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Messages - Roman

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Hi, first of all, thanks for the donation.

Long thread, so I hope I can answer everything here...

> "I like the idea of a full merged ROMset, but ClrMAMEPro 4.048d can't do it the way I want, with clone subfolders"

You can do this. It automatically does it when you got merge collisions (same filename, different hashes inside a parent/clone relationship). If you want subfolders everywhere, you need to enable settings->full merge mode -> hash collision mode

>"replacing commas by periods in some machines' refresh rates"

well, yes and no. the tools do some changes to things which would lead to a bad filename (e.g. "." can't be at the end of a filename in Windows or |,*,? can't be within a filename, that's why they get replaced for machine/rom/disk/sample names). The refresh rates , . replacements are however done by pugixml which does some localized transformation of decimal numbers automatically. No big deal though.

> "After MAME finished verifying both collections, I had 47,016 txt files on each drive. 5,323 of them had 0 bytes"

Erm...does MAME creates them? Because cmpro / new tools don't create dummy sets

> "kizuna4p is a clone of kizuna, but kizuna4p.zip isn't created by ClrMAMEPro"

old cmpro has an option for "fake or dummy clones". Profiler->Options->Parsing Options->Don't create dummy clones.
new tools would handle them as sets on their own

>"Side note: I am puzzled as to why some machines which don't have ROMs receive OK"

Well, guess you need to ask MAME devs why MAME's audit does so. Yes, one is a "non runnable" device. While the other is a machine also representing a softwarelist holder.

>"Continuing, the new rebuilder inserted 13 files marked as NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN inside 11 zipfiles"

I can't repeat this. Can you tell me your rebuilder settings? Can you repeat it? If yes, can you send me one of the input folder archives which lead to this?

>"It warned me about misplaced and wrongly named CHD disks".

Would be interesting to know which ones. If the rebuilder created them, they should be in the correct place. Can you give me information about which files are affected and what the message is? Maybe run a non-fix scan and send me the scan result (either from "scans" folder or a copy to clipboard via context menu)

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 19:36 »
Well, I mainly use ZipArchive because I'm used to it and it supports copying data (single/multi files) from one archive to another without recompression ;-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 18:27 »
The UI is currently more or less a throw-away ui...which was quickly done in (yuck) MFC.
The separated core is stl /c++ 20, plus 3rd party libs which are portable.

Yes, one of the next steps is to combine scanner and rebuilder and add some profiler. Currently I'm doing some smaller things first, one minor thing which was found during MAME's .268 cylce and 32k path length support. After that I try to combine the 2 modules and after that the profiler will come....

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 06 August 2024, 08:08 »
hmm...it doesn't work in WINE? Why so? Any error message?

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 05 August 2024, 18:23 »
Thanks for the files but testing leads to the same result.
It's fast. I can't and won't test it under Wine though,plain Windows 11 and a network folder as rompath (\\fileserver\bla...).

As I said: When reading a chd file only 128 byte are read to get the header and the stored sha1 values from it and if you say it worked way better before, maybe something else (e.g. Wine) has changed. Sorry, but I don't have an idea and can't repeat the problem.

Give the new scanner a try.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 05 August 2024, 07:47 »
"looking for unknown sets" is just a simple dir walk and hash compare and for chds it only reads 128 byte of the .chd file. So there is no "read the full file" when it comes to chds.

I've just tested it over the network with one chd which has a wrong name and one with a right name and a completely different one which does not appear at all in the datfile.
The "looking for unknown sets" was less than 1 second for such 3 files.....

You can send me your cmpro.ini plus the *.cmp file of the used profile if you like so I can take over your settings

clrmame Discussion / Re: 4.048d deleting backups
« on: 04 August 2024, 19:13 »
ok..found it and fixed it (for a future release). It indeed killed the _unknown folder if something failed but only if it was just created before in this profile, in all other cases it survived.
Anyhow...fixed now...thanks for finding such a weird case.

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 04 August 2024, 17:42 »
Ok, I've tried to repeat your ggiana sisters problem. Unfortunately, I can't repeat it. Everytime a removed set appears as fully missing in the next full scan. So I guess, I'd need your old profile *.cmp file (cmpro's settings folder) for your used profile where the problem appears and cmpro.ini.

By the way, on one screenshot you showed a chd naming issue with a sgi_mips chd. This is normal since the new scanner detects a problem when fully merging the sets (same chd file name, different hashes and for decompressed files (and chds are decompressed), you can't have subfolders). The new scanner then adds the sha1 in front of the filename. I can't remember if old cmpro handles this by removing parent/clone relationships of simply ignores it. So getting the wrong name here is normal if you compare old cmpro and new scanner.

Regarding your latest "It finded some bounch (about 50) missing romsets, compared to clrmame scanner." it would be interesting to see what it found.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHD scanning time with cmpro
« on: 04 August 2024, 15:35 »
Sounds weird. If it takes such long you either have a major network problem or chd files are read as standard files so that some hash calculation over the whole file is used, but actually for chd files this shouldn't be the case, it would simply read the sha1 values stored in the chd headers which should be quick.
Try to minimize the problem by running a scan on one profile which takes long, try to reduce the amout of files for that profile (e.g. reduce the available files to just one chd) etc...
And the typical "did you turn it off and on again" thing is on the test list, too :-) Or a fresh profile for one of the long duration ones.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 4.048d deleting backups
« on: 30 July 2024, 08:12 »
Hmm….so you cancelled a backup job by forcing an error (manually removing files during processing) and that ended in a removal of the already created backups. Did I get this right?
I can double check that next week earliest due to vacation.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 4.048d deleting backups
« on: 29 July 2024, 06:28 »
Nothing is removed from the backup folder unless you somehow use a backup folder for one profile as rompath for another but even then you would have a different path as backup defined so your deleted unneeded files would be there. Same for a rebuild operation from backup with remove rebuilt source files.

