the ball rolling on support for it. [Robert Tuccitto]

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