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clrmame Discussion / Re: CHDs not rebuild
« on: 09 July 2009, 05:56 »
Since I told you to put the chd in a rompath (and that's where sets are stored), you have to enable the sets scan.

There is no reason to turn off sets anyway.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CLRMame WWW Mode
« on: 03 July 2009, 21:00 »
oops..file wasn't on the server....try again

yeah it could be that it only scans the root.....if I remember correctly there is no batch option to enable subfolder support, so it would use the individual profile's setting in this case...if they don't have it enabled either, it won't be used.

Guess I will add a subfolder option for the batcher for the next version.

erm...can you reexplain it a bit more?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Viewing ALL profiles
« on: 24 June 2009, 12:29 »
The default is (and always was) that it's not shown. So I guess you disabled it ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Viewing ALL profiles
« on: 24 June 2009, 07:26 »
Sure there is a way: Select "Show [All Profiles] Folder" in the popup menu of the profiler tree part.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Lesminni ROM Auditor
« on: 13 June 2009, 18:38 »
A single .nes file is of course "just a rom"..and the belonging set consists of for example that single rom.
As said before, the datfile specifies the set. The set definition can be anything...

There are datfiles which define them as single sets (i.e. you got 1 rom per set). This would look in the datfile like:

game (
   name "pac2000"
   description "another pacman clone"
   rom ( name "pacman.nes" size 4096 crc 12345678 )

game (
   name "ark"
   description "Arkanoid 2010"
   rom ( name "arcanoid.nes" size 4096 crc 87654321 )

and there are datfiles which combine single roms into bigger sets:

game (
   name "my_collection"
   description "some games"
   rom ( name "pacman.nes" size 4096 crc 12345678 )
   rom ( name "arcanoid.nes" size 4096 crc 87654321 )

So see the difference. One setname is my_collection and in the other part you got 2 sets. And again, this influences how you store your sets (let's take c:\roms again as rompath again):

c:\roms\my_collection.zip (where the zip contains the 2 .nes files) or c:\roms\my_collection\pacman.nes ... arcanoid.nes
and in the other example you got:
c:\roms\pac2000.zip and c:\roms\ark.zip (or folders of the same name when keeping the files decrompressed).

To confuse you even more now.....if you scan NES sets, you have enable (nes) header support, otherwise checksums won't be calculated correctly......but that's something for later...first understand the basics.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Lesminni ROM Auditor
« on: 12 June 2009, 07:01 »
c) is about how you store your romsets.

The datfile defines how a romset should look like, i.e. listing the single romfiles in the set.
For example a romset (let's call it 'pacman' for easyness) consists of 3 romfiles 'a.bin', 'b.bin', 'c.bin'.

You store romsets in rompaths, i.e. a folder on your hd. Let's assume (ok..Windows style here) you store them in c:\roms. So you rompath is c:\roms.

Now the 2 possible storing methods for pacman are either as a compressed archive (pacman.zip (or pacman.rar/pacman.7z)) or not compressed.
In case of not compressed sets you need another subfolder in your rompath, named after the setname. So you will end with: c:\roms\pacman\a.bin ... bin.bin....c.bin

for compressed sets you will end with: c:\roms\pacman.zip (where the zipfile contains the bin files).

In cmpro you'd setup c:\roms as your rompath in this example.

clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 3.127
« on: 09 June 2009, 20:41 »

misc:  showing compress/decompress information in progress window
fixed: external packer delete operations fail when deleting more than 1 file with spaces in its name
fixed: sometimes wrong fix name messages are shown for files with romsize = 0
fixed: dir2dat initially scans subfolders even when subfolder option is disabled which can take some time
fixed: 7z sdk returns a not initialized pointer value instead of a crc=0 for a size 0 file
fixed: falsely allow rebuilder drag'n drop while showing rebuilder stats
fixed: an empty rebuilder destination folder is initially shown in scanner's drag'n drop options (instead of 1st rompath)

Just to be crystal clear here: There is NO issue.
It's a normal behaviour handling some datfile/datasource inconsistent definitions.

Well, actually you can't do anything about the messages (besides hiding them via the hide option) unless you change the MAME source code.

- Alternative Samplefolder will be added as sample-only set

Well, there are sets in MAME which use an alternative sample folder which isn't listed at all in the MAME -listxml output. For correctness and easy scanning, this set will be added (containing only the sample definitions).

- Possible wrong nodump definition found

Well, here you got an effect where equally named roms within a parent/clone relationship are once listed as a nodump and the other time as a valid rom with a hash. You can decided if you want to keep the nodump or want to use the same hash for it.

- Can't merge set due to equal names for different ROM hashes

There are cases where equally named roms within a parent/clone relationship are not identical (different hashes). So if you try to full merge these sets without adding subfolders to the archive, you will overwrite one of them. So you can decide if you want to be forced to splitmerge mode or remove parent/clone relationship for the set in question.

Again, these are all events coming from the MAME database. You as an enduser can't do anything about it....as a MAME developer you got pros and cons for each root cause of these events....So...live with it ;)

clrmame Discussion / Re: small bug ?
« on: 08 June 2009, 10:09 »
Erm...do you actually know what a drag'n drop in the set information does?

It will enable only the sets which you have dropped. If you drop a file which doesn't have a set name, all sets will be disabled and the title will show that you have 0 sets and 0 roms (0/0) enabled.