Can you give a concrete example of what you did with specifying what was rom and what was backuo path at that point in time?

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 25 July 2024, 17:21 »
Actually both should output the same missing files….do you have an example? However I can only look at it early August. See also https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=9767.0
I somehow think that in cmpro you got some options enabled which might hide some output…lets check that in August

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 24 July 2024, 08:13 »
New scanner supports datfiles and direct exe imports either -listxml or -listsoftware imports. -listsoftware include softwarelists only, listxml the ‚arcade‘ (not fully true) only.
You can easily switch between various dats/exe imports.
Generally it supports standard xml dats like listxml outputs, single softwarelist dats like mame hashfolder files and softwarelist collections like -listsoftware outputs.

In cmpro you usually import from a mame exe (listxml) and the it asks you if it additionally should do a -listsoftware import.
This mixed all in one mode is not really recommended (a pain to setup paths). For softwarelists use single profiles based on mame‘s hashfolder files or even better use the new scanner with two xml/exe setups (one for listxml one for listsoftware) to have all of mame.

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 23 July 2024, 17:30 »
I guess you made a ‚new scan‘ after manually removing the file and not just a scan (since a scan only checks files which were bad before). As mentioned I can have a look at it in about 2 weeks earliest. Till then I recommend to either use the new scanner or use single profiles instead the combined mode.

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 18 July 2024, 20:05 »
how to scan arcade roms? Well, the way everything can be scanned.

- Setup either a datfile in xml/exe input box (or in your specific case, use a mame.exe there with -listxml, or plain mame.exe which by default uses -listxml there)
- Setup one or more rompaths and (optionally) sample paths
- Select your merge mode

Normally that's it, unless you're one of the users which use specific patterns in their rompaths (e.g. you got the sets split by bios or something), in such a case you can define patterns.

Unfortunately I don't have the time to check your settings in old cmpro due to holidays.....maybe in August. Maybe setting up a new profile helps.

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 18 July 2024, 15:30 »
There can be more settings...like system default paths, assignment of rompaths and if they are active or not. And in the scanner context menu you got an option to hide fully missing sets...
...and there are exclude paths/unneeded masks/setinformtion->select sets enabled/disabled ones etc..etc..
As I said...too many factors....but worth checking is the context menu option and the system-default paths one....

Try a new single profile for the c64 tapes and scan....I bet missing ones turn up....single profiles were always prefered over a full -listsoftware import in cmpro...
....another reason to use the new one ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 18 July 2024, 14:35 »
what is cmpro? ;-)

How should I answer this? It highly depends on how you configured cmpro to scan softwarelist.
There are countless options which might impact the result. If you create a profile for the c64 tape dat (mame hash folder) only and scan the c64 tape folder I guess it will also popup as missing in cmpro.

clrmame Discussion / Re: MAME .267 and the new scanner
« on: 17 July 2024, 07:40 »
You only need to specify the one (1) parent folder of the software lists...see attached screenshot

clrmame Discussion / New scanner 0.02.1 out
« on: 15 July 2024, 19:43 »

- added: scanner log *and* tree can be X/Y resized now (mouse click+move between the 2 controls)
- added: clear button to clear all combo boxes for current 'profile' (rebuilder and scanner)
- added: clear button to remove not existing XML/EXE entries
- misc: increased the number of remembered xml entries to 10 (rebuilder and scanner)
- added: controls for unnneeded masks, include backup as addpath
- misc: improved storing of per-xml data
- fixed: filtermode setting isn't restored


- added: support more XML based datfiles
- added: unneeded masks (regular expression to filter out specifc unneeded files/folders) (e.g. ^.*\\(CHD|SL)$)
- added: handle backup as addpath option
- added: filter option supports prefix 'file:' to specify a file holding setnames used for filtering
- fixed: several obsolete "can't remove" errors based on not taking an in between rename into account
- fixed: machine/rom/disk/sample names may contain illegal path characters (incl. ending with .). Remove characters and warn about it
- fixed: prevent rom/disk with identical names but different hashes to get overwritten in decompressed standalone or full merged mode (e.g. sgi_mips chds). Filename gets prefixed with hash. MAME might fail loading it but at least the file is not lost
- fixed: fix-missing can skip one file from a batch and doesn't fix or report it
- fixed: application quits when directory scans cause an exception (e.g. access right denied)



Feel free to support me

Update: 0.02.1 fixes a freeze when fixing unneeded decompressed files....

ok...unneededMasks are in....you can specify a regular expression to filter unneeded files/folders in rompaths and in the set's archives/folders. So to filter out ".DS_Store" on any location you could enter something like ".*\.DS_Store$"

(any char or no char before .DS_Store and the . is escaped with \ and .DS_Store is at the end of the name ($))
Surely you can create a regular expression which matches more one specific ending/whatever, e.g. by using |

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