well....some more coding on it...however no wip exe this time...
- moved rename wizard to profiler
- windowpos/columnswidth and options are saved now
- "diff" buttons checks if a re-parsing of dats is needed
- added 3rd dat mode which allows you to load a dat and apply the found changes on it. This can be in set or/and in rom mode.
Rom Mode: Each rom in each set is checked for an old name match (without taking extensions into account) and the name is updated to the new one (replaced sets and new sets don't play a role here).
Set Mode: Each set name is checked for a match and the name is being updated (again, replaced sets and new sets don't play a role here).
Modified dat is saved to *_new.dat/.xml.
So you can e.g. load a MAME 133 dat and a MAME 133u3 dat and apply the renames on the flyer datfile.
Parsing + diff the 2 dats only has to be once....after that you can exchange the dats to mod.
Open things:
- optionally don't ignore extensions in "apply on rom" mode
- "apply on set" mode is not that easy as you might think....currently it only updates the name. I plan to include description, year, manufacturer, sourcefile and cloneof/romof.....but still, this isn't the full set defintion, so the modified dat has to be handled with care....
Anyway...I started this thing because I didn't want to rename the artwork dats manually.....and something which is a bit more accurate than mamediff....looks like it becomes reality soon....