clrmame Discussion / Re: App freezes when scanning specific DAT
« on: 02 June 2023, 06:00 »
Scanner->Advanced ->Fix Missing Options -> turn off "Deeper check for fixable missing files" and turn off "additionally test sha1/md5 matches.
Progetto Snaps collections use a lot of placeholder pngs where you usually have at least one copy available. So as soon as you miss one of such files, fix misssing (and the upper mentioned ones) look through all your rompaths/backup files...and that takes really long. And when the next missing file is detected it does the same over and over again.
So it's not freezing but it is busy like hell. For progetto snap collections, you should turn off all the fix-missing related stuff. The rebuilder should be used to add the missing parts instead.
Progetto Snaps collections use a lot of placeholder pngs where you usually have at least one copy available. So as soon as you miss one of such files, fix misssing (and the upper mentioned ones) look through all your rompaths/backup files...and that takes really long. And when the next missing file is detected it does the same over and over again.
So it's not freezing but it is busy like hell. For progetto snap collections, you should turn off all the fix-missing related stuff. The rebuilder should be used to add the missing parts instead.