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clrmame Discussion / Re: Create a .dat file using a Mac
« on: 24 July 2013, 09:33 »
Here it is.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Create a .dat file using a Mac
« on: 24 July 2013, 08:36 »
I made the changes but I'm getting the same errors.

I've attached a screenshot so you can see that I did the changes correctly and changed DatFile Type to MESS_DATFILE.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Create a .dat file using a Mac
« on: 23 July 2013, 22:53 »
These are the first line of the .dat file:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE mess [
<!ELEMENT mess (machine+)>
<!ATTLIST mess debug (yes|no) "no">
<!ATTLIST mess mameconfig CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT machine (description, year?, manufacturer?, biosset*, rom*, disk*, device_ref*, sample*, chip*, display*, sound?, input?, dipswitch*, configuration*, adjuster*, driver?, device*, slot*, softwarelist*, ramoption*)>
<!ATTLIST machine sourcefile CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST machine isbios (yes|no) "no">
<!ATTLIST machine isdevice (yes|no) "no">
<!ATTLIST machine ismechanical (yes|no) "no">
<!ATTLIST machine runnable (yes|no) "yes">
<!ATTLIST machine cloneof CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST machine romof CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST machine sampleof CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT manufacturer (#PCDATA)>

Seems ok to me. I used the "Add DatFile..." button for MAME and MESS, as the "Create..." button expects an executable file, so I don't understand your last suggestion.

clrmame Discussion / Create a .dat file using a Mac
« on: 23 July 2013, 16:02 »

normally I use a Windows executable of MAME or MESS in conjunction with ClrMAME using Wine on my Mac.

As an experiment, I just tried creating a .dat file using the -listxml option of SDLMAME directly on Mac OS X. This worked fine for MAME, but when Ido the same with SDLMESS, I get lots of errors when trying to load the corresponding file (Set: <no description>\<no set name> wasn't imported).

What am I doing wrong here (I'm using 0.149u1)?

clrmame Discussion / Re: new chd
« on: 26 February 2012, 09:45 »
I feared that to be the case, so I have backups, no problem.

clrmame Discussion / Re: new chd
« on: 25 February 2012, 17:54 »
I converted all my CHDs to v5 format. Now most of them are flagged as "unneeded" by CMP 4.03a:

The Key Of Avalon 1.3 - Chaotic Sabbat - Client (GDT-0010C) (V4.000) [system: Triforce Bios - folder: avalon13 - size: 2mb]
unneeded diskimage: CHDs\avalon13\gdt-0010c.chd [not fixed]

But for unconverted disks I get the message that they should be updated.

Also, most of the new samples are reported as unneeded:

Andromeda (Japan?) [folder: andromed - sampleparent: ipminvad - size: 10kb]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\0.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\1.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\2.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\3.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\4.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\5.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\6.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\7.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\8.wav [not fixed]
unneeded file: Samples\andromed\9.wav [not fixed]

If I give CMP permission to delete them, they are reported as missing.

What's going on here?

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