So..where's the bug?

clrmame Discussion / Re: Lesminni ROM Auditor
« on: 08 June 2009, 06:15 »
Well, thanks for the video.

Ok, no offense but if you're want to audit romsets, you need to know the basics.

A) You need to know what rompaths are. It's the path were you store your romsets in.
B) You need to know what datfiles are. It holds the romset definitions.
C) You need to know how you have to store sets in the rompaths. Either rompath\setname\file 1...file n for decompressed sets ot rompath\setname.zip(.rar/.7z) for compressed ones. Remember, the set definitions come from the datfile.
D) You need to know what the different merge mode mean...(I skip this here)

So assuming you got some sets you want to audit in c:\roms (yeah...MACUser I know...just an example). You first have to know which datfile maybe useful for you. If you're checking MAME roms, a MAME datfile or binary could be helpful.

1) So load this data in profiler
2) Go to settings and setup a rompath for it so cmpro knows where to look for your sets...in the example c:\roms
3) Go to the scanner and hit scan....

After hitting scan, the tree list will list each any any problem with your sets. If it shows a warning prompt that it doesn't find any file, the chance is high that all files have a wrong name or you store them wrong (see C)). After that prompt, the actual scan starts and it tells you in detail what's wrong with the files in c:\roms.

If you're there you may want to enable the fix options as well to fix issues which are fixable.

It is actually these 1-3) steps....but I advise you to first know what you're doing, i.e. you need to learn a bit about storing romsets.
If you coming from nothing, and want to draw a picture, Photoshop will be tough for you in the first phase as well.

clrmame Discussion / Re: CHDs not rebuild
« on: 04 June 2009, 20:24 »
Easy answer: The rebuilder rebuilds roms, not chds.
It's on my to do list for ages, however not with a high priority.
clrmamepro's scanner can move any wrong named/wrong placed chd to its correct place though. So for example you can rename your zooo.chd to bla.chd, move it to a rompath and the scanner will automatically rename it, creates the correct subfolder and moves it to the correct place.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Question about RAR'd files
« on: 03 June 2009, 18:23 »
As I said before: the folder structure needs to follow the datfile.

If the datfile defines a set called 'pacman' and that set contains the romfiles 1.bin, 2.bin, 3.bin, you can store them this way:

rompath\pacman\1.bin ... 2. bin ... 3.bin
rompath\pacman.zip (.rar/.7z)

where rompath is your set rompath (i.e. the parent folder of pacman in case of decompressed sets).
clrmamepro can scan both, type compressed and decompressed.
clrmamepro can also create rar/7z/zip files for you automatically (with the rebuilder)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Question about RAR'd files
« on: 03 June 2009, 17:49 »
The answer is yes, however I don't like the style you're asking for this answer.

You don't understand the basics:

clrmamepro scans sets.
Sets contain nothing and/or roms and/or samples and/or chds.
Decompressed sets are folders.
The used datfile defines the sets and so it defines the folderstructure.
You can either store your sets compressed: rompath\setname.zip/.rar/.7z
or decompressed rompath\setname\file 1.. file n
fixing rar files will only work when you defined an external packer as described in an earlier posting.

So....you should first understand the basics, then you won't be confused.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Lesminni ROM Auditor
« on: 03 June 2009, 13:00 »
clrmamepro is simple. There are docs, there are tutorials.

Basically a simple 3 step is all you need to do: profiler -> load a datfile, settings -> setup rompaths, scanner -> hit scan. That's it.

All you have to do is reading and of course you need some knowledge about rom auditing and basic terms. And I think the latter is missing on your side (no offense though).
It's clrmame *PRO*. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you don't want to spend a minimum time in learning how to use it, tough luck, try to find something else which suits you.

I doubt that your mentioned tool is as powerful as cmpro. Coming from its website:

- Display the ROMs internal info
- Calculate ROM Checksum
- Rename ROMs based on internal info or from a ClrMame DAT *Disabled*
- Export ROM list in ClrMame Pro Format
- Display the ROMs internal info

wow...what a feature list....but don't get me wrong... I fully respect what the author does. I appreciate and will also support any auditing tools author...but the upper list is maybe 1% of what cmpro does.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Lesminni ROM Auditor
« on: 03 June 2009, 07:23 »
clrmamepro works fine on a Mac using Crossover.

What clrmamepro does, well, it audits romsets. It compares the content of your harddisk/whatever with the definitions of the romsets in a datfile or an emulator binary.

Dat-O-Matic came about 10 years after clrmame was born and is only one little source of datfiles.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Question about RAR'd files
« on: 02 June 2009, 16:46 »
clrmamepro works with zip, 7z and rar archive files.

zip read/write internal
7z read internal, write external
rar read internal, write external

this means for 7z and rar you need an external packer (winrar.exe, 7z.exe per default) in your environment. Use settings->compressor->rar/7z for configuring a different one.

clrmamepro supports the standard scanning/rebuilding/merging methods:

rompath\setname\file 1 ... file n for decompressed sets
rompath\setname.zip(.rar/.7z) for compressed sets.

clrmame Discussion / Re: 3.126b & 7zipped files
« on: 24 May 2009, 18:16 »
Actually, the warnings window which shows the warning about the not matching hashvalue should list a 7z not enough memory right above that message...

